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[Jan 14,2003 6:30am - bloodykisses ""]
i'm in teh need for new music
all i've been listening to is ska lately
(i know i know. shhhhh)
so yeah
someone should make me a cd
of bands i've never heard of
because it's always good to hear new bands
[Jan 14,2003 12:27pm - black man w/ gun  ""]
Flesh Parade
Flesh Feast
Hate Eternal

just some listening suggestions..
[Jan 14,2003 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]
you are so right on the Flesh Feast.
this is a band that should be well known but isn't.
Just this weekend, I introduced Babysbreath to FF.
Eben, what do you think of them?
[Jan 24,2003 5:27pm - babysbreath ""]
that was me (black man w/ gun) for some reason that day my computer wouldnt log into rttp!

i cant stop listening to FF
[Jan 30,2003 2:14am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Andrew W.K. (their drummer was in Obituary or some lame shit like that)
Tapping The Vein
The Icarus Line...

all of those bands r0x0r!:shocked::shocked:

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