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Fans of Alcest: Please listen to the new Les Discrets album

[May 7,2010 4:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Amazon.com has it, came in the mail last night.
They have samples up... Awesome atmosphere and composition. If you haven't heard them, it's Fursy's band (amesouers). Not as "black metalish" as alcest, but essentially the same kind of feel. Shoegaze, limpwristed rock, with some metal inspired parts.
On phone so I can't post links.
[May 7,2010 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I've had it for a while. need to burn it for RTTP/
[May 7,2010 4:16pm - DreadKill ""]
i've had it for a while too and it's excellent. i love fursy's illustrations too.
[May 7,2010 4:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
A while? It's only been out for just over a month!
[May 7,2010 4:32pm - DreadKill ""]
by a while, i mean a few weeks. i downloaded it.
[May 7,2010 4:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
"bring back the ways of old"
[May 7,2010 5:00pm - DreadKill ""]
i'll buy it eventually
[May 7,2010 5:00pm - DreadKill ""]
or maybe i'll get a shirt
[May 7,2010 10:05pm - JackGrants ""]
Great emotional music indeed, no wonder they also got a 5 record deal with Prophecy recs.
[May 7,2010 10:33pm - goatcatalyst ""]
5 is the going rate it seems.
[May 7,2010 10:43pm - JackGrants ""]
Good for them, Prophecy allows them to release some great cds which go beyond music. Their artwork is excellent.
[May 11,2010 3:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Anyone check this out?
[May 11,2010 3:20pm - DreadKill ""]
anyuone who didn't should do so asap
[May 11,2010 3:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Do what dadkill says or you'll get the belt
[May 11,2010 3:32pm - BloodeyeBetty ""]
snagged the album a few days ago, I was already in love with alcest. was really bummed when they didnt show to the democracy center. Pretty sure They would have never played there at all anyway...Dream time, Alcest always leaves me ready for sleep...
[May 11,2010 4:32pm - DreadKill ""]

arilliusbm said:Do what dadkill says or you'll get the belt

aril dad will administer soap in the mouth if baby swears
[Jan 26,2011 11:05am - arilliusbm ""]
love this album. Hipster or not
[Jan 26,2011 11:18am - Beorht-Dana ""]
[Jan 26,2011 12:05pm - Mutis ""]
It's my pick of 2010
[Jan 26,2011 12:13pm - JackGrants ""]
They should tour with Alcest and Agalloch
[Jan 26,2011 12:16pm - BSV  ""]
fucking stellar album!
[Jan 26,2011 12:33pm - ancient master  ""]
also check out Lantlôs
[Jan 28,2011 5:44pm - Slag ""]
I have the biggest homo boner for this album right now. Thanks RTTP!
[Jan 28,2011 5:49pm - arilliusbm ""]

ancient%20master said:also check out Lantlôs

great band.. I think the self-titled is a little better than .neon. although neige's vocal style fits it a little better.
[Jan 28,2011 6:55pm - |an ""]

Slag said:I have the biggest homo boner for this album right now. Thanks RTTP!

this!!! ^^^
[Jan 28,2011 11:27pm - mutis ""]
The new lantlôs is alright, but not near as good as les discrets.
[Jan 30,2011 9:43am - JackGrants ""]

mutis said:The new lantlôs is alright, but not near as good as les discrets.

Amen to that
[Mar 11,2012 7:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
The new album is good. Made my pants tighter but my dick filled with blood.

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