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Hello, new here

[Apr 29,2004 8:16pm - Wraithious ""]
What's up? nice site. Lots of good shit here!!!
Some of you probably know me from other boards like relapse, MMBB (rip), lapland, blizzard beasts metal world, etc. or from local eastern Mass shows. some of my favorite bands are:

Brutal Truth
Bolt Thrower
Ripping Corpse
Electric Wizard
The Crown (RIP)
Morbid Angel
+ tons more but I'm short on time so I'll be back later....

[Apr 29,2004 8:47pm - Dissector ""]
Ripping Corpse, WOOOO!!
[Apr 29,2004 8:52pm - bane of existence 666  ""]
tom t the most metal guy in the world whats up bro
[Apr 29,2004 8:59pm - the_reverend ""]
electric wizard was dsappointing....
but the rest are aces.
[Apr 29,2004 9:41pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 29,2004 9:42pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
this board is gay... leave now
[Apr 29,2004 9:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:this board is gay... leave now

One more word like that to Tom Traggis and you and I are going to have a problem.
[Apr 29,2004 9:51pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
t'was sarcasm
[Apr 29,2004 9:53pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:t'was sarcasm

For someone so sarcastic, you think you would be able to tell when others are being sarcastic.
C'mon Spaldino, C'MON!
[Apr 30,2004 12:55am - dread_104 ""]
spalding's right
[Apr 30,2004 2:08am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:

For someone so sarcastic, you think you would be able to tell when others are being sarcastic.
C'mon Spaldino, C'MON!>>

the internet makes it hard to distinguish sarcasm from serious comments unless the sarcasm is inexplicably obscene =(

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