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[DRUGS!!!!] Stimulants or Depressants?..

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[Jun 4,2010 9:12pm - fiend, forever  ""]
Gun to the head, which do you prefer more?

:sctachy: :gun:

[Jun 4,2010 9:14pm - Lamp ""]
I'm not really a huge drug expert or anything but I remember taking Adderall one time and it gave me a very euphoric feeling. I enjoyed myself greatly but have never done it since because I worry about what a drug like that would do to my personality.

The weed however, is something that cannot be refused. So I'll say downers.
[Jun 4,2010 9:40pm - fiend, forever  ""]
for me, nothing beats an Adderall + Ritalin + Focalin combo. yum yum... it really brings you somewhere... somewhere where you yell "HOLY SHIT!" in pure happiness...
[Jun 4,2010 10:12pm - eyehatehippies ""]
Marijuana is technically a mild stimulant, not a depressant.

I like both. Just not at once, because that would be silly.
[Jun 4,2010 10:20pm - Solipsist ""]
Depressants for the win
[Jun 4,2010 10:54pm - the_reverend ""]
for me, opiate are a stimulant. viccodin makes me clean my house.
But prefer things that keep me awake and more awake than awake.
[Jun 5,2010 12:40am - GUY ""]
Only cocaine is real
[Jun 5,2010 12:57am - quintessence_nli  ""]
[Jun 5,2010 1:11am - ArilliusBM ""]
they both have their ups and downs.

... no pun intended
[Jun 5,2010 7:38am - randy fucking marsh  ""]
both because only the choice is faggot.
[Jun 5,2010 10:13am - SkinSandwich ""]

the_reverend said:for me, opiate are a stimulant. viccodin makes me clean my house.
But prefer things that keep me awake and more awake than awake.

You're like me on opiates. I get a strange boost and I end up douching my house mowing the lawn, eveything. But it is not a spastic enegry. Dumb way to put it I guess, but a mellow energy.
[Jun 5,2010 10:56am - Doomkid ""]

Lamp said:I'm not really a huge drug expert or anything but I remember taking Adderall one time and it gave me a very euphoric feeling. I enjoyed myself greatly but have never done it since because I worry about what a drug like that would do to my personality.

Thats because Adderall does have 2 neurochemical effects. One increases attentiveness and the other increases dopamine secretion.

Better living through chemistry: DO IT U WONT
[Jun 5,2010 10:59am - horror_tang ""]
[Jun 5,2010 11:01am - Doomkid ""]

eyehatehippies said:Marijuana is technically a mild stimulant, not a depressant.

Not true, cannabinoid receptors limit the release of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons.
[Jun 5,2010 11:04am - horror_tang ""]
[Jun 5,2010 11:26am - arilliusbm ""]
Hallucinogens or gtfo
[Jun 5,2010 2:38pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Up with dope, down with hope.
[Jun 5,2010 2:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Xanax in your beer OR TERRORIST
[Jun 5,2010 3:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Either or on the rare occasion I venture out of weed/alcohol/caffeine/once-in-a-blue-moon-tobacco-in-a-spliff territory. Smoking opium is a good time but I also used to indulge in cheap speed of any variety back in the day.
[Jun 5,2010 3:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Painkillers just don't do shit for me, though.
[Jun 5,2010 3:27pm - Lamp ""]
I remember having a root canal when I was a junior in high school and taking painkillers for it. At the time, I didn't even know people used painkillers for recreational purposes, nor did I notice it having any sort of effect on me whatsoever.
[Jun 5,2010 3:44pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Nothin' like a depressant to chase the blues away.
[Jun 5,2010 3:52pm - fiend, forever  ""]

SkinSandwich said:
the_reverend said:for me, opiate are a stimulant. viccodin makes me clean my house.
But prefer things that keep me awake and more awake than awake.

You're like me on opiates. I get a strange boost and I end up douching my house mowing the lawn, eveything. But it is not a spastic enegry. Dumb way to put it I guess, but a mellow energy.

this is what's known as an adverse reaction. now you know.
[Jun 5,2010 3:53pm - quintessence ""]

Lamp said:I remember having a root canal when I was a junior in high school and taking painkillers for it. At the time, I didn't even know people used painkillers for recreational purposes, nor did I notice it having any sort of effect on me whatsoever.

the prescribed dose of painkillers is usually barely noticeable as a "high" you would have to take 3 times the amount and then you would see..
[Jun 5,2010 4:33pm - slymoe nli  ""]

quintessence said:
Lamp said:I remember having a root canal when I was a junior in high school and taking painkillers for it. At the time, I didn't even know people used painkillers for recreational purposes, nor did I notice it having any sort of effect on me whatsoever.

the prescribed dose of painkillers is usually barely noticeable as a "high" you would have to take 3 times the amount and then you would see..

no way, my friend just got a prescription for vics for a mildly pinched nerve
and the dr. gave him 30 500mg for a five day supply. you'd need a kiss from a
prince to wake up from that.
[Jun 6,2010 3:46am - Douchebag_Patrol ""]
[Jun 6,2010 11:25pm - fiend, forever  ""]
wonder what that ^ ^ ^ dude was on?.. ;-}
[Jun 7,2010 2:45am - Douchebag_Patrol ""]

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