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Hide your husbands, cuz they rapin everybody out here

[Jul 30,2010 12:00pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Jul 30,2010 12:01pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
The streets of Huntsville, Alabama WILL be cleaned of criminal elements, y’all! Feast upon this blessed business. Antoine Dodson helped his sister beat off a rapist, and then he and sis took to the cameras to inform Mr. Sinister that grossness like that will not be tolerated. This is what Kick-Ass shoulda been (with the exception of Hit Girl, she should be in everything). Screw the green bodysuit, all you need to fend off evil-doers is a do-rag, a popped hip, and some shade. PRANCE, Antoine, PRANCE. Ganked from Crunk & Disorderly.

p.s. It gets better. Antoine’s sister knows she’s pretty, thank you, but she didn’t need some fool climbing up in her window in the LP. Thanks.
[Jul 30,2010 12:06pm - DreadKill ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said: Antoine Dodson helped his sister beat off a rapist

if you're agreeing to beat him off, is it really rape?
[Jul 30,2010 2:45pm - #1 Opeth Fan  ""]
Rape is exciting, if it's handsome musclebound Nordic man. I'm going to have to blog about this on my iPhone.

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