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Fuck Aerosmith!

[Jun 4,2010 5:44pm - Goatrider ""]
In light of the recent plans for a USA tour, I felt like asking the most important question in the history of this godawful band's career:


a) Virtual Guitar
b) Revolution X (please state format)
c) That totally kvlt MMORPG site with all of two members
d) Guitar hero: Aeroshit
e) Steven Tyler's lips vs. Capcom.

Shit. Forget I mentioned that last one. :krusty:
[Jun 4,2010 5:48pm - fuck logging in  ""]
what about "Quest for Fame"?
fuck this thread
[Jun 4,2010 5:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
70s Aerosmith rules. current Aerosmith sucks dicks
[Jun 4,2010 6:02pm - ShadowSD ""]
I liked some of the late 80's stuff and a lot of the Get a Grip album, too - but they haven't had a single good song since 1994. In fact, it's been really terrible since then, between Pink, Just Push Play, and that atrocious Don't Wanna Miss a Thing song that someone outside of the band wrote and that didn't have a single guitar note to speak of. Blecch.
[Jun 4,2010 6:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Seasons of Wither ftw
[Jun 4,2010 6:07pm - LPCustom  ""]
Old stuff for sure. I wanted to see them at Fenway too but already have the postponed Slayer/Megadeth tickets for that day.
[Jun 4,2010 6:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
They don't write their music anymore.
[Jun 4,2010 6:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Why even bother hating these codgers?
[Jun 4,2010 6:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

LPCustom said:Old stuff for sure. I wanted to see them at Fenway too but already have the postponed Slayer/Megadeth tickets for that day.

same... although couldnt afford one of the fenway tix anyways. at this point i'd be more excited to see J Geils than Aerosmith at the show. hopefully the do a House of Blues date or something
[Jun 4,2010 6:26pm - LPCustom  ""]
Best J Geils album? My friend tells me I'd like them but don't know where to start!
[Jun 4,2010 6:51pm - sinistas ""]
70s A-Smith is where it's at. Rocks FTW
[Jun 4,2010 7:13pm - DreadKill ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Seasons of Wither ftw
amen to that
[Jun 4,2010 8:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I know why this thread is funny.
[Jun 4,2010 8:13pm - LPCustom  ""]

the_reverend said:I know why this thread is funny.

Cause you weren't in it...
[Jun 4,2010 8:16pm - the_reverend ""]
nope, cause of who started it. wren knows too.
[Jun 4,2010 9:16pm - Goatrider ""]
Yeah, fuck whoever started this thread!

...Okay now this is getting just plain silly.
[Jun 4,2010 10:23pm - thirdknuckle ""]

LPCustom said:Best J Geils album? My friend tells me I'd like them but don't know where to start!

Start with the 1st 2 Live albums: Blow Your Face Out & Full House
after that any their 1st 5 Studio albums:
J Geils band
Ladies Invited
Monkey Island and Sanctuary are OK... everything after that is crapolla
[Jun 4,2010 10:32pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

the_reverend said:nope, cause of who started it. wren knows too.

wait I do?
[Jun 4,2010 10:32pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

the_reverend said:nope, cause of who started it. wren knows too.

oh now I get it
[Jun 4,2010 10:45pm - RustyPS ""]
classic Aerosmith is classic

Dream On FTW
[Jun 4,2010 11:01pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
Get Your Wings is a great album imo.

I even label it metal, but that's just me
[Jun 4,2010 11:04pm - blue ""]
old aerosmith rules and so does revolution x (arcade)
[Jun 5,2010 1:29am - ShadowSD ""]

bloblovesmusic said:Get Your Wings is a great album imo.

I even label it metal, but that's just me

I definitely think it's fair to call certain Aerosmith material metal, it just depends on the song. A lot of their stuff is rock n' roll (Walk This Way, Sweet Emotion, Crazy, etc.), but there are other songs with a darker and more melodic tinge that I would definitely call metal (Dream On, Kings and Queens, Livin' On The Edge). I personally always preferred the broader definition of metal to the more narrow.
[Oct 15,2013 11:34am - HAMBONE  ""]
[Oct 15,2013 12:16pm - Robert Frank | CNBC Reporter and Editor  ""]
Why Rich Kids Hate Their Parents
Robert Frank | CNBC Reporter and Editor

Money is a magnifier, especially when it comes to family tensions. Just ask the Pritzkers or the Astors.

A new book by a Canadian wealth advisor says that the anger between kids and their parents is especially strong in wealthier families.

The book, “The Great White Elephant: Why Rich Kids Hate Their Parents,” by Franco Lombardo, lays out the dark, intergenerational struggle that’s playing out behind the mansion gates in many of today’s richest homes.

Lombardo’s starting point is the failure of wealth transfers and business transfers within rich families. Why, he asks, do 70 percent of family businesses fail to pass successfully to the next generation? The numbers for the second and third generations are even worse.

The question was especially puzzling since wealthy families hired so many sophisticated and expensive advisors and trust lawyers to help them along the inheritance path.

The answer, Lombardo found, was in the emotional issues and bad relationships that were brewing inside wealthy families.

“The emotional component just wasn’t being dealt with,” he told me in a recent interview. “The more money families have, the more these problems are magnified.”

He said wealthy kids hate their parents for three common reasons. First, wealthy parents don’t say “no” enough. “A child grows up with a sense that they get whatever they want,” Lombardo says. “When they go out into the world and the world tells them ‘no,” they’re angry. And they resent their parents.”

The second cause is time. Wealthy parents are often absent parents, and the kids feel abandoned. When the parents try to make up lost time with money, the kids get even angrier. “Money is the wrong currency to pay back lost time. You make up lost time with time.”

The third reason is society. The culture at large, Lombardo says, makes fun of rich kids. So parents tell their kids at an early age to hide their wealth. When the kids grow up, they feel that a big part of their identity has to remain hidden – and they blame their parents.

All of that anger can block or complicate the transfer of wealth or passing down of the family business.

So what can wealthy parents do to make their kids hate them less?

[Oct 15,2013 9:26pm - Daddy  ""]

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