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I am selling a used 20" Zildjian K Custom Dark Ride

[May 12,2010 12:47pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
I am selling a used 20" Zildjian K Custom Dark Ride - $240 Or best offer..

The cymbal sells for around $350 new and for $285 used on Amazon.com. I've had this for a couple of years and its come on the road a couple of times. It has no cracks or serious dents, though the surface shows its age.

"The Zildjian K Custom Dark Ride Cymbal has excellent stick definition with full, dry stick sound; dark, warm undertones; and trashy accents. The K Custom cymbals are specially designed to provide more volume and cut with a quicker attack and decay than traditional K Zildjians. K Custom cymbals – time-proven techniques driven into new territory."

The ride sounds great and definitely just as good as when I bought it. The cymbal works perfect for jazz (as a ride) or for metal (as more of a crash/ride).

Here is a video of me tapping on it a couple of times so you can hear and see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6xr8NvUqFg

And here's a video from Mycymbal.com of someone playing the same model: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4InAG0Cpds

Let me know if you have any questions. I'd be happy to throw in drunk drum lessons for any serious buyers!

[May 12,2010 1:15pm - boxxy ""]
i have to ask, what are drunk drum lessons.
[May 12,2010 1:16pm - boxxy ""]
[May 12,2010 2:32pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
I get drunk and give you a drum lesson? you get drunk and I give you a drum lesson? We get a bunch of drunk strippers and we both give them drum lessons? Whatever you want!
[May 12,2010 2:33pm - ark  ""]
tempted. love the sound of that series.
[May 12,2010 2:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]
ark, that's the same ride on my kit.
[May 12,2010 2:50pm - arktouros ""]
[May 12,2010 3:02pm - Cosby Browns NLI  ""]
[May 12,2010 4:08pm - josh_hates_you ""]

Jonahatwork said:We get a bunch of drunk strippers and we both give them drum lessons?

[May 12,2010 4:13pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
that was easy
[May 13,2010 10:57am - Jonahathome  ""]
[May 13,2010 12:54pm - Jonahathome  ""]
i also have a pair of Iron Cobras for sale if anyone is interested!
[May 13,2010 1:03pm - reimroc ""]
only sabians are real
[May 13,2010 1:03pm - reimroc ""]
.....and certain paistes
[May 13,2010 1:42pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Zildjians are the best cymbals, hands down. I like some sabiens and paistes, but in general Z always get me!
[May 13,2010 1:55pm - josh_hates_you ""]
paiste > zildjian and sabian comined.....

seriously though...instanbul agop ftw.
[May 13,2010 2:07pm - arktouros ""]
Son, I am DISAPPOINT...you guys should know even the same branded cymbal model can sound completely different...they all make world class cymbals, and total shite just as well...but yeah, Istanbuls are the balls...
[May 13,2010 3:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[May 13,2010 4:56pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I will give you $40 for this cymbal.
[May 13,2010 4:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I will give you $40 for this cymbal.

i'll give you 42 for it. I'm not kidding either, i even have the 42 on me.
[May 13,2010 5:54pm - reimroc ""]
xmikex once bought a robot to send back in time to kill Joe Christiani's mother.
[May 14,2010 9:02am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 14,2010 9:05am - arktouros ""]
$30, my final offer
[May 14,2010 9:53am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I won't go higher than 45 as it looks like garbage.
[May 17,2010 11:35am - Jonahatwork  ""]
I will personally rub my dick on this thing for the right price. $200. do it.
[May 17,2010 11:38am - ouchdrummer ""]
This cymbal is worth more than 200$ folks. I'm serious, this thing rules. i love mine more than any other ride i've ever heard. Matter of fact, the ride cymbal on the new Revocation record is one of these. I know because they borrowed it from me to use on it. (because it's so clear and has such good attack, without being long. (nice decay)
[May 17,2010 5:52pm - Murph ""]
I'll trade you an 80s Zildjian Z Mega Bell for it. Original, with the hand-hammered stars, not the queer machined shit as of late.
[May 17,2010 7:39pm - Alexecutioner ""]
ive got a similar model, i have the k custom dry ride, sounds similar. i LOVE it for the quick decay and CLEAR stick definition. BUY IT OR TERRORIST

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