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the network at the aviary

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[May 2,2004 8:02pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
The Network
Pray For A Plague
Shaniqua And The Skullfuckers
Away In A Dream

introducing a new fog machine system,
pony rides and a mini trampoline specifically designed for high altitude spinkicks.

formal dresscode strictly enforced!
[May 2,2004 8:03pm - succubus ""]
where is the Aviary and when?
[May 2,2004 8:04pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
103 court st. dover NH, 7:00, may 8th
[May 2,2004 8:06pm - succubus ""]
excellent thanks! hopefully i can make it
[May 4,2004 3:48pm - anonymous  ""]
these pony rides are for real!!!!! and the fog machine is out of this world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 4,2004 3:58pm - boobtoucher ""]
succubus said:excellent thanks! hopefully i can make it

u damn straight you'll be there and you bring your hot posse of chicas for the network's pleasure!

p.s. bring the rev as well
[May 4,2004 4:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
vital remains in providence that day :-/
[May 4,2004 4:47pm - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
Ahhh, yes. the_network and friends make a triumphant return to court street. I vote to rearrange Bannister's furniture. Again.
[May 5,2004 6:08am - silky ""]
court st. grindcore rain supreme!!!! fucking be there!!!
[May 5,2004 3:03pm - birthrites ""]
even though people will probably beat the shit out of me for being a 'scenester' i will be there. drunk and ready for pony rides and the_network.
[May 6,2004 6:55am - silky ""]
thats all we ask is that you be there....drunk.
pony's galore.!!!
[May 6,2004 11:57am - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
hey I got some email from this kid in Cujo saying we're playing this...is that true? If not, can we? thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com we're from Arlington, MA and we can rock pretty hard...get in touch!
[May 6,2004 5:58pm - silky ""]
the taste of silver will infact be playing, although away in a dream had to cancel, sadly. and I think this one man grind act called "cujo" will be there. he aked to play, and I said he could, but I never heard from him again.
[May 6,2004 6:06pm - ieatpeople4god ""]
"ken haskell" might play this show if they can, "away in a dream" is sorry they can't play but are looking forward to playing their first show sometime soon. Be at this show, you'll wont regret it!
[May 8,2004 1:04pm - ieatpeople4god ""]
Make sure all your punk asses are here tonight you don't want to miss shaniqua's acoustic halfset it will be madness brotha!

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