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Hey Randy Moss: Cool Camel Toe, Bro, Or: The NFL Season Starts This Week, Merry Christmas

[Sep 7,2010 7:29pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]


seriously though, its hard to pin down how the Pats will be this year considering how many young guys will be playing big roles for this team....a few things to consider:

1) as with every year, people make a big deal about a team's preseason when preseason never means anything in any sport

2) I think the Leigh Bodden injury could be devastating this year...as a silver lining, Devin McCourty will get a lot more valuable playing time in early, and Darius Butler will get a chance to shine...but if McCourty isn't a fast learn, things could get ugly right quick

3) Keep your eye on Brandon Deaderick this year...I have a feeling this guy is gonna be a very good player for years to come, and might possibly be the steal of this past draft when we look at it in 5 years (which is saying a lot considering Damian Williams was drafted in the 3rd round and Aaron Hernandez was drafted in the 4th round)

4) the Pats have a tough schedule this year in terms of opponents (only 4 pushovers, Lions, Browns and Bills twice), but that could be a blessing in disguise....young teams typically play up or down to their competition, and considering that they're playing formidable teams for 3/4ths of their schedule, they could play more up than down this year

....that's all I got for now....
[Sep 7,2010 7:37pm - SkinSandwich ""]
9-7 year
[Sep 7,2010 7:57pm - tylor69  ""]
10-6, wild card weekend exit. another great year for the offense (moss in a contract year, finally some good TEs for brady to throw to), but i have no hope for the defense, especially up the middle. teams are gonna run all over them
[Sep 7,2010 8:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
8-8 year.
[Sep 7,2010 8:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Sep 7,2010 8:45pm - Pires ""]
16-0 just because I drafted Brady.

[Sep 7,2010 9:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll go with a hopeful 11-5
[Sep 7,2010 9:33pm - Dankill  ""]
10-6 w/ the defence slowly getting better but still having holes. I can hope Cunningham or god help us even Crable gets with the program and helps the pass rush.
The offense I think is gonna surprise a lot of teams this year.
[Sep 7,2010 10:05pm - DreadKill ""]
The defense will be terrible this year, one of the worst in the league. Offense will be one of the best in the league. They'll win a lot of shootouts, but will come out on the losing end against green bay and Baltimore. They'll make the playoffs and lose in the first round like last year.
[Sep 7,2010 11:20pm - DrewBlood ""]
[Sep 8,2010 12:23pm - xmikex ""]
I acutally think McCourty is a better CB than Darius Butler, and I love Butler's potential. I'm fearful that Butler will lapse into one of those 2nd year corner slumps where he's still trying to put the game together. McCourty plays a really similar style to Bodden, and might even be a better tackler. He gets to the ball quick, and I haven't once seen him try to shoulder check a guy like fuckin Wilhite is STILL doing in his 3rd year.

Whatever the case, drafting a corner in the 1st looks a lot smarter now than it did 5 months ago. From what I've read, Jared Odrick is struggling some to pick up the Dolphins defense, so maybe he wasn't the clear cut best choice afterall.

The McGowan loss is going to hurt us worse. I think Belichick had planned on going with a safety heavy D to make up for the corner depth. I saw Pat Chung manning up on tight ends a lot in preseason which makes me think they're breaking away from the Dean Pees Cover-11 defense that consistently took the safeties out of the equation. I don't hate the Jarad Page acquisition at all. He was a productive safety in KC that got squeezed out by Eric Berry.

Deaderick is a guy I admittedly haven't been paying a ton of attention to. 14 game starter for the Crimson Tide, 23 tackles, 9 TFL. It could be possible that his efforts got eclipsed by fatass Terrence Cody, but Alabama's d-line was pretty sick last season. The fact that he made the 53 man roster over a handful of veterans is an encouraging sign.

Ron Brace looked good at defensive end. A whole lot better than he did in that phony 4-3 DT role they had for him last year. I think that left DE spot might be his by the end of the season.

Derrick Burgess getting cut was actually kind of a relief. He made some plays from the 4-3, and nickel packages last year and should have knocked Adalius Thomas off the depth chart completely. But the guy looked like shit playing OLB in a 3-4. There was a great line in Mike Reiss' blog where Marques Murrell was working on building a table in his garage when someone came in and told him Burgess had been cut. He said he just kept working.

Reiss keeps saying that Jermaine Cunningham is almost ready to return to practice but I feel like he's been saying that for a few now.

And what happened to Julian Edelman?

You want my thoughts on the RB situation... don't count out Maroney. If you consider Maroney third on the depth chart right now, consider who's in front of him... Fragile Fred Taylor and the equally injury prone Sammy Morris. The lack of pre season snaps might have been intended as a wake up call to him. The guy is a good running back something just needs to click in his brain that he has to do things a certain way.

And for fuck's sake. Get Logan Mankins on the goddamn field. What a pussy.
[Sep 8,2010 1:11pm - xmikex ""]
I love Gronkowski, but what the fuuuuck was Laurinaitis doing on this play trying to put him in a heel hook? What a pitiful attempt at a tackle. I hope linebackers cowering at the sight of this dude is a trend that continues.


[Sep 8,2010 1:13pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Sep 8,2010 1:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
The Detroit fucking Lions will have a better D this year.
[Sep 8,2010 1:21pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
that may be true, they have a solid D

its hard to know considering the Pats will be starting 5 or 6 players with 3 year of experience or less (Chung, Butler, McCourty, Mayo, Spikes, possibly Cunningham)..no way of knowing for sure how good or bad this D will be until at least 8 weeks in
[Sep 8,2010 1:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
There's something wrong when the Lions have a better D or O than the Pats.
[Sep 8,2010 1:29pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
not necessarily...whoever took over for Millen is doing a damn good job over there (although thy should've taken Okung over Suh to protect Stafford's blindside)....the Lions might be better than we all think
[Sep 8,2010 1:32pm - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:The Detroit fucking Lions will have a better D this year.

I can name 3 players on the Lions defense without looking at their depth chart. Upon actually looking at their depth chart I can comfortably say that there are only 4 players that would make a 53 man roster on a better team.
[Sep 8,2010 1:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just want to see the Lions win something - anything. Horrible franchise for a horrible city that has horribly done nothing my whole life.
[Sep 8,2010 2:03pm - xmikex ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:....the Lions might be better than we all think

physically impossible for them to be worse than anyone thinks
[Sep 8,2010 2:05pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
lol true...but I think they will at least be mediocre (5-8 wins)
[Sep 8,2010 2:31pm - xmikex ""]
I count 6 win-able games for the Lions. On a side note, even their website is awful, and promotes "all you cat eat seats." Their inability to fill seats is actually a little sad.
[Sep 8,2010 2:44pm - xmikex ""]
Cunningham back at practice today.

Also lol@
“I don’t do Twitter, My Face, or any of that stuff,” Belichick said...
[Sep 8,2010 2:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
My Face? hahahah
[Sep 8,2010 2:55pm - SkinSandwich ""]

[Sep 9,2010 5:05pm - sethrich ""]

arilliusbm said:I just want to see the Lions win something - anything. Horrible franchise for a horrible city that has horribly done nothing my whole life.

I think they're going to surprise Chicago this week and maybe steal one.

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