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SHOW FLYER: Noosebomb, Hirudinea, Pillory - May 31st, All Asia

[Apr 27,2004 3:30pm - cdan ""]
be there bitches.

here is the flyer http://pillorygrind.com/flyer.html

download it, write it down, take a picture, i don't give a fuuhk!
[Apr 28,2004 7:09pm - noosebomb666 ""]
the only problem is.....were just Noosebomb, not noosebomb666. Although, if we were black metal that would probably be our name. Either way, looking forward to the gig.
[Apr 28,2004 10:42pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
no offense but kinda a lame slyer
[Apr 29,2004 12:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I liked it
[Apr 29,2004 10:03am - attendmyrequiem @ school  ""]
pillory is that band who has sick music with bury your dead vocals right?

that confuses me.
[Apr 29,2004 10:07am - Mike_FOD ""]
attendmyrequiem @ school said:pillory is that band who has sick music with bury your dead vocals right?

that confuses me.

They should do the gutturals like on Virulence's Dormant Strains.
[Apr 29,2004 12:56pm - Justin ACR  ""]
ya, dormant strain was a bad ass disc. what ever happened to nick? is he doing any projects now?
[Apr 29,2004 2:53pm - Mike_FOD ""]
Aside from Incarrion and Virulence I don't know if he's done other stuff but I hope he would keep writing music. Last I heard he moved back to SC.
[Apr 29,2004 3:55pm - pillorydan ""]
The Flyer has been corrected........
[Apr 29,2004 4:13pm - cdan ""]
The_ExhumeD said:no offense but kinda a lame slyer

yeah, youre right, it needs more guts and bloody bitches.
[Apr 29,2004 4:35pm - intricateprocess ""]
cant wait for this show......pillory is sick, at least the earlier shit i heard was........im sure they have progressed imensley
[Apr 29,2004 4:37pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
I haven't seen Nick in a long time, but last I heard he went back to SC and was ultra emo. I think he does new stuff, but I don't think I'd be too interested. Good guy though.
[Apr 29,2004 6:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
I gotta see Darren's kit on the All Asia stage.
[May 18,2004 3:30pm - ninkaszi187 ""]

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