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ATTN: Scaphism

[Jul 22,2010 10:29am - RichHorror ""]
You guys should tour with Scaphism from CT, Scaphism from NY and Scaphism from VEGA$
[Jul 22,2010 10:33am - boblovesmusic ""]
I'd go to this show haha
[Jul 22,2010 10:34am - RichHorror ""]
ITT: difficulties finding the correct Scaphism page
[Jul 22,2010 10:44am - ShadowSD ""]
As a descendant of ancient Persians, I approve of this thread.
[Jul 22,2010 10:45am - Yeti ""]
the only other Scaphism i've found was from Florida, but they broke up last year or the year before.
[Jul 22,2010 10:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol i thought there was just a scaphism from florida that has since disbanded.

our myspace is www.myspace.com/scaphismofficial
[Jul 22,2010 10:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
damn you tony
[Jul 22,2010 10:49am - RichHorror ""]
I searched on MySpace for the name since I'm too lazy to just look in our friends list, and there was a page of Scaphism... none of which were the band I was actually looking for.
[Jul 22,2010 11:01am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we've been had!
[Jul 22,2010 11:03am - arilliusbm ""]

ShadowSD said:As a descendant of ancient Persians

I hope you had relatives in Persepolis
[Jul 22,2010 11:25am - aaron_michael ""]
I disagree, it’s a very good game, but I think Donkey Kong is the best game ever
[Jul 22,2010 12:17pm - narkybark ""]
I'mma let you finish
[Jul 22,2010 12:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
change name to Skaffism. More hip.
[Jul 22,2010 12:32pm - Alexecutioner ""]
The problem with the other Scaphism bands is that they think just because they make a MySpace page and record a shitty guitar riff in their basement that they are now a band haha. I don't think anyone else Is actively using the name doing shows
[Jul 22,2010 12:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:change name to Skaffism. More hip.

i like Skaphizm better. the "z" emphasizes our nu-metal roots.
[Jul 22,2010 12:37pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 22,2010 12:39pm - Alexecutioner ""]
[Jul 22,2010 12:45pm - ShadowSD ""]

arilliusbm said:
ShadowSD said:As a descendant of ancient Persians

I hope you had relatives in Persepolis

Well I exaggerated just a bit for the sake of the reference, while I am 100% Iranian/Persian and directly descendant from a King in the 1830's back when the country was the biggest empire on Earth (pretty crazy huh), from what I understand the Ancient "Persians" were slightly different ethnically from "Iranians" or something like that so I'm actually not descendant from the former. I don't entirely understand it, as I had previously always thought the terms Persian and Iranian entirely interchangable; I guess if you go back far enough, there's a difference.
[Jul 22,2010 12:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
There is a huge difference. Most modern Iranians are of Arabic descent. Persian descent = lighter skin, lighter eyes. Granted, most are a cobination of both today. There's actually a Persian neo Nazi movement that rejects Arabic blood.
[Jul 22,2010 12:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've seen alot of picture of Iran... looks like very beautiful country. shame we'll probably bomb the shit out of it.
[Jul 22,2010 12:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
they portray it as such a shitty place in our media. In reality, it's quite the opposite.
[Jul 22,2010 1:14pm - ShadowSD ""]

arilliusbm said:There is a huge difference. Most modern Iranians are of Arabic descent.

Is that exactly correct? My mom reminded me once as a child that we Iranians are not Arabs, that we're actually techically white; also, I was under the impression that Iranian came from the term Aryan, the name of the race that came from what later became Russia thousands of years ago. The Arabs then conquered Iran over a thousand years ago, which is why the alphabets have a few shared letters, a shared script, and why Islam is there. There are certainly Arabs in Iran as well but I had thought they were a sizable minority, not a majority. But I could be wrong.
[Jul 22,2010 1:15pm - ShadowSD ""]

arilliusbm said:they portray it as such a shitty place in our media. In reality, it's quite the opposite.

Very true, it's beautiful there.
[Jul 22,2010 1:19pm - ShadowSD ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i've seen alot of picture of Iran... looks like very beautiful country. shame we'll probably bomb the shit out of it.

Not for at least six or seven years at least, from then on I wish I could be as sure we weren't going to.
[Jul 22,2010 1:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just checked my factbook and it's 51% Persian. 98% of the country is Islamic, but it is that high because it is somewhat forced upon the. Your mom is right though, true Persians are white.
[Jul 22,2010 1:27pm - ShadowSD ""]
Actually, my parents have said to me to me that our family is a). white, b). Iranian, and yet c). NOT descendant from ancient Persians.

So I think we may be superimposing the Persian vs. Iranian and Iranian vs. Arab dichotomies when they are in fact not identical. I'll have to look more into it...
[Jul 22,2010 1:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
I mean, it's not that big of a deal.. Unless it's comforting to you to NOT have Arabic blood in you. Then again, I have utmost respect for pre-Ialamic Arabs; or rather, those who lived nearby. Babylon? Awesome. Urak and Ur? Awesome. Ancient Arabia? Awesome. Hittites? Awesome. Israel? Wait, what are Ashkenazim non-Semitic people doing there again?
[Jul 22,2010 1:58pm - ShadowSD ""]

arilliusbm said:Unless it's comforting to you to NOT have Arabic blood in you.

I find having the blood in me comfortable, wherever it may have come from; no matter its origin, I'm not about to part with it until absolutely necessary.
[Jul 22,2010 2:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
Good answer
[Jul 22,2010 2:15pm - ShadowSD ""]
I'd be a fool to think otherwise, my wife was born in Uruguay, so our daughter is half and half. A broader gene pool means healthier children; the same shrinking gene pool replicating itself can lead to a greater risk of maladies and diseases such as wearing pointy hats, listening to Rush Limbaugh, and watching Fox News.
[Jul 22,2010 2:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just wish I was black.
[Jul 22,2010 2:24pm - ShadowSD ""]
Hey we're all descendant from a lady in Africa, so close enough...
[Jul 22,2010 2:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
Hey. That's still a theory. Just sayin'.
I like the Lyran War theory better
[Jul 22,2010 2:42pm - Alexecutioner ""]

RichHorror said:ITT: difficulties finding the correct Scaphism page

you shoulda googled us kid

[Jul 22,2010 2:44pm - RichHorror ""]

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