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Pagan Altar and Blood Ceremony live in Montreal!!! Dec 4

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jul 13,2010 11:22am - Satannick ""]

Montreal is Doomed! is the first doom metal mini-festival in Quebec, Canada. This edition features an exclusive show by NWOBHM/Trad Doom legends PAGAN ALTAR - which also happens to be their long awaited first visit on American territory! Opening are Blood Ceremony (Rise Above Records), Dark Covenant (Emanes Metal Records) and Cauchemar (Nuclear War Now! Prods) - all Canadian doom metal acts.

NWOBHM/Trad Doom legends
Exclusive first show outside Europe!


Rise Above Records
(Doomy heavy rock)

Emanes Metal Records
(Pure doom a la Candlemass/Solitude Aeturnus/Sorcerer)

Nuclear War Now! Productions
(Doomy heavy metal)

Saturday December 4th
@ Katacombes
8:00 PM – 3AM / 18+ / 25 $
1635, St-Laurent Blvd
Montréal, QC Canada

[Jul 13,2010 9:55pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 13,2010 10:29pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pishposh. Four bands does not a mini-fest make. Add Nightfuckin' and you got yourself a mini-fest.

[Aug 3,2010 12:00pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm going to this!
[Aug 3,2010 1:04pm - DreadKill ""]
[Nov 23,2010 9:41am - Arghhh!!  ""]
Two weeks left!!!!!
[Nov 28,2010 10:26pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Holy shot it's this weekend!!!
[Nov 28,2010 10:27pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Who else from Boston is going to this?
[Nov 29,2010 1:01pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
This is going to rule so much!
[Nov 29,2010 1:05pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
oh also Dark Covenant isn't playing anymore.

Revelation (Shadow Kingdom Records) is playing in their stead.
[Nov 29,2010 1:10pm - NuclearWinterMobile  ""]
Very much amped for this.
[Nov 29,2010 1:16pm - NuclearWinterMobile  ""]
I understand Pagan Altar will be playing a 2 hour+ set with full stage show. Live rituals of the ancient persuasion.
[Nov 29,2010 1:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pagan Altar is amazing live. Nicest dudes, too. Really wish I could make it up to this.
[Nov 29,2010 4:55pm - late_rising ""]
cool stairway, brah
[Nov 29,2010 5:16pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
where'd you hear this information?
[Nov 29,2010 6:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
in b4 Aril does a ritual about it
[Nov 29,2010 9:58pm - eddienli  ""]

bloblovesmusic said:where'd you hear this information?

don't believe them,

don't believe what they say
[Nov 30,2010 2:03am - late_rising ""]
cool starry bra

[Nov 30,2010 10:34am - nekronautnli  ""]
[Nov 30,2010 11:22am - bloblovesmusic  ""]
No worries dude! I'd be hugely excited at a Pagan Altar US tour!

(also a friend of mine who was insanely excited for this show almost ran into a problem that would prevent him from going which would've been a huge huge bummer for him. If there's a possibility of another chance, then my friend will be relieved to know this.)
[Dec 1,2010 10:04am - Arghhh!!  ""]
I doubt a tour, Pagan Altar said on their forum that they will be stopping to play shows live for a while, to focus on recording their new album...
[Dec 3,2010 4:13pm - boblovesmusic ""]
my and my boys are heading up in an hour! This is going to be great!

Fantastic doom, poutine, inuit tea, Montreal, strip clubs! All in a great weekend!
[Dec 5,2010 9:32am - boblovesmusic ""]
Katacombes is an almost perfect venue. Best sound, really cool layout, small and intimate though still plenty of room, totally metal atmosphere.
[Dec 5,2010 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
Katacombes is Janick's club. I went up many years ago for the fundraiser she had for it. She's like canada's armageddon Anne... oh wait, you didn't like metal when anne was around.

Janick's band, who's name escapes me right ... at war? Is wicked good.
[Dec 5,2010 12:02pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
after the bombs...they are awesome
[Dec 5,2010 12:03pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

the_reverend said:oh wait, you didn't like metal when anne was around.

oh and....LULZ
[Dec 5,2010 1:43pm - the_reverend ""]

AndrewBastard said:after the bombs...they are awesome
that's it... I kept thinking at war or after war. So good.
[Dec 5,2010 10:19pm - boblovesmusic ""]
a few pictures from this amazing once in a lifetime show! I'm no Reverend hehe

and video too!
[Dec 5,2010 10:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Terry ist krieg
[Dec 5,2010 10:43pm - the_reverend ""]
wasn't that guy arrowhead's favorite doctor who's?
[Dec 5,2010 11:18pm - eddienli  ""]
never made into canada, wasted ticket and hotel. Love Life
[Dec 11,2010 8:44am - Jon Pertwee  ""]
Thanks to everyone for coming and making it a great night!

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