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[Jul 14,2010 2:01pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
one of Bill Murrays best, and Richard Dreyfus is excellent in it


[Bob and Siggy are jumping on their beds, faking Tourette's syndrome]
Bob Wiley: Shit-for-brains!
Siggy: Butthead!
Bob Wiley: Dingleberry butt!
Siggy: Snot face!
Bob Wiley: Vulture Vomit!
Siggy: Turkey tits! Belch breath!

Bob Wiley: Goodbye, rat-dick suck-nut!
Siggy: [upstairs] Bye, dog-pissing-barf!
Dr. Leo Marvin: [screams from the bottom of the stairs] Sigmund!
Bob Wiley: Later, testicle-head bosom-beaver!
[looks out the window]
Bob Wiley: Good Morning America's here!

[The Marvins have told Bob to leave, and they are saying their farewells]
Siggy: Goodbye, green-puking pissant.
Bob Wiley: Later, barf-breath douche-mouth.

[Jul 14,2010 2:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is one of my favorite movies of all time.
[Jul 14,2010 2:06pm - C.dEaD  ""]
Backed. Love this movie.
[Jul 14,2010 2:46pm - timma ""]
This movie rules.

I still love when they have him tied to the mast of the boat and he's all "I'M SAAAAAAAILING!!!"
[Jul 14,2010 2:48pm - josh_hates_you ""]
there isnt already a thread for this movie?
[Jul 14,2010 3:26pm - oscarct ""]
Random factoid about what about boob?
Steven Spielberg was so impressed with Bill Murray's performance in this film that he spent $250 000 of his own money on a campaign to get Murray nominated for an Oscar
[Jul 14,2010 3:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol @ rich people
[Jul 14,2010 3:39pm - joeycobra ""]
[Jul 14,2010 3:43pm - oscarct ""]
[Jul 14,2010 5:23pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Amazing movie. One of my favorite Bill Murray movies. He was also awesome in Zombieland.
[Jul 14,2010 5:53pm - Bradness NLI  ""]

josh_hates_you said:there isnt already a thread for this movie?

i didn't look.

one of my favorite scenes is when Dr Marvin is trying to wake up Bob and he's repeating, well, screaming, BOB,BOB,BOB,BOB,BOB,BOB,WAKE UP BOB,BOB,BOB,BOB,WAKE UP!!! To no avail. Then the alarm goes off and Bob wakes up, LOL!!
[Jul 15,2010 2:01am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

[Jul 20,2010 1:35pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i would love to watch this movie right now. instead I get to go back to work

[Jul 20,2010 1:40pm - DreadKill ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:one of Bill Murrays best, and Richard Dreyfus is excellent in it

Was just talking about this movie last night at band practice and i think that's exactly what i said. dreyfuss is hilarious in it. i think the only bill murray movie that trumps it is groundhog day.
[Jul 20,2010 2:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Groundhog Day is now a classic.

[Jul 20,2010 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
i need to get a copy of this, it's one of the top Bill Murray movies i know the least.
[Jul 20,2010 3:32pm - ShadowSD ""]
I agree that Groundhog Day is much better than What About Bob.

He's funny in the Ghostbusters movies too as long as you fast forward the ten minutes with the walking Statue of Liberty.

One movie you don't hear about and is kind of different from Bill Murray but really good is Lost In Translation.
[Jul 20,2010 3:33pm - ShadowSD ""]
It's not the Statue itself I mind as much as that fucking song. Positive energy and good vibes my ass, that song makes me ANGRY.
[Jul 20,2010 6:15pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 20,2010 6:44pm - sinistas ""]
Don't forget Stripes. Awesome movie.
[Jul 20,2010 7:42pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Bill Murray would have been awesome if he was cast next to John Belushi in Animal House.
[Jul 21,2010 9:37am - Aegathis ""]


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