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Jul 29 (Thu) - Metal Thursday XCIX: Necronomichrist, Mowgli, Holding Steady the Heartbeat of Hell, Dhoulmagus - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

July 29 @ Ralph's - Metal Thursday XCIX: Necronomichrist, Mowgli, Holding Steady the Heartbeat of Hell, Dhoulmagus

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 15,2010 3:05am - Samantha ""]



[Jul 15,2010 3:08am - boblovesmusic ""]
Holding Steady... sounds awesome! haha
[Jul 15,2010 4:14am - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jul 21,2010 9:11pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
[Jul 26,2010 12:55am - Samantha ""]
Up for Chris' son's poopie diapers.
[Jul 26,2010 12:58am - William Alexander  ""]
Dad, I know this is a bad time to tell you, but I'm having wet dreams about the singer for Mowgli
[Jul 26,2010 9:12am - MetalThursday ""]
Rev, I mean - Son, it's OK. Daddy had the same thoughts when they played MT last year. Now let's go have a beer.
[Jul 26,2010 11:33am - DreadKill ""]
these bands all have funny names? was that on purpose? (also, not a knock on the bands' music at all. i just think the names are all a bit peculiar.)
[Jul 28,2010 6:06am - William Alexander  ""]
Daddy, does mommy make beer, too? Why does she only give me milk?
[Jul 29,2010 4:56am - -|-  ""]
[Jul 30,2010 10:29am - boblovesmusic ""]
this was a cool show! Very bizarre after show trip to the Kenmore... very bizarre...

Dhoulmagus - awesome music but the lead vocalist kinda looked and sounded out of place (and not in a good way)

Holding Steady... - exceeded my expectations! Really liked these guys!

Mowgli - They've improved since the last time I saw them! They added juice and another drum kit to their sound!

Necronomichrist - Great mosh!
[Jul 30,2010 10:29am - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jul 30,2010 11:21am - WarriorOfMetal ""]
Dhoulmagus was SO close to sounding ridiculously badass, but I agree with Wren on the vocalist...that, plus one of the guitarists sounded like absolute shit with some horrible distortion pedal. That, and they're currently bassist-less.

Bizarre is a good word for that Kenmore trip, too!

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