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WWLD - What Would Lemmy Do? (on Facebook)

[Jun 12,2010 6:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

That is all.
[Jun 12,2010 7:24pm - thirdknuckle ""]
nice that they don't even spell his name right

<A group dedicated to quiet reflections on the teachings of our spiritual leader, Mr. Ian Kilminster.>
[Jun 12,2010 8:19pm - the_reverend ""]
the answer is always "have sex with a black lady"
[Jun 12,2010 8:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

thirdknuckle said:nice that they don't even spell his name right

<A group dedicated to quiet reflections on the teachings of our spiritual leader, Mr. Ian Kilminster.>

Yeah that was me, I was gonna spell it right but then I figured fuck you.
[Jun 12,2010 8:56pm - thirdknuckle ""]
so cool
[Jun 13,2010 12:20am - Douchebag_Patrol ""]
[Jun 13,2010 1:22am - the_reverend ""]
now that is DP's best contribution ever.
[Jun 13,2010 9:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, gotta add that one post-haste.
[Jun 13,2010 5:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Larissa joined a rival group; I'm gonna put a jihad on her so bad...
[Jun 13,2010 6:20pm - the_reverend ""]
i want to start a groupn. what would lemmingtrail do.
[Jun 13,2010 6:26pm - DreadKill ""]
i joinsed up
[Jun 13,2010 10:00pm - Barry Soetoro-Soros  ""]
He'd vote for me, like any good American would.

You didn't vote for me? What are you, a racist?
[Jun 14,2010 5:30am - Douchebag_Patrol ""]
[Jun 15,2010 1:04pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Mr. Meltyface is Lord.

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