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So i think I may have found the worst band on Century Media...

[Jul 27,2010 8:17am - Phrozenspite ""]

[Jul 27,2010 8:33am - Archaeon ""]
cool facepaint.
[Jul 27,2010 8:43am - SkinSandwich ""]

[Jul 27,2010 8:47am - the_reverend ""]
damn it, another crow movie?
[Jul 27,2010 8:57am - Slag NLI  ""]
I always knew Beezle was going to do big things.
[Jul 27,2010 9:04am - RustyPS ""]
I'd submit that Iwrestledabearonce and Arsonists get All the Girls are worse than this

and I've never heard the band Vampires Everywhere!, but judging by their name/band photo, I'm just gonna assume they are also pretty bad
[Jul 27,2010 12:52pm - t2daeek ""]
sounds to me like slipknot fucked lacuna coil.
iwrestledabearonce tears this bands face off. i'm not saying they're my favorite band or that they're legitimately popular on their songwriting merit, but everyone in iwabo plays their ass off and they're supposed to put on a good show too.
this band looks like my high school theatre friends moved into mom and dad's basement and started playing dress up.
[Jul 27,2010 12:54pm - DreadKill ""]
that vampires everywhere band is far worse than this
[Jul 27,2010 1:19pm - Sacreligion ""]
Lacuna Cyrus?
[Jul 28,2010 8:41am - ShadowSD ""]
Actually, this is pretty decent, I don't see the objection.

The singer is a bit more poppy and at times a touch more shrill than Scabbia from Lacuna Coil, which is probably why I don't like it quite as much, but I don't see any other problems with it; music seems fine. Certainly far better than Slipknot who they were being compared to above, that's for sure.
[Jul 28,2010 8:47am - DeäthVömit  ""]
Yep. Fuckin' horrible. They'll be huge.
[Jul 28,2010 9:09am - Lich_King ""]
That doesn't beat I Wrestled A Bear Once. Not even close.
[Jul 28,2010 9:12am - largefreakatzero ""]
Awful, but not any worse than the other horrible shit on the market right now.
[Jul 28,2010 9:19am - boxxy ""]

ShadowSD said:Actually, this is pretty decent, I don't see the objection.

The singer is a bit more poppy and at times a touch more shrill than Scabbia from Lacuna Coil, which is probably why I don't like it quite as much, but I don't see any other problems with it; music seems fine. Certainly far better than Slipknot who they were being compared to above, that's for sure.

this poster saying these things should come as no surprise to anyone who's heard their band. Don't forget suicide dream is female fronted goth-metal.
[Jul 28,2010 10:09am - the_reverend ""]
I like iwabo.. I don't like this, but nothing is as gay as vampire everywhere.
[Jul 28,2010 10:10am - SacInDartmouth  ""]
Is that the band where that dude smokes a cigarette in the beginning of the video to try to look badass but you can see him start to cough when they edit away from it?
[Jul 28,2010 10:13am - Doomkid ""]
If her accent wasn't so thick and ugly when she was singing this would probably be improved. Sing in yar own language if you can't speak English!
[Jul 28,2010 10:16am - boblovesmusic ""]
I gotta say I like this! It's catchy.
[Jul 28,2010 10:20am - boxxy ""]
of course you do.
[Jul 28,2010 10:28am - ShadowSD ""]

boxxy said:this poster saying these things should come as no surprise to anyone who's heard their band. Don't forget suicide dream is female fronted goth-metal.

I don't see why any fan of metal would actively hate what the instruments are doing in this song - the vocals are one thing because she's kind of shrill and it gets annoying - but I don't see why the music would sound so atrocious as to be the Worst Thing Ever, although I can understand if it's not your thing; I know some people only like to listen to faster and/or heavier shit, which is fine, but other than the vocals I don't get what could be so horribly offensive about this song.
[Jul 28,2010 10:30am - SacInDartmouth  ""]
It's more or less the band. Gimmicky music with gimmicky female singer with a gimmicky look. They're like the Ke$ha of metal.
[Jul 28,2010 12:21pm - narkybark ""]
i sure do love autotune
[Jul 28,2010 1:26pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I enjoy the fact that I've only heard maybe 1 or 2 of the bands mentioned in this thread.
[Jul 28,2010 1:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Thought this was about TROUBLE. Am disappointed.
[Jul 28,2010 2:42pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
I was bored of this shit by the 4th upclose shot of the female's obviously Hot Topic dress. I like a lot of mainstream stuff, I'll be the first to admit, but I will NOT stand for anymore of that sleep-inducing D-tuned nonsense for more than 18 seconds. Fuck.
[Jul 28,2010 7:07pm - Fist  ""]
how does this shit get signed? this is some like 14 year old band youd see at the trance buddha back in the day.
[Jul 29,2010 12:57am - Alx_Casket ""]
So unremarkable. As entertaining with or without sound.
[Jul 29,2010 9:33am - t2daeek ""]

ShadowSD said:Actually, this is pretty decent, I don't see the objection.

The singer is a bit more poppy and at times a touch more shrill than Scabbia from Lacuna Coil, which is probably why I don't like it quite as much, but I don't see any other problems with it; music seems fine. Certainly far better than Slipknot who they were being compared to above, that's for sure.

i compare them to lacuna coil because it's fuckin pop goth rock. i compare it to slipknot because they use a lot of that ultra over cooked 90's tribal drum groove.
they go together like lamb and tuna fish.
[Jul 29,2010 9:35am - t2daeek ""]

Alx_Casket said:So unremarkable. As entertaining with or without sound.

yea man. i can't figure out how someone could hear this and be like "whoa, that's my favorite band."

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