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gothic power metal

[Jun 5,2010 5:15am - quintessence ""]
Are you this cool?


[Jun 5,2010 8:14am - Alex Trebek  ""]
After review the judges are going to accept "What is the worst music ever?"
[Jun 5,2010 8:14am - Alex Trebek  ""]
[Jun 5,2010 8:15am - Fapadoccio  ""]
hnggggh... FAP FAP FAP FAP
[Jun 5,2010 12:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
thread took an unexpected turn for the better towards the end, there.
[Jun 5,2010 12:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Two gay tastes that taste gay together.
[Jun 5,2010 1:13pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I would probably like these bands haha
[Jun 5,2010 1:22pm - beleth ""]

[Jun 5,2010 1:28pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
while I would probably like those band,

http://www.metal-archives.com/images/1/5/7/1/15712_photo.jpg > [img]
[Jun 5,2010 2:45pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
wow I fail...

[img] > [img]
[Jun 6,2010 1:09am - Douchebag_Patrol ""]
[Jun 6,2010 1:40am - Douchebag_Patrol ""]
[Jun 6,2010 1:54am - quintessence ""]
douchbag patrol delivers.
[Jun 6,2010 3:33am - Douchebag_Patrol ""]

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