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Cambridge Elk's (Cambridge, MA) - [eyehategod][howl][in_the_shit][livver][nachtmystium][randomshots]
[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jun 14,2010 3:47pm - xmikex ""]
Tomorrow night's EHG show (formerly the New Hampshire raffle ticket debacle) is moved to the Cambridge Elks. This is all according to SMC, according to Robin. 7 PM ALL AGES.


Cambridge Elks
all ages 15 bucks 7 sharp

Hooray for real promoters. Fuck you Dave.
[Jun 14,2010 3:55pm - the_reverend ""]
If true... looks like no gym for me until wednesday.
[Jun 14,2010 3:55pm - xmikex ""]
get fat
[Jun 14,2010 3:56pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Jun 14,2010 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard you two are contractually bound to break edge at this show.
[Jun 14,2010 4:01pm - xmikex ""]
free lawsuit
[Jun 14,2010 4:01pm - the_reverend ""]
sign the contract "jimmy dean".

[Jun 14,2010 4:02pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 14,2010 4:02pm - xmikex ""]
still waiting on details. but the show is absolutely on.
[Jun 14,2010 4:11pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

Oh well, Club Hell show was life changing enough!
[Jun 14,2010 4:13pm - eyehategod  ""]
Eyehategod is not playing this is a joke.
[Jun 14,2010 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard that everyone that goes down there is going to get a billy club sammich.
[Jun 14,2010 4:29pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Hope they're not asking for the full guarantee. Shit is outta control. That is in no way me empathizing with those fags in NH cancelling. They should be tarred and feathered.
[Jun 14,2010 5:37pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 14,2010 5:40pm - Paulina  ""]
does anyone know the rest of the bands on the bill?!
[Jun 14,2010 5:44pm - Kevord ""]
Robin is the man.
[Jun 14,2010 5:46pm - W3 nli  ""]
according to Robin


Cambridge Elks
all ages 15 bucks 7 sharp
[Jun 14,2010 5:50pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jun 14,2010 6:22pm - Pires ""]

boblovesmusic said:Dammit!!!
[Jun 14,2010 6:28pm - smash  ""]
is COA still on this?
[Jun 14,2010 6:29pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

Pires said:
boblovesmusic said:Dammit!!!

[Jun 14,2010 6:35pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 14,2010 8:07pm - xgodzillax ""]
Bump bump
[Jun 14,2010 8:16pm - Dankill  ""]

the_reverend said:I heard that everyone that goes down there is going to get a billy club sammich.

[Jun 14,2010 8:28pm - robing ""]
I have better shows for my good friends in COA.
[Jun 14,2010 8:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm there.
[Jun 14,2010 8:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I hope xmx and xgx break edge by smoking dust.
[Jun 14,2010 9:44pm - robing ""]
Tomorrow the elks said yes to sa last minute show. Thank you rey and donnie from the elks. Dudes undestand our fight. Fuck cops fuck the fucking world. Sylo. Gfod.
[Jun 14,2010 10:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I've mentioned it like 20 times already on my show. about to play howl and mention it agin.
[Jun 14,2010 10:31pm - xmikex ""]
Real promoter gets real results.
[Jun 15,2010 1:37am - Paulina  ""]
i've never been to elks lodge before, how strict is security about patting people down or searching us?

[Jun 15,2010 2:38am - the_reverend ""]
The basic rule is don't fuck around enough to get the place shutdown. There is a bar downstairs, but if you are standing there drinking in the big room, people will notice right quick.
[Jun 15,2010 2:59am - Paulina  ""]
what about backpacks, for instance?
it's just tricky because i've never been so i don't have a feel for what kind of place it is.
(obviously i'm not planning to parade around with beer blatantly)
[Jun 15,2010 3:34am - robing ""]
Ill personally kill a man or a woman that's not getting the rules. Ill be outside inside and the bar if you have any fucking further questions.
[Jun 15,2010 3:37am - robing ""]
Also why does this chick act so stupid like a qweird cop. Come to a show and support the venue or bring outside liquor in and support you fucking pregnancy test. Don't try me I'm ready for fucking prison©
[Jun 15,2010 3:39am - robing ""]
Come, kick ass, mosh and then talk about it for ten years
[Jun 15,2010 4:01am - Paulina  ""]
alright fucking relax, i'm not trying to fuck anything up for anyone. i just wondered what this venue is like, that's all.

all i care about is the line-up, anyway.
it was fucking incredible on sunday and i'm sure it will be just as phenomenal tomorrow/today.
[Jun 15,2010 7:34am - duff138  ""]
Any idea what time the show will run until?
[Jun 15,2010 9:17am - mindless.  ""]
this place is the chillest place for shows in all of the boston area. don't worry about bringing backpacks, there is no security, it's a fucking elks lodge behind mcdonalds in central square.

this place is going to get fucking wild.
[Jun 15,2010 9:18am - xmikex ""]

Paulina said:i've never been to elks lodge before, how strict is security about patting people down or searching us?

When the valet comes to park your car tip him a crisp $2 bill and tell him you're a guest in the INTHESHIT opium den. Take the elevator to balcony C, and head through the grand ballroom. There you'll be able to watch the show through complimentary opera glasses and nosh on watercress soup. The password is "Fidelio."

It's a DIY space with DIY rules. Just come out and have fun. Leave the searches to the transit cops.
[Jun 15,2010 9:32am - goatcatalyst ""]
Hail Robin. You Boston fucks are lucky to have a man of this calibre looking out for your best interests. Last night's show was fucking magic. I am still drunk. My chains, they are so morbid.
[Jun 15,2010 9:41am - AndrewBastard  ""]
Paulina, you should have just asked me privately...

Robin: she is Serges girlfriend..she's no cop. SHE BETTER NOT BE!!! jk
[Jun 15,2010 9:41am - AndrewBastard  ""]
Serge = the mad russian
[Jun 15,2010 9:56am - Paulina  ""]
sorry people, didn't mean to cause any problems here.
i was running on no sleep and wasn't thinking at all clearly.
[Jun 15,2010 9:59am - xmikex ""]
Just come out and have fun dude. Ain't no problems.
[Jun 15,2010 10:04am - the_reverend ""]

goatcatalyst said:My chains, they are so morbid.
[Jun 15,2010 10:55am - xgodzillax ""]

xmikex said:Tomorrow night's EHG show (formerly the New Hampshire raffle ticket debacle) is moved to the Cambridge Elks. This is all according to SMC, according to Robin. 7 PM ALL AGES.


Cambridge Elks
all ages 15 bucks 7 sharp

Hooray for real promoters. Fuck you Dave.

[Jun 15,2010 11:01am - brian_dc ""]
Awesome job making the best out of a fucked situation, dudes.
[Jun 15,2010 12:21pm - xmikex ""]
New England Concerts: 6 months to ruin an awesome show

Real promoter: Less than 24 hours to put together an awesome show

[Jun 15,2010 12:23pm - BSV  ""]
another victory against NEC.

[Jun 15,2010 12:39pm - xgodzillax ""]
dave and bernie should come out to this show, id like to have a discussion with both of these fine gentlemen
[Jun 15,2010 12:47pm - xmikex ""]

xgodzillax said:dave and bernie should come out to this show, id like to have a discussion with both of these fine gentlemen

oh shit, breaking out the watercress soup afterall.
[Jun 15,2010 12:55pm - blue ""]

blue said:We higly encourage people to boycott New England Concerts and pay to play.

[Jun 15,2010 1:53pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Jun 15,2010 2:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

xmikex said:New England Concerts: 6 months to ruin an awesome show

Real promoter: Less than 24 hours to put together an awesome show


[Jun 15,2010 2:41pm - robing ""]
[Jun 15,2010 2:50pm - duff138  ""]
What time will EHG most likely play? Hope to get there for all the bands.
[Jun 15,2010 3:34pm - robing ""]
10ish? 7pm start. Taking shower because I'm making out with more than one girl tonight.
[Jun 15,2010 3:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to shower too. why? cause I stink and haven't showered since last week.
[Jun 15,2010 3:41pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i havent showered since before the show on sunday...also...who can get OCs or other downers? Someone that may or may not be playing in one of the bands tonght would like some...maybe. No cops are allowed to respond.
[Jun 15,2010 3:44pm - robing ""]
Andrew please. It's the elks lodge.
[Jun 15,2010 3:53pm - goatcatalyst ""]

AndrewBastard said:i havent showered since before the show on sunday...also...who can get OCs or other downers? Someone that may or may not be playing in one of the bands tonght would like some...maybe. No cops are allowed to respond.

I received a similar text yesterday at this time.
[Jun 15,2010 3:57pm - ouch  ""]
DRUGS will be the predominant theme. Bet!!! Fuckin right Ill be sneakin in booze too. Fuck the elk nigs! muuuaahhaaaha!
[Jun 15,2010 4:00pm - cambridge cops  ""]
[Jun 15,2010 4:04pm - the_reverend ""]
The only downers anyone needs is the constant realization that family matters is no longer in production.
[Jun 15,2010 4:22pm - bostonfsu  ""]
The only drugs that will be done at this show will be by us. Please hand them in as you enter the elks lodge.
[Jun 15,2010 4:25pm - ouch  ""]
ok youll have to suck them out my dick tho.
[Jun 15,2010 4:26pm - bostonfsu  ""]
Your mom will be there doing that
[Jun 15,2010 4:27pm - xmikex ""]

AndrewBastard said:No cops are allowed to respond.

ITT: Failproof disclaimers
[Jun 15,2010 4:41pm - ouch  ""]
Actually, my mom will be the one selling the drugs. Ill be the one pissing in your mouth.
[Jun 15,2010 4:59pm - joeycobra ""]
Hey REAL Cops
[Jun 15,2010 5:11pm - fucktheelogin  ""]
EHG and others will destroy cambridge
[Jun 15,2010 6:32pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
hey the drugs arent for me...but ill take a golden shower. Anyway...all is taken care of.
[Jun 15,2010 6:53pm - Paul CNV  ""]
anyone know the set times? I'm thinking bout going
[Jun 15,2010 7:14pm - the_reverend ""]
intheshit is starting now.
if i had to guess, livver at 7:40, howl at 8:10, nachtmystium at 9ish, and ehg at 10 but im not sure. paul, leave now and youll be here for 8ish. i got here from ports in about an hour.
[Jun 15,2010 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]
intheshit just finished. i have absolutely no clue what xmikex was saying in between songs. i think he was talking in feed back. i did hear him send a song out to dave. they sounded really good.
[Jun 15,2010 7:41pm - sadboblovesmusic  ""]
I really should be there! Fawk!
[Jun 15,2010 7:45pm - blue ""]
yeah, wish i couldve made this.
[Jun 15,2010 7:50pm - the_reverend ""]
the ending set of songs that intheshit plays, they rip through it like they were napalm death scum. only one remotely danciable part.
[Jun 15,2010 8:10pm - the_reverend ""]
livver was good too, but it was a little odd on that stage. im still trying to get into taking pictures here again. thankfully all the other bands look like they are setting up on the ground.
[Jun 15,2010 8:20pm - badsneakersnli  ""]
Livver had a clam bake
[Jun 15,2010 8:36pm - xgodzillax ""]
Come by merch from me. Its about to get wicked grimm in here!
[Jun 15,2010 9:09pm - the_reverend ""]
can howl ever sound bad? through the feedbacky mic. through the 1/2 empty room's echo. through one vocal mic. still sounded awesome. i was thinking during their set what would they sound like recorded at god city... more like coliseum?
[Jun 15,2010 9:30pm - xgodzillax ""]
If you aren't here you fail at life
[Jun 15,2010 9:34pm - sadlovesmusic  ""]

xgodzillax said:If you aren't here you fail at life

sadboblovesmusic said:I really should be there! Fawk!
[Jun 15,2010 10:45pm - anonymous  ""]
how was this? packed?
[Jun 15,2010 11:23pm - bostonfsu  ""]
Shut down fuckers.
[Jun 15,2010 11:28pm - really?? darkwave?!?  ""]
did Nacht play MORE than 3 songs???..
[Jun 15,2010 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
they played 5 i think.

the show sort of got shut down, but it went over an hour longer than i thought it would. best eyehategod set ever.
[Jun 15,2010 11:49pm - im logged in  ""]
How and why did this get shut down?

Why did this get moved to the Cambridge Elks?

I bet the show wouldn't of got shut down if it stayed at Rockos.

Of course though it probably got moved to the Elks because people were throwing hissy fits because they had to sell tickets. I could be wrong though.
[Jun 16,2010 12:29am - the_reverend ""]
I think it went too late. converge got shut down a couple songs into a set there at 9:45.

cause new england concerts canceled the show.
[Jun 16,2010 12:30am - the_reverend ""]
kevord's hand gestures in one of the first couple ehg shots is epic.
[Jun 16,2010 12:35am - the_reverend ""]
ok, there is an image about 100 pictures in to the set where w3 has a random hand over his mouth that isn't his hand. he doesn't look too unhappy about it.
[Jun 16,2010 12:37am - the_reverend ""]
kevord and tim morse get all angry and tangled up during white nigger.
[Jun 16,2010 12:41am - the_reverend ""]
I got so many pictures with people having the elk's horns growing out of their heads.
[Jun 16,2010 12:44am - xmikex ""]

im%20logged%20in said:How and why did this get shut down?

Why did this get moved to the Cambridge Elks?

I bet the show wouldn't of got shut down if it stayed at Rockos.

Of course though it probably got moved to the Elks because people were throwing hissy fits because they had to sell tickets. I could be wrong though.

The show got moved to the elks because the retard promoters at rockos bailed on the show 4 days before it was supposed to happen. Hence therefore, if the show "stayed at rocko's" it never would have happened. Read an internetz sometime dummy.
[Jun 16,2010 12:45am - Kevord ""]
WOW WOW WOW This could be the best show I've ever been too in my almost 20 years of going to shows. EPIC!!!! Between getting to sing with Mike Williams while Jimmy Bower played next to me and I was picking Seth Putnum off the floor I can die happy.
[Jun 16,2010 12:50am - Kevord ""]
I want to thank Robin. Withought him this epic show would not have happened.
[Jun 16,2010 12:51am - xmikex ""]
Quick notes:

- EHG is the 2nd heaviest band I've ever played with.
- Livver had my favorite bass tone of the night.
- Contrary to popular belief, DIY is still a reality. This show stamped and notarized it.
- "Hey Bobby, what's good man." "TRYINA FAAACKIN DRIIIIIIIIINK"
[Jun 16,2010 12:53am - im logged in  ""]
Mike why did they cancel the show? Scared of EHG? Does anyone know the official reason?
[Jun 16,2010 12:55am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 16,2010 12:56am - xmikex ""]

im%20logged%20in said:Mike why did they cancel the show? Scared of EHG? Does anyone know the official reason?

The reason, as explained to us by the promoter himself, was that they weren't happy with the ticket sales and worried they weren't going to make enough money to take a Scrooge McDuck bath in. It's all been well documented in earlier threads. Please feel free to browse at your leisure.
[Jun 16,2010 12:57am - the_reverend ""]

xmikex said:- Livver had my favorite bass tone of the night.

arne aka badsneakers. I love the look of that bass.
[Jun 16,2010 12:58am - Kevord ""]
There was a good crowd tonight for a show promoted for two days. NH failed.
[Jun 16,2010 12:59am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 16,2010 1:00am - xgodzillax ""]

Rocko‘s said:Show has been canceled. Please go to the other two shows in the area instead.

Rocko‘s said:We apologize to anyone that was planning on attending.
Things did not work out.
Refunds will be issued.
Please support this tour and go to one of the other two shows.

[Jun 16,2010 1:02am - boblovesmusic ""]
Glad this show went well!

Not glad that I missed it! :(
[Jun 16,2010 1:10am - xmikex ""]

Kevord said:There was a good crowd tonight for a show promoted for two days. NH failed.

The XFL "failed."
Betamax "failed."
Haitian architecture "failed."

Is failed even the right word to describe what happened in NH?
[Jun 16,2010 1:23am - im logged in  ""]

xmikex said:
im%20logged%20in said:Mike why did they cancel the show? Scared of EHG? Does anyone know the official reason?

The reason, as explained to us by the promoter himself, was that they weren't happy with the ticket sales and worried they weren't going to make enough money to take a Scrooge McDuck bath in. It's all been well documented in earlier threads. Please feel free to browse at your leisure.

I just did take a leisurely stroll through the other threads. Why the fuck do local bands continue to sign on to play shows for NEC or more specifically that promoter?
[Jun 16,2010 5:31am - Randy_Marsh ""]
what a night.
[Jun 16,2010 6:08am - badsneakers ""]

the_reverend said:
xmikex said:- Livver had my favorite bass tone of the night.

arne aka badsneakers. I love the look of that bass.

thanks mike and rev!
[Jun 16,2010 7:37am - duff138  ""]
Awesome show.

When a show like this has to be done by 11pm, maybe there shouldn't be so many opening bands. EHG would have obviously played a much longer set if they had been giving more time. Fuck it though I had a blast. thanks
[Jun 16,2010 7:45am - im logged in  ""]
curfews on shows are fucking retarded. just let the music play. we'll lock up when we're done.
[Jun 16,2010 9:11am - the_reverend ""]
you guys haven't been to a show at the elks... I'm really really really surprised it didn't get shut down at 9:45. The curfew there is usually 10. depending on the permit.
[Jun 16,2010 9:30am - brian_dc ""]

the_reverend said:
xmikex said:- Livver had my favorite bass tone of the night.

arne aka badsneakers. I love the look of that bass.

of course, any man with a Steely Dan influenced username is going to have unmatched taste. No sarcasm...love me that Steely.
[Jun 16,2010 9:54am - badsneakersnli  ""]

brian_dc said:
the_reverend said:
xmikex said:- Livver had my favorite bass tone of the night.

arne aka badsneakers. I love the look of that bass.

of course, any man with a Steely Dan influenced username is going to have unmatched taste. No sarcasm...love me that Steely.

Haha probably my favorite band ever!
[Jun 16,2010 10:07am - mindless.  ""]
this show was really awesome, thanks to the dudes who made it happen in boston, i really appreciate it.

did anyone happen to pick up a back patch that EHG had though that would maybe be up for selling it to me?

i somehow lost my debit card somewhere in between using it to get into this show and being at the show, when i realized trying to use it again to get money out for the patch that i no longer had it.

so bummed on both accounts, i have to leave work early now to get a new card and that back patch looked fucking awesome. : (

regardless, really really glad this show happened and i got to attend.
[Jun 16,2010 10:22am - aaron_michael ""]
Someone needs to .gif file these!

[Jun 16,2010 11:05am - Kevord ""]
Pictures of me picking seth off the floor. Thanks god W3 came in to assist. That bastards heavy.
[Jun 16,2010 11:36am - fuckNHshows ""]
Dam - wish I had gone. ill be at Vital Remains on friday night fucking shit up big time!
[Jun 16,2010 12:08pm - xmikex ""]
The pictures make it look like that little girl in the striped shirt is just bulldozing Seth.
[Jun 16,2010 12:11pm - the_reverend ""]
someone posted this from the milford show.. herion much.
[Jun 16,2010 12:14pm - C.dEAD  ""]
^ Huge lulz.
[Jun 16,2010 12:15pm - robing ""]
Thanks again for respecting the elks and the good behavior. Jimmy Bower should calm down about money they almost lost a fan last night.
[Jun 16,2010 12:15pm - im logged in  ""]
thats my man rex
[Jun 16,2010 2:10pm - joshua drone  ""]
listening to Nachtmystium's "Addicts: Black Meddle Part II" while reading this thread, checking the pics and surfing RttP in general = my life is COMPLETE.
[Jun 16,2010 3:46pm - xgodzillax ""]
if you missed this show, re-evaluate your life and then kill yourself.
[Jun 16,2010 4:50pm - Butt Crack Attack  ""]

robing said:Thanks again for respecting the elks and the good behavior. Jimmy Bower should calm down about money they almost lost a fan last night.

whatd bower do/say?
[Jun 17,2010 12:57am - xgodzillax ""]


part 1 of a 3 part video from our set.
[Jun 17,2010 8:04am - blue ""]

xgodzillax said:if you missed this show, re-evaluate your life and then kill yourself.

I'd kill myself, but I got to see this lineup with brutal truth in PVD. So I guess I get a 1UP instead.
[Jun 17,2010 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
ehg's set was shorter, but better at the elks.
[Jun 17,2010 4:52pm - W3 nli  ""]

Kevord said:Pictures of me picking seth off the floor. Thanks god W3 came in to assist. That bastards heavy.

hey even though he was stretching out my Rampant Decay shirt the old man still needed help so gotta help a dood out.

blue said:
xgodzillax said:if you missed this show, re-evaluate your life and then kill yourself.

I'd kill myself, but I got to see this lineup with brutal truth in PVD. So I guess I get a 1UP instead.

no, you just get to live and cry about missing this show.

thanks Robin for an amazing fucking show.
[Jun 18,2010 3:24am - robing ""]
Thanks. We will do this again soon.
[Sep 21,2010 12:45pm - logic dictates  ""]

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