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DAT to cd transfer needed

[Aug 18,2010 2:25pm - Vaettir ""]

I'm in need of a transfer from master DAT tapes to CD. If you have the hardware to do so please email me at blizzardmetal@Hotmail.com or reply here....thanks!:cd:
[Aug 18,2010 2:38pm - SLAG NLI  ""]
Good luck gents. I don't currently know of anyone that has a DAT machine, but I will keep my ears peeled.
[Aug 18,2010 2:50pm - Vaettir ""]
thanks man. I can pick up a used one but they are still pricey. it's for a demo I recorded back in '96
[Aug 18,2010 3:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I have a DAT.
[Aug 18,2010 3:34pm - Vaettir ""]
rev-can you hook it up to a cdrw?
[Aug 18,2010 3:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I would have to record it to a computer and then burn it. I'm not sure if the computer has a digital out on it. Monday, I'll see what the DAT has for outputs. If it's got spdif or aes/ebu, I can't probably transfer it straight to a CF card. What is the DAT tape set for? I think my DAT does up to 96Khz
[Aug 18,2010 4:06pm - Vaettir ""]
ok I just looked at the tapes...mind you its been 14 years since I've seen these...they are Hi8 format. I didn't realize a studio would back up audio on a Hi8! ugh...
[Aug 18,2010 10:29pm - mike29 ""]
Drohm on CD or GTFO!!
[Aug 18,2010 10:33pm - Vaettir ""]
Yeah I want to do a 15th anniversary release of "A Winter's Burial" next year. Pretty sure the studio I recorded at (West Sound in Londonderry) is gone...what to do....
[Aug 18,2010 10:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I think that you will have a better chance of finding a studio with hi8 than a DAT. Btw: Londonderry is nothing but snobs and former rich kids. Fuck that town. Go ASTROS!
[Aug 18,2010 11:01pm - Vaettir ""]
Yes, and just south of that you have all the criminals in Derry and Salem!
[Aug 18,2010 11:06pm - the_reverend ""]
People from Derry are the salt of the earth. Salem however is almost all scum.

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