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[Aug 4,2010 4:49pm - the_reverend ""]
not me, but this guy
he's banging.
[Aug 4,2010 4:49pm - Archaeon ""]
Aaron is hammered.
[Aug 4,2010 4:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only orgies are real.
[Aug 4,2010 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
that guy made babies.
[Aug 4,2010 4:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
does fapping in the ladies room count?
[Aug 4,2010 5:00pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Sticking your dick in a urinal drain does not.
[Aug 4,2010 5:08pm - the_reverend ""]
both do in my book
[Aug 4,2010 5:11pm - death.  ""]
do parking lot blow jorbs count?
[Aug 4,2010 5:12pm - the_reverend ""]
is that samantha?
[Aug 4,2010 5:16pm - death.  ""]
nah, im just a nigga who likes blow jobs
[Aug 4,2010 5:16pm - death.  ""]
in parking lots
[Aug 4,2010 7:07pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

the_reverend said:not me, but this guy
he's banging.

terrified skinhead is terrified
[Aug 4,2010 7:21pm - Aegathis ""]
looks like 2 chicks to me
[Aug 4,2010 8:25pm - arktouros ""]
A+ for effort and thread title.
[Aug 4,2010 8:33pm - the_reverend ""]
C- for the MTers. Apparently the only one getting any is dan and sam and pukeface.
[Aug 4,2010 11:53pm - Samantha ""]

the_reverend said:is that samantha?

No. I'm too classy for the parking lot. Only chicks who puke on Darkwor are real.

Aegathis said:looks like 2 chicks to me

You, sir are correct! It is 2 chicks.

[Aug 5,2010 12:16am - Alexecutioner ""]

Samantha said:
the_reverend said:is that samantha?

No. I'm too classy for the parking lot. Only chicks who puke on Darkwor are real.

[Aug 5,2010 12:22am - the_reverend ""]
Mouth herpes.
[Aug 5,2010 12:45am - ernie ""]

[Aug 5,2010 7:03am - MetalThursday ""]
[Aug 5,2010 7:09am - MetalThursday ""]

the_reverend said:[img]
that guy made babies.

Yeah, but the impregnation happened the day of the Satyricon / Zircon show at the Palladium last year, not Metal Thursday.
[Aug 5,2010 8:50am - the_reverend ""]
Said that you are married so yoou can pinpoint the day. It's like when the simpsons built the house for flanders "this is the room sith electricity"
[Aug 5,2010 10:09am - i_am_not_me ""]

the_reverend said:Said that you are married so yoou can pinpoint the day. It's like when the simpsons built the house for flanders "this is the room sith electricity"

Sith electricity? Didn't think Homer had access to the dark side of the force. (Was that Bart's doing?)
[Aug 5,2010 10:39am - Yeti ""]

the_reverend said:Said that you are married so yoou can pinpoint the day. It's like when the simpsons built the house for flanders "this is the room sith electricity"

this is the room with electricity. but it has too much electricity, so, i don't know, you might want to wear a hat.
[Aug 5,2010 10:41am - MetalThursday ""]

the_reverend said:Said that you are married so yoou can pinpoint the day. It's like when the simpsons built the house for flanders "this is the room sith electricity"

When you're actively trying to make a baby and keeping track of ovulation dates and all that shit, it's not difficult to pinpoint at all.
[Aug 5,2010 10:41am - Yeti ""]
lots of people get raped during some Metal Thursday's.
[Aug 5,2010 11:44am - the_reverend ""]

MetalThursday said:
the_reverend said:Said that you are married so yoou can pinpoint the day. It's like when the simpsons built the house for flanders "this is the room sith electricity"

When you're actively trying to make a baby and keeping track of ovulation dates and all that shit, it's not difficult to pinpoint at all.

that is all BS and just guesses.
[Aug 5,2010 11:51am - MetalThursday ""]
ITT: rev takes me to school on reproductive biology
[Aug 5,2010 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
are you hitting on me?
[Aug 5,2010 12:21pm - aaron_michael ""]
I just get my beer poured out in front of me at Metal Thursdays :(
[Aug 5,2010 12:48pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Samantha said:
the_reverend said:is that samantha?

No. I'm too classy for the parking lot. Only chicks who puke on Darkwor are real.

Hahaha, this is just good science.
[Aug 5,2010 1:04pm - TIMMA ""]

aaron_michael said:I just get my beer poured out in front of me at Metal Thursdays :(

Srsly. Pouring out our Narragansets in front of a giant mural that says "HAVE A 'GANSET!" will never make sense to me.

[Aug 6,2010 7:52am - MetalThursday ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:does fapping in the ladies room count?

[Aug 6,2010 10:00am - the_reverend ""]

TIMMA said:
aaron_michael said:I just get my beer poured out in front of me at Metal Thursdays :(

Srsly. Pouring out our Narragansets in front of a giant mural that says "HAVE A 'GANSET!" will never make sense to me.


Was there.
[Aug 6,2010 11:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

MetalThursday said:
FuckIsMySignature said:does fapping in the ladies room count?


hahahaha i love that pic
[Aug 6,2010 6:14pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]

ernie said:

Cocks were landed upon. 'Twas a sight to see. :spineyes:
[Aug 7,2010 12:05am - OUR FOOD YOUR GULLET  ""]

Samantha said:
Aegathis said:looks like 2 chicks to me

You, sir are correct! It is 2 chicks.

[Aug 8,2010 12:09am - MetalThursday ""]

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