ATTN: does anyone know how to get in contact with Sam from (aka - "HailTheLeaf")[views:5111][posts:37]_________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:07pm - Bassface MaCoi ""] the emails noted as "contacts" on her site dont work and I know she doesnt post on here anymore... any help? |
______________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:13pm - the_reverend ""] She posts on lots of noise |
___________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] lol i remember that crazy broad |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:26pm - Lamp ""] The thread about how Stephen Hawking was being retarded on Lots of Noise was an instant classic on par with everything she posted on here. |
___________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] hahahah what? is there a link to read such a fine masterpiece? |
_________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:30pm - W3 nli ""] I'd imagine if you went to there would an email address you could contact her from, otherwise LOL @ even trying to contact her. |
_________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:39pm - Bassface MaCoi ""] W3%20nli said:I'd imagine if you went to there would an email address you could contact her from, otherwise LOL @ even trying to contact her. already tried to do so and received MAILER DAEMON responses... :-/ plus, ive tried LotsOfNoise, but, idk if she goes online alot, anymore... |
___________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] she probably died from stupidity |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:44pm - Lamp ""] FuckIsMySignature said:hahahah what? is there a link to read such a fine masterpiece? You have to sign up for the board to read it, unfortunately. If you're willing to do that though, go to General Discussion and scroll down, you can't miss it. |
______________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:50pm - SkinSandwich ""] I hate that hippy cunt. |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:53pm - Lamp ""] So you guys remember the article about Stephen Hawking warning that we should be very cautious about interaction with alien life forms? Here's what she said, it's fucking hilarious. "I strongly disagree for several reasons, many of them obvious... 1. Is it not ignorant to assume that "intelligent" life would behave or think like we do? That's just fucking insulting. We're obviously not intelligent, we can't even live peacefully with any of the life here on this planet. 2. Why would an advanced alien species be dumb enough to overpopulate and deplete it's planet? No, only our species would do something that fucking stupid. No other creature here on Earth behaves that way, so why would one assume that alien life would? 3. Alien life has already been here and no one was enslaved...Egypt, the Mayans, ancient Columbia, bible references, etc 4. Columbus was a mass-murdering, greedy, enslaving, genocidal, sociopathic fuckwad. Why assume this to be the norm for alien life forms? Quite insulting. The real reason to fear alien life advanced enough to come here and study our species, is that we'd be recognized as an immediate threat to the life of the planet and removed like the cancerous malignancy that we are." |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 5:58pm - Lamp ""] Here's some more hilarious shit: "Why isn't college free and part of your expected education? Oh, they only have room for so many at the top of the slave machine. And why would anyone be looking at paying $250,000 for a house when you can build your own for $3,000? That's just kinda stupid to me. It's a shelter, a place to sleep and put your materialistic crap...something other animals build in less than a day for free. Can someone explain to me how it's "progress" to pay $250,000 to another being for a place to sleep?" |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 6:00pm - Lamp ""] "It may surprise you, but alot of us don't want to live in ugly fucking square unsustainable boxes and shit in our drinking water. Some would rather live on the planet without destroying it... and I don't see any tipis here, but would rather live in a cone-like tipi than a shithole box house any day." |
___________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 6:25pm - xFuck Loggin Inx ""] I'm friends with the girl. She's actually a chill person if you took the time to get to know her. To the OP give me a contact for you and I will pass it along to her. Or should I tell her some one named Bassface is looking for her? |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 6:28pm - Lamp ""] That might be true, but she sure is a sucker for punishment on the Internet. |
____________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 6:37pm - xgodzillax ""] ive heard countless times that she sucks at life. ALBATROSS |
__________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 7:32pm - Dankill ""] You are correct, sir. She kinda does suck at life. Wouldn't have the sense to get out of a rainstorm because somehow it's the fault of white people/meat industry/illuminati/aliens/the man/Jesus/that dickface who asked for ID at the bank and that would be giving in to their will. |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 7:36pm - Lamp ""] The whole sucking at life thing reminded me of another hysterical post. "So I take it I'm the only one here who was boycotting Exxon/Mobil before I had a license or a car because of their spill in the 80's? The government isn't going to hand us a solution, on one is going to make cars that don't run on oil unless you stop buying them. No one is going to stop producing oil unless you stop using it. No technology is going to solve the problems caused by technology. I make less than $7,000/year and I swore never to own a gas car again years ago. You know what that means? It means anyone can do it. There's a scooter place sitting on North Main st, those vehicles get 100mpg. Stop using oil or stop bitching. sign up for wind and solar power. There's no reason to keep using oil, gas, coal, etc. " I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year I make less than $7,000/year LOL |
__________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 7:42pm - MillenialKingdom ""] I hate hippie propaganda and she was the worst of it on this board. Good riddance. |
______________________________ [Jun 30,2010 7:47pm - Lamp ""] Calling HailTheLeaf a hippie is an insult to real hippies everywhere. |
__________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 7:53pm - MillenialKingdom ""] I don't like hippies anyway so that doesn't matter to me. |
_______________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 8:52pm - #1 Opeth Fan ""] Bassface%20MaCoi said:MAILER DAEMON responses... HAIL MAILER SATAN OF THE MAILER OCCULT |
_________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 9:08pm - Bassface MaCoi ""] xFuck%20Loggin%20Inx said:I'm friends with the girl. She's actually a chill person if you took the time to get to know her. To the OP give me a contact for you and I will pass it along to her. Or should I tell her some one named Bassface is looking for her? Can you just tell her to login to the LotsOfNoise Forums and check her PM's & Musicians Wanted ad? Thanks. |
_________________________________________ [Jun 30,2010 10:25pm - josh_hates_you ""] Bassface%20MaCoi said:Can you just tell her to login to the LotsOfNoise Forums and check her PM's & Musicians Wanted ad? Thanks. I have her contact info and could pass it along if I had any idea who you are. It's not like she actually follows thru with jamming anyways........ |
_______________________________________ [Jul 1,2010 2:44am - eyehatehippies ""] I saw her recently at a show in Providence. She was always a cool lass, she put on a lot of great shows. The first time I ever played in Providence, it was one of her shows. That gal loves metal, and at the end of the day, that's all that's important. |
___________________________________ [Jul 1,2010 2:58am - xgodzillax ""] ive heard countless times from numerous people that she would be at a show and ask a friend if they wanted to go with her while she interviewed a band, and then pawn the interview on said friend. ALBATROSS |
______________________________ [Jul 1,2010 3:28am - ernie ""] tits or gtfo |
___________________________________ [Jul 1,2010 4:31am - anonymous ""] |
_________________________________ [Jul 1,2010 7:32pm - Dankill ""] xgodzillax said:ive heard countless times from numerous people that she would be at a show and ask a friend if they wanted to go with her while she interviewed a band, and then pawn the interview on said friend. ALBATROSSThen she'd usually be so lazy she couldn't even put up the interview on her website. Maybe a 1/10th of it if she put her back into typing the thing out. |
_______________________________________ [Jul 1,2010 9:10pm - boyohboyohboy ""] 1-401-39*-331* |
__________________________________ [Jul 5,2010 9:03am - eatadick ""] wow, people who don't know me, or haven't talked to me or seen me for 10+ years shit talking me on the internet...what wonderful fulfilling lives you all must lead. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 5,2010 9:51am - SkinSandwich ""] eatadick said:wow, people who don't know me, or haven't talked to me or seen me for 10+ years shit talking me on the internet...what wonderful fulfilling lives you all must lead. Abd you live a life filled with semen. |
_______________________________________ [Jul 5,2010 10:35am - Escape_Artist ""] Hey give the girl a break. she is a cool girl, with views on life just like the rest of us..she is just trying to get through it, and she sees stuff that she don't like. And just wants to get it out there. yeah some of her views are strange..but at least she has the guts and puts the effort to stand up for something she believes in... that's more than i can say for myself. |
_____________________________ [Jul 5,2010 12:57pm - pam ""] this thread is funneh. |
___________________________________ [Jul 5,2010 1:10pm - xgodzillax ""] Escape_Artist said:Hey give the girl a break. she is a cool girl, with views on life just like the rest of us..she is just trying to get through it, and she sees stuff that she don't like. And just wants to get it out there. yeah some of her views are strange..but at least she has the guts and puts the effort to stand up for something she believes in... that's more than i can say for myself. ALBATROSS |
_______________________________________ [Jul 5,2010 2:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] "It's not any flavor, is it, it's bleedin' albatross flavor." "ALBATROSS!!!" |
___________________________________ [Jul 5,2010 2:43pm - arilliusbm ""] How is what she said about ancient aliens funny? |
_______________________________________ [Jul 5,2010 6:43pm - Inappropriate ""] Intelligent aliens will not be pacifists. Unintelligent humans think all smart things are pacifists. |