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Booking the Middle East club?

[Apr 28,2004 11:30am - tyagxgrind ""]
Joe/Not Common... you be able to help me with this...
How can I get a date to book at the Middle East in Cambridge?
I wanted to put together some Boston shows for some upcoming tours.
If you could help that would be greatly appreciated.

[Apr 28,2004 2:58pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
the middle east could easily be the best club in the area if they booked more metal shows.
[Apr 28,2004 3:00pm - baneofexistence ""]
the upstairs take $400+ off the top of the door

downstairs take over $1000+ off the top of the door
[Apr 28,2004 3:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The Middle East is paranoid about booking metal because they are afraid the shows won't draw. On top of that, they are afraid of the liability that slam dancing will bring, which is why they never do hardcore at all.

However, Shred is a smart dude when it comes to all types of music and knows alot of bands and who will draw what, for the most part.
If you bring him something that will make them money, then chances are they will do it, on a weekday.
[Apr 28,2004 5:03pm - fartcore ""]
Shred books us at the Middle East(upstairs) , but a show we we were supposed to play with Since the Flood, On Broken wings and more got shutdown b/c asshole kids were a little too rowdy. But, We played the upstairs a few months ago with Kayo Dot and a few others and it went really well, pretty much sold out. Shred is the person to talk to, but if people are going to be rowdy, the middle east isnt the place to be b/c they will break up pretty much any type of "aggressive dancing".bye
[Apr 28,2004 11:40pm - Terence ""]
yeah good luck booking there, Ive had my fair share of rejections.
[Apr 29,2004 2:10am - JonahBloodbath ""]
haha, my roommate was the one that broke up that show with on broken wings. he used to bounce there.

Its one thing to dance at a show, its another to just start fights. kids at that show were just fighting each other.
[Apr 29,2004 12:47pm - Terence ""]
ultra gay. Lets dance wicked hard and fight at shows so that we wont be able to ever play any venue anywhere EVER!
[Apr 29,2004 12:55pm - Justin ACR  ""]
i heard pretty bad things bout that show...i hate when shit like that happens. theres a difference between dancing and being dicks

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