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4/23/2010 - Billerica Skate Festival (Word For Word, Reckless, ABC & The D's, Malcolm White, Roadrunner, Vice, MORE)

[show listing]  ______________________________________________
[Apr 13,2010 5:00pm - Billerica Skatepark  ""]

FUNDRAISING benefit show and skate contests for the Billerica Skatepark.

General Entry: $10

Contests (Helmets Required):
Game of SKATE
Manny Mania

Shimmy TK - 12 pm
Derek Scheffer - 1215 pm
SS Moustache - 1230 pm
Starkwether & The Spectors - 1250 pm
Fairview - 125 pm
Target Missed - 155 pm
Bite The Curb - 215 pm
The Saints - 245 pm
Nothing Left - 315 pm
Featherweight - 345 pm
Risk - 415 pm
Last Shot - 440 pm
The Control - 510 pm
Dry Heave - 530 pm
Vice - 6 pm
Roadrunner - 630 pm
Special Guest - 7 pm
Malcolm White - 730 pm
ABC & D's - 8 pm
Reckless - 830 pm
Word For Word - 9 pm

Malcolm White's last show, as well as Risk's first show!
No fighting, drugs, or drinking, don't be a meathead.

Friday, April 23, 2010
8:00am - 11:00pm
Lampson Recreation Complex, Billerica MA


[Apr 13,2010 5:27pm - narkybark ""]
I live literally right next to this place. We shoulda played and showed these kids what's real.
[Apr 13,2010 11:49pm - charlieinfection ""]
whats the address to this place ??
[Apr 14,2010 8:47am - AndrewBastard  ""]
no beer/drugs = fail.

Otherwise I'd attend just to watch people skate and skate myself.
[Apr 19,2010 1:34pm - sagdsadg  ""]
address: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Lampson+Recr...&spn=0.007082,0.019205&z=16&iwloc=A
[Apr 23,2010 10:35am - Jimmy C  ""]
wicked pumped for this!!
[Apr 23,2010 11:16am - Alx_Casket ""]
are bikes allowed?

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