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Attn: Blue, additional tone whores - Peavey 6505+ 120w

[Sep 3,2010 10:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Will be getting me one'a these dealies shortly - thing's had probably 40 hours of playing time on it so far, current tubes should still be pretty shiny.

I've seen the modded Tube Screamer talk, probably gonna get one at some point. What else should I know about this amp? The clean channel doesn't seem to get a lot of love - anything to do about that?
[Sep 3,2010 10:34am - ark  ""]
this will sound nice with the 5150 tube bong
[Sep 3,2010 10:47am - arilliusbm ""]
DYA upgrading equipment...
[Sep 3,2010 10:49am - arilliusbm ""]
Encyclopedia Bluetanica
[Sep 3,2010 11:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ark said:this will sound nice with the 5150 tube bong

It's not a truck, it's a series of tubes.
[Sep 3,2010 11:33am - blue ""]
The clean channel doesn't get much love beacuse its nothing to write home about. Doesn't stay that clean, especially if you're using high output pickups. Just make sure you keep the pre gain down really low and use your neck pickup if you want to get anything decently useable out of it.

And if you're going to be using a tubescreamer (for boosting I hope?) You're going to want a noise gate as well.
[Sep 3,2010 1:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

blue said:The clean channel doesn't get much love beacuse its nothing to write home about. Doesn't stay that clean, especially if you're using high output pickups. Just make sure you keep the pre gain down really low and use your neck pickup if you want to get anything decently useable out of it.

And if you're going to be using a tubescreamer (for boosting I hope?) You're going to want a noise gate as well.

This, with the mid-boost that's already in my axe, equals SHIT YES NOISE GATE. A noisy setup, I'm fully aware. LOL
[Sep 4,2010 12:55am - ernie ""]
my only complaint about this amp is that it has a clean channel at all. who the fuck uses that shit anymore??? get one of these

how much are you buying it for? i was thinking about trading mine for something but changed my mind. i think. ill bet ill be pissed if i get rid of it but they seem easy enough to find so fuck it,..
[Sep 6,2010 4:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm paying 800 for it; it's got about 40 hours of playing on it, and the dude who's selling it is a complete OCD gear Nazi so I know it's been taken care of.

I've got a Boss Metalizer (it's basically a stero Metalzone with chorus - except that the chorus and second channel don't work on this one, so it's pretty much just a Metalzone) that I just replaced as the distortion in my bass rig, maybe I'll use that as a boost until I stumble across a Tube Screamer.
[Sep 6,2010 8:57am - reimroc ""]
but if you reduce the noise how are you supposed to decimate people?
[Sep 6,2010 9:31am - Martins ""]
Tubescreamer clone for cheap: http://www.guitarfetish.com/Greenie-Classi...Tube-Screamerquot-tones_p_1075.html

Seriously, it's the same circuit (even uses the original op amp type) but probably with cheaper pots.
[Sep 6,2010 12:48pm - immortal13 ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I'm paying 800 for it; it's got about 40 hours of playing on it, and the dude who's selling it is a complete OCD gear Nazi so I know it's been taken care of.

I've got a Boss Metalizer (it's basically a stero Metalzone with chorus - except that the chorus and second channel don't work on this one, so it's pretty much just a Metalzone) that I just replaced as the distortion in my bass rig, maybe I'll use that as a boost until I stumble across a Tube Screamer.

how does the metalzone sound on a bass? I've been curious to find that out.
[Sep 6,2010 3:15pm - blue ""]
Metalzones sound great on bass (if that's the sound you're going for) due to the 4 band EQ that it has, allows you to tailor a much better low end.
[Sep 7,2010 6:22pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
if you need clean (which ive been in need of lately) theres a company called in New York Voodoo that claims to improve everything about Peavy amps..

Not saying you should go ahead and send out the amp you just got, but if it comes time to change tubes or you just get tired of the sound...

I haven't tried it yet but has gotten good reviews all around, and I will probably take my 5150 to them cause I am scared about doing tubes myself. I guess they can get fucked if they're not biased properly after new tubes or something like that.

hope the new amp works out.
[Sep 7,2010 6:25pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Dr. Know ran an ill mod on my Plexi
[Sep 7,2010 7:01pm - Martins ""]

My_Dying_Bride said:if you need clean (which ive been in need of lately) theres a company called in New York Voodoo that claims to improve everything about Peavy amps..

Not saying you should go ahead and send out the amp you just got, but if it comes time to change tubes or you just get tired of the sound...

I haven't tried it yet but has gotten good reviews all around, and I will probably take my 5150 to them cause I am scared about doing tubes myself. I guess they can get fucked if they're not biased properly after new tubes or something like that.

hope the new amp works out.

Biasing tubes is not 100% necessary. Either they're biased too hot and die a little earlier (relatively) while sounding absolutely amazing or they're biased too cold, last longer, and don't sound as good (relatively).
[Sep 7,2010 8:14pm - ernie ""]
my favorite amp was an old voodoo witchdoctor back before he started making them commercially it was built into a shitty old PA head. that thing was sick and i wish i never got rid of it.
[Sep 7,2010 10:56pm - blender_method ""]

Martins said:Tubescreamer clone for cheap: http://www.guitarfetish.com/Greenie-Classi...Tube-Screamerquot-tones_p_1075.html

Seriously, it's the same circuit (even uses the original op amp type) but probably with cheaper pots.

This makes me have a gear boner. I think I'll have to get this. :o
[Sep 8,2010 7:03am - blue ""]
Yeah, I heavily examined that as well. GuitarFetish has gotten in some delicious new items.
[Sep 8,2010 9:15am - reimroc ""]

reimroc said:but if you reduce the noise how are you supposed to decimate people?
[Sep 8,2010 9:22am - Marti NLI  ""]

blender_method said:
Martins said:Tubescreamer clone for cheap: http://www.guitarfetish.com/Greenie-Classi...Tube-Screamerquot-tones_p_1075.html

Seriously, it's the same circuit (even uses the original op amp type) but probably with cheaper pots.

This makes me have a gear boner. I think I'll have to get this. :o

I've been using a TS5 I modded into a TS808 in front of my rig and it absolutely destroys. If the Greenie is anything like that, it's the balls. I could probably mod it into an 808 for you if it's not already one.

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