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[May 5,2010 12:45pm - RustyPS ""]


open September 3......CANNOT WAIT
[May 5,2010 12:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
This movie will not suck.
[May 5,2010 12:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 5,2010 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 5,2010 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: http://www.rightcelebrity.com/?p=1744
[May 5,2010 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
ahahah: http://retardzone.com/2008/09/25/top-10-ho...est-celebrities-infected-with-stds/
[May 5,2010 1:14pm - boxxy ""]

the_reverend said:ps: http://www.rightcelebrity.com/?p=1744

lulzy, awesome.
This movie will kick buttocks.
[May 5,2010 1:17pm - boxxy ""]
uhhh j. alba pics.... ugghhh fap fap fap fap fapf ap
[May 5,2010 1:28pm - pam ""]
Holy fuck.
[May 5,2010 1:28pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Fuckin' sweeeeet
[May 5,2010 1:44pm - RustyPS ""]
[May 5,2010 2:01pm - deathchick ""]
Yes! awesome
[May 5,2010 2:43pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
finally, now werewolf women of the ss needs to be made.
[May 5,2010 2:48pm - RustyPS ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:finally, now werewolf women of the ss needs to be made.
I actually think both that and Thankgiving Day are in the works
[May 5,2010 4:13pm - punk potenza  ""]
so fucking stupid. this guy and quentin need to stop putting out mindless "its so cheesy its cool" movies.
[May 5,2010 5:03pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Dude, that was one of the best trailers ever. I will see this movie.
[May 5,2010 5:14pm - BlackoutRick ""]
HA! Jeff Fahey. Where the fuck has that guy been? Memba Body Parts and Lawnmower Man? Sick.
[May 5,2010 5:27pm - RustyPS ""]

BlackoutRick said:HA! Jeff Fahey. Where the fuck has that guy been? Memba Body Parts and Lawnmower Man? Sick.
he's been on Lost for the past few years
[May 5,2010 11:03pm - mike pile  ""]
introducing Don Johnson? the dude's been around since A Boy and His Dog
[May 5,2010 11:14pm - timma ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:This movie will not suck.

[May 6,2010 1:20am - Alexecutioner ""]
I've wanted this movie to happen ever since they played that trailer in the beginning of that grind house double feature, thought it was fake tho
[May 6,2010 8:12am - Yeti ""]

the_reverend said:ps: http://www.rightcelebrity.com/?p=1744

i would gladly get herpes from Jessica Alba. in fact i'd walk around bragging about it with my sore covered dong hanging out.
[May 6,2010 8:19am - NuclearWinter ""]

Alexecutioner said:I've wanted this movie to happen ever since they played that trailer in the beginning of that grind house double feature, thought it was fake tho

It was. Though, it has since been made un-fake.
[May 6,2010 8:44am - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
Dude, Machete is from 'Spy Kids'! WTF? .......not that ive ever seen that movie.
[May 6,2010 9:18am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This movie looks ideal. WILL SEE.
[May 6,2010 9:23am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

Death_Metal_Jim said:Dude, Machete is from 'Spy Kids'! WTF? .......not that ive ever seen that movie.

Machete is the typical mexican

any movie that needs a mexican thug, he is in it.

kinda like any movie that needs a shitty cop gone bad to get vengeance...steven segal.

[May 6,2010 9:26am - ouchdrummer ""]

Yeti said:
the_reverend said:ps: http://www.rightcelebrity.com/?p=1744

i would gladly get herpes from Jessica Alba. in fact i'd walk around bragging about it with my sore covered dong hanging out.

no fucking shit dude.
[May 6,2010 9:29am - ouchdrummer ""]

Yeti said:
the_reverend said:ps: http://www.rightcelebrity.com/?p=1744

i would gladly get herpes from Jessica Alba. in fact i'd walk around bragging about it with my sore covered dong hanging out.

yeti, we should start the "Church of Alba and Divine Herbs"
[May 6,2010 9:30am - RustyPS ""]

Death_Metal_Jim said:Dude, Machete is from 'Spy Kids'! WTF? .......not that ive ever seen that movie.
you've never heard of Danny Trejo? seriously?

[May 6,2010 9:33am - ouchdrummer ""]

punk%20potenza said:so fucking stupid. this guy and quentin need to stop putting out mindless "its so cheesy its cool" movies.

Well it's to bad you can't enjoy this brand of comedy. A lot of people really enjoy it, and it makes them happy. Hopefully you can find someplace to live where arrogant fucking directors will stop putting out such stupid dribble.
[May 6,2010 10:28am - Yeti ""]

ouchdrummer said:
Yeti said:
the_reverend said:ps: http://www.rightcelebrity.com/?p=1744

i would gladly get herpes from Jessica Alba. in fact i'd walk around bragging about it with my sore covered dong hanging out.

yeti, we should start the "Church of Alba and Divine Herbs"

i will eat of her body, and drink of her blood.
[May 6,2010 12:17pm - ouchdrummer ""]
we can do that together my brother. together in the church of alba and divine herbs.
[May 6,2010 12:29pm - deathchick ""]
[May 7,2010 11:21am - punk potenza  ""]

ouchdrummer said:
punk%20potenza said:so fucking stupid. this guy and quentin need to stop putting out mindless "its so cheesy its cool" movies.

Well it's to bad you can't enjoy this brand of comedy. A lot of people really enjoy it, and it makes them happy. Hopefully you can find someplace to live where arrogant fucking directors will stop putting out such stupid dribble.

i dont get the humor at all it seams forced and mindless. like they got tired of ripping off kung fu movies now they wanna do cheesy 70's exploitation but really bad and irnoic get this hipster shit outta my fuckin face. planet terror of death proof were so bad. i know their ment to be "funny" but i still think its stupid as fuck sorry i dont eat this stuf up like a homless single mother on the set of a sact porn like the rest of you

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