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metal fest second day

[Apr 24,2004 11:23am - norseLord  ""]
who will be going to see metal fest, aka bodom and iced earth.

I know if I see any queers hardcore dancing to either bands I ma going to have to bend them over my knee and give thme a spanking on their tight girly pants.
[Apr 24,2004 5:42pm - retzam ""]
I'm going to Bodom and Iced Earth. It will be tight *said with Swedish accent*
[Apr 24,2004 5:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't think you will have to worry about the hardcore kids during iced earth, they will have already left to have tons of gay sex elsewhere, so as not to hear talented music.
[Apr 24,2004 5:56pm - Dissector ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I don't think you will have to worry about the hardcore kids during iced earth, they will have already left to have tons of gay sex elsewhere, so as not to hear talented music.

Hahahaha. ZING!
[Apr 24,2004 6:08pm - retzam ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I don't think you will have to worry about the hardcore kids during iced earth, they will have already left to have tons of gay sex elsewhere, so as not to hear talented music.

That is seriously the best post of yours that I have ever read.

Well, except maybe for this:

[Apr 24,2004 6:10pm - xericx ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I don't think you will have to worry about the hardcore kids during iced earth, they will have already left to have tons of gay sex elsewhere, so as not to hear talented music.

i'm not even going either days that way i can have gay sex AAAALLLL day long! :shocker:
[Apr 24,2004 6:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
retzam said:Joe/NotCommon said:I don't think you will have to worry about the hardcore kids during iced earth, they will have already left to have tons of gay sex elsewhere, so as not to hear talented music.

That is seriously the best post of yours that I have ever read.

Well, except maybe for this:


That girl broke my heart :(
[Apr 24,2004 6:19pm - retzam ""]

I still can't get over the bit about hurting the dolls. Oh man, that was definitely awesome.
[Apr 24,2004 10:17pm - succubus ""]
oh and yep..going
[Apr 25,2004 1:20pm - norseLord  ""]
hahaha bodom are finnish not swedish(to the person who said it ina swede accent)

iced earth will probely open up with the national nthem and all the hardcore kids will be so lost they will start trying to act all anti govermental thinking they are cool
[Apr 25,2004 1:33pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
your retarded.
[Apr 25,2004 1:37pm - bostonhardcore  ""]
im gonna hardcore dance during them to piss you off, and im not a tight pants, mascara, tight shirt wearing fag
[Apr 25,2004 1:38pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I'm going to be at home playing video games
[Apr 25,2004 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there taking pictures.
[Apr 25,2004 1:56pm - JellyFish ""]
bostonhardcore said:im gonna hardcore dance during them to piss you off, and im not a tight pants, mascara, tight shirt wearing fag

He can fucking play though, mascera or not.
[Apr 25,2004 2:31pm - retzam ""]
norseLord said:hahaha bodom are finnish not swedish(to the person who said it ina swede accent)

I know that, I said "It will be tight" *with a Swedish accent* as a Lamentations reference. See thread entitled "You are cordially invited..."

[Apr 25,2004 6:03pm - retzam ""]
I am quite looking forward to this, listening to Hate Crew right now.
[Apr 25,2004 6:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Bodom and Iced earth. thats why IM going.
[Apr 25,2004 6:18pm - JellyFish ""]
Hopefully they have patches again. Last year there was a guy with a huge box full of bad ass Death, Exodus patches. I had NO money though. Sucked.
[Apr 25,2004 6:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Ill have plenty o' cash.
[Apr 25,2004 6:23pm - JellyFish ""]
Good, so you can buy me one.
[Apr 25,2004 6:30pm - retzam ""]
These two bands and Arch Enemy are the only really good metal bands playing the fest this year. What the hell? Maybe one year the line up will include enough good bands to get me to go to both or even one full day.
[Apr 25,2004 8:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
Grand Belials Key all the way.
[Apr 25,2004 8:35pm - JellyFish ""]
retzam said:These two bands and Arch Enemy are the only really good metal bands playing the fest this year. What the hell? Maybe one year the line up will include enough good bands to get me to go to both or even one full day.

Doubt it.
[Apr 25,2004 10:51pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, me too.

On a related note, tickets for individual nights still havn't fucking gone on sale and we are less than a week away. If I have to buy a ticket to the full day and sit through 8 hours of this shit, I am going to be mega pissed.
[Apr 26,2004 9:18am - Cruachan69er  ""]
hardcore is for queers, only a bucnh of wussys would bring brass knucklles into the pit, only queers would flail around their arms like they are being attacked by bees.

The true metal head would not hardcore dance for that is cheap, th epoint of a mosh is to have fun not flail around your arms in hopes of hitting someone then saying "oops my bad".

I got hit by one of those queers hardcore dancing during bodom last time they where hear and i threw his thin ass up into the crowd and he was surfing off flailing his scrawny arms.

-The man with the dwarve bead
[Apr 26,2004 9:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wish you were really a dwarf. We could go on adventures together deep into the heart of Mordor.
[Apr 26,2004 10:56am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
~~sharpens broadsword~~
Sounds like an adverture be brewing...
[Apr 26,2004 3:01pm - JellyFish ""]
retzam said:Yeah, me too.

On a related note, tickets for individual nights still havn't fucking gone on sale and we are less than a week away. If I have to buy a ticket to the full day and sit through 8 hours of this shit, I am going to be mega pissed.

Dude, Bodom is worth it. Think about it, theyre gonna have at least an hour set and then Iced Earth is on. Think the Dimmu show plus 45 MORE minutes of bad ass Bodom. Id say its worth sitting through terror and throwdown.
[Apr 26,2004 3:30pm - retzam ""]
I missed the dimmu show...

And besides, I read about Bodom's set somewhere. It includes Silent Night, Downfall, Hate Me!, Everytime I Die, Needled 24/7, Sixpounder, and I think something else off of Hate Crew. I'm DEFINITELY not sitting through all of that horrible music for those 7 or 8 songs. If I do spend 35 bucks, I will show up at 9 or 10 anyway.
[Apr 28,2004 3:29pm - rhavensilence  ""]
I saw bodom at the dimmu, the floor was insane, if there were not so many people on the floor the whole thing would have been A pit but it was just a moving mass of people and small pits breaking free
[Apr 28,2004 3:31pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:~~sharpens broadsword~~
Sounds like an adverture be brewing...

*rolls 2 d20*

damn! a 2! guess i gotta take my mother out to the Christmas Tree Shop now... maybe the next adventure i will be able to come long =(
[Apr 28,2004 4:04pm - anonymous  ""]
Soilent green, niggaz!
[Apr 28,2004 11:18pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, I don't think I am gonna go. Bummer, I really want to see Bodom. Oh well, they will probably release another album some time in '05 and I can see them then.
[Apr 28,2004 11:29pm - abbath ""]
anonymous said:Soilent green, niggaz!


iced earth is cool, but even opeth didn't even play a 2 hour set at last year's show

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