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anyone in boston want a metalzone with adapter?

[Jun 14,2010 2:17am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Jun 14,2010 2:49am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jun 14,2010 3:07am - Randy_Marsh ""]
u want?
[Jun 14,2010 9:39am - goatcatalyst ""]
I do.
[Jun 14,2010 11:24am - blue ""]
I tweak your amp for 5 seconds, and instantly your metal zone is obselete lol.
[Jun 14,2010 11:46am - Alexecutioner ""]

blue said:I tweak your amp for 5 seconds, and instantly your metal zone is obselete lol.

Metal Zone's are already obselete.

i got a black metal pedal if you wanna buy it tho!


or maybe a death metal pedal?


or maybe just use your head's distortion and stop using pedals branded towards preschool'd guitar players
[Jun 14,2010 12:24pm - burnsy ""]
I believe that is his plan haha, hence ditching the pedal.
[Jun 14,2010 1:02pm - Yeti ""]

Alexecutioner said:
blue said:I tweak your amp for 5 seconds, and instantly your metal zone is obselete lol.

Metal Zone's are already obselete.

obselete is obsolete.
[Jun 14,2010 1:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Please come tweak, Blue. I typically use a Keeley-modded Tube Screamer on the lead section of the Mark III preamp on my Mesa Quad, but I just started fuckin with the Metal Zone in front of the relatively clean rhythm section of the Mark IIC+ section of the Quad and it's fucking devastating. But I would be quite happy for you to help me quest the fuckthunder, Blue.

Regardless, I would like to acquire this Metal Zone pedal from you, Randy.
[Jun 14,2010 1:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
only solid state amps from the 90s are real
[Jun 14,2010 2:11pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
hhiiiighhwayy toooo theeeee metal zone!
[Jun 14,2010 3:50pm - blue ""]

goatcatalyst said:Please come tweak, Blue. I typically use a Keeley-modded Tube Screamer on the lead section of the Mark III preamp on my Mesa Quad, but I just started fuckin with the Metal Zone in front of the relatively clean rhythm section of the Mark IIC+ section of the Quad and it's fucking devastating. But I would be quite happy for you to help me quest the fuckthunder, Blue.

Regardless, I would like to acquire this Metal Zone pedal from you, Randy.

I was talking about my escapades with Mr. Marsh. He was using said MT-2 into the clean channel of a perfectly capable high gainer. Couple of tweaks wif mah golden tone fingers and he was good to go, sans metally pedally.

Ryan, if you do get it feel free to get it modded. Modded MT-2s as boosts can get fantastic results. The EQs on the pedal are excellent for harnessing the br00tz.
[Jun 14,2010 4:09pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
is that black metal pedal cool?
[Jun 14,2010 5:01pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm using the Mark IIC+ preamp with the Metal Zone tonight, Blue. Do you have one? I'm curious where you would set the knobs for this ba-rootl boost you speak of.
[Jun 14,2010 5:05pm - narkybark ""]
"golden tone fingers"
[Jun 14,2010 6:49pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
only blue tweakage is real.

goat, email me at michael.cherhoniak@yahoo.com
[Jun 14,2010 7:02pm - blue ""]

goatcatalyst said:I'm using the Mark IIC+ preamp with the Metal Zone tonight, Blue. Do you have one? I'm curious where you would set the knobs for this ba-rootl boost you speak of.

i had a heavily modded MT-2 for a while, twas cool but entirely too much output for what i need it for boost-wise. though i've seen plenty of people get great results with them. cannibal corpse is well known for boosting their 2 channel dual rectos with modded metal zones. only tip i can give is: gain on 0, output on or close to 10. EQ to taste. though i find a stock metal zone to be waaaayyy too brittle for my tastes. i got mine modded to be way smoother and more suitable for hitting the front end.
[Jun 14,2010 7:04pm - JDDomination ""]
I own one of these and it's complete garbage. Had it since I was 15.
[Jun 14,2010 9:40pm - thuringwethil ""]
R.I.P. knob?
Guts control?
[Jun 14,2010 10:44pm - Alexecutioner ""]

burnsy said:I believe that is his plan haha, hence ditching the pedal.

Haha, I figured. I just fucking hate those mud butt pedals
[Jun 15,2010 2:51am - Randy_Marsh ""]
k im selling this to Kristin Rose since the dude did not email me.
[Jun 15,2010 9:37am - goatcatalyst ""]
Noooooooo. I was making Satanisms. I want it dude...
[Jun 16,2010 5:38am - Randy_Marsh ""]
curious to what that black metal pedal sounds like...seems just like a normal distortion pedal.....does it do anything special..?
[Jun 16,2010 9:20am - Alexecutioner ""]
all these pedals do is try to emulate the classic distortion sound of the genre. its not like Varg had to use a black metal pedal to get his sound back in the day, he just made it sound like that on purpose, now they make pedals to do that for you haha
[Jun 16,2010 9:21am - Alexecutioner ""]
the fact that they make a "black metal pedal" probably means they just make your amp sound like shit on purpose haha
[Jun 16,2010 9:43am - C.dEAD  ""]
Love the DM pedal, one of my faves. It sounds so good for bass distortion and extremely versatile for electronic music. If you use it for it's actual purpose (guitar) it will sound like dogshit no matter what.
[Jun 16,2010 10:29am - Alexecutioner ""]

C.dEAD said:Love the DM pedal, one of my faves. It sounds so good for bass distortion and extremely versatile for electronic music. If you use it for it's actual purpose (guitar) it will sound like dogshit no matter what.

agreed, distortion pedals are good when you use them for other reason's than what they were manufactured for, using them for guitar sounds like mud butt
[Jun 16,2010 10:49am - pleasurecorpse ""]

goatcatalyst said:Noooooooo. I was making Satanisms. I want it dude...

I pedal blocked you.
[Jun 16,2010 10:54am - C.dEAD  ""]

pleasurecorpse said:
goatcatalyst said:Noooooooo. I was making Satanisms. I want it dude...

I pedal blocked you.

[Jun 16,2010 11:27am - goatcatalyst ""]
Pssssh, it don't sound half as good as the Death Metal pedal.

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