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Dead Blue Sky appreciation

[Sep 12,2010 1:49pm - aaron_michael ""]

Did anyone get into this band back in the day?
I found their cd in my couch and have been blasting it all morning.
[Sep 12,2010 2:52pm - blue ""]
I loved the shit out of this band when I was but a wee tyke.
[Sep 12,2010 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
if you listened to a certain radio show you would have heard it a bunch lately.
[Sep 12,2010 3:20pm - aaron_michael ""]
If I hads das computers I would. My stereo doesn't pick up your farm land primitive signals.
No, but really? That's an awesome coincidence.
[Sep 14,2010 4:28pm - atthehauntedNLI  ""]
Def bad ass band. Wish I got to see them live.
[Sep 14,2010 4:36pm - the_reverend ""]
listen on your phone.
[Sep 14,2010 5:05pm - aaron_michael ""]
This is possible?
[Sep 14,2010 7:32pm - MikeOvDecrptvde  ""]
Backed. The recent bassist and original (but departed) 2nd guitarist of Mouth of the Architect went onto this band.
[Sep 14,2010 7:33pm - MikeOvDecrptvde  ""]
Actually, I meant came from, but yeah.

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