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Goratory new full length

[Apr 23,2004 1:41pm - extremedeath666 ""]
so yesterday we got back from california (a nice 53 hour cruise.) we recorded at trident studios with collin and juan from vile, laying down 8 new tracks and re-recorded mutilate and modify from sexual intercorpse.
the cd is going to be named "rice on suede" and should be relesed with in the next month or so.
[Apr 23,2004 2:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
nice dudes, look foreward to hearing it... and playing shows with goratory
[Apr 23,2004 3:27pm - the_rooster ""]
SICK...you guys fucking killed at valentine's when we (clitorture) played with you. looking forward to the new stuff...we should do another show sometime.
[Apr 23,2004 6:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
play some fucking shows around here! pussies!!!!!
[Apr 23,2004 6:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I hear black dalhia murder loves you guys...
[Apr 23,2004 6:57pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah zach we need to carpool done to vital remains, call me....
[Apr 23,2004 6:59pm - the_reverend ""]
honestly, bring a copy of the new shit to give to the singer and bass player of BDM.
I'm sure they would love it.
[Apr 24,2004 12:26am - extremedeath666 ""]
yo, I'll give you a ride mofo. Oh, this is Alan not Zach. Rev, I got an advanced copy of the disc for you. I'll toss it to you at the Vital show.
[Apr 24,2004 12:47am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
I heard the new cd went into a polka like direction...
[Apr 24,2004 5:01am - the_reverend ""]
spaldino, learn your freaking music...
polkas are in 1/2 time, it's in 1/3 which is an oberic.
[Apr 24,2004 1:20pm - extremedeath666 ""]
obviously comon now
[Apr 24,2004 2:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
What the hell does "Rice On Suede" mean?

[Apr 25,2004 5:20pm - extremedeath666 ""]
nothing really,its just a vocal pattern in the song,actully the only words in the song

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