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I have a favor to ask... to help a good friend of mine...

[Apr 18,2010 1:41am - KeithMutiny ""]
My friend Alyson has been battling cardiac issues for the last 14 years. Some of you know her, and some of you may not, but thats not the issue. She is only 28 years old and currently suffers from Atrial Fibrillation, as well as an assortment of arrhythmias that overall effect her ability to live a normal life...

The accepted surgery to correct atrial fibrillation is known as a radio frequency ablation. This is very common practice with middle age, as well as elderly folks that suffer from this problem.

The situation is, the insurance company has decided she should take the course of a medication route to treat this chemically. She has tried all the common medications, and even a few trials, with no positive result.

When confronted with the "last resort", of surgery, the insurance company said no. I don't think this is right, nor even close to acceptable, but my thoughts are not what matters here.

Most of you know me, some of you are well aware that I am, and work as, a Paramedic in the city of Worcester. So either way, don't take this as me talking out of my ass. I'm asking for you to help.

Her mother set up a website, and I'm shopping bands and venues for a fundraiser in the near future. Anything you folks could do to spead the word or give a little would be much appreciated. I would be more than happy to keep you informed as how everythings going.

Thanks for any help... I'm putting the web address below for donations... help if you can, link it if you can't donate, just try. thanks

-Keith Mutiny

[Apr 18,2010 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 23,2010 11:12pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Apr 24,2010 1:29am - josh_hates_you ""]
could most likely do it at club oasis in worcester for no money over head at all so everything raised at the door will go where it is supposed to.
[Apr 24,2010 2:23am - KeithMutiny ""]
been talkin to one of the owners of jerkys, but nothing solid yet
[Apr 24,2010 2:47am - Sacreligion ""]

josh_hates_you said:could most likely do it at club oasis in worcester for no money over head at all so everything raised at the door will go where it is supposed to.
[Apr 24,2010 7:55am - ShadowSD ""]
If you're looking for some bands to play for free and raise money for this, we would be glad to do it, we played at something similar in December to help raise money for someone whose cancer treatments had become more than they could afford.
[Apr 24,2010 8:00am - josh_hates_you ""]
keith, if you see this message today, head down to oasis at 70 james st. worcester any time after 6pm. 424 fest will be happening but you could talk to sully or tam and find out available dates. I think im booking 2 dates there in july but would be willing to give one of them up for this if needed.
[Apr 26,2010 7:52am - Yeti ""]

KeithMutiny said:Most of you know me, some of you are well aware that I am, and work as, a Paramedic in the city of Worcester.

i did not know this. i'll have to fake an injury just so you're forced to give mouth to mouth.

all joking aside, a show at Oasis would be awesome for this. count us in.
[Apr 26,2010 8:52am - ouchdrummer ""]
I'm sorry to hear about this Keith. I'm not sure that either of my bands (Useful Idiot/Boarcorpse) would actually be able to draw enough people to help, but we would obviously do it if you wanted. Good luck.
[Apr 26,2010 9:51am - Slymo ""]
i will donate supplements.
[Apr 26,2010 11:18am - Dankill  ""]

Everyone step up and help out with this in anyway possible.
[Apr 30,2010 9:46pm - KeithMutiny ""]
shes actually almost reached the amount she needs, its pretty awesome to know that there are still some good folks out there.
[May 1,2010 6:52am - KPANZER  ""]
[May 1,2010 2:32pm - brian_dc ""]
maybe get a hold of BobDead if you haven't thought of that already. Providence has had a good track record as of late for coming out for good causes. Bob, in particular, always seems up to be helpful.

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