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Type O Nargarative - Life is Killing Me wicked fucking APPREESH

[Apr 12,2010 3:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Relevent album is relevant. Well-played, Mr. Steele.

[Apr 12,2010 3:41pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Was listening to this the other night while out & about with Ninkaszi. Life is indeed killing us.
[Apr 12,2010 3:41pm - Yeti ""]
yes. Less Than Zero, How Could She?, IYDKMIGHTKY, and Anesthesia are stand outs.
[Apr 12,2010 3:42pm - Yeti ""]
whyyyyyyyeeeeyyyy why don't you love me?
[Apr 12,2010 3:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
dya will commence fapping to steele's pics tonight.
[Apr 12,2010 3:42pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Only a faggot poseur wouldn't.
[Apr 12,2010 3:43pm - Sacreligion ""]
Definitely one of their most solid albums front-to-back. Anesthesia is a contender for my favorite Type O song.
[Apr 12,2010 3:44pm - Yeti ""]
it has some the most creative song lyrics.
[Apr 12,2010 4:00pm - Solipsist ""]
Awesome album, totally underrated. Every song will get stuck in your head, so catchy.
[Apr 12,2010 4:08pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Andrew DiMatteo Likes This. *FACE BOOK THUMBS UP*
[Apr 12,2010 4:25pm - Peter Steele's Girthy Manhood  ""]
Keep stroking boys, I'm about to blow! Who wants the first facial?
[Apr 12,2010 4:47pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Type O fuckin rules!! Fucking amazing live band too.
[Apr 12,2010 5:24pm - blessed offal  ""]
only every single Type O release ever is real.
[Apr 12,2010 6:07pm - sinistas ""]
I love this album. Anesthesia and Nettie own.
[Apr 12,2010 9:20pm - BlackoutRick ""]

blessed%20offal said:only every single Type O release ever is real.

Truth. Life is Killing Me was the last of their records that I got into. I instantly got in into the new one.
[Apr 12,2010 10:44pm - BSV  ""]
Personally it's my favorite Type O Negative album. I think it's just stellar and flawless.
[Apr 12,2010 11:18pm - arktouros ""]
howwwwww coouulllllllllldddd SHHEEEEEEEEE?

in b4 "how did your parents take the news?"
[Apr 13,2010 7:15am - Yeti ""]
how many times must i say i'm not sorry?
and how many ways can i show i don't care?
[Apr 13,2010 9:31am - neverpurified nli  ""]

BlackoutRick said:
blessed%20offal said:only every single Type O release ever is real.

Truth. Life is Killing Me was the last of their records that I got into. I instantly got in into the new one.

So what you're saying, is that Dead Again is the last record you got into
[Apr 13,2010 9:32am - reimroc ""]
[Apr 13,2010 9:37am - C.dEaD  ""]

[Apr 13,2010 9:39am - Lich_King ""]
Type O Negative sounds like a broccoli fart smells.
[Apr 13,2010 12:39pm - mutis  ""]
Gayest closet-case album ever. Steele sets fellow homosexuals back about 20 years with this album.
[Apr 13,2010 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
well, he does like goils.
[Apr 13,2010 12:43pm - Lich_King ""]
Also: Every goth kid in the 90's based their D&D character on that douchebag.
[Apr 13,2010 12:53pm - C.dEaD  ""]
Wait, isn't your band named after a World of Warcraft expansion?
[Apr 13,2010 12:53pm - mutis  ""]
That's my point. He's so uncomfortable with his sexuality he had to write a song about it.

[Apr 13,2010 12:57pm - Yeti ""]
ITT: Mutis deals with confusing emotions towards Peter Steele.
[Apr 13,2010 1:21pm - Lich_King ""]

C.dEaD said:Wait, isn't your band named after a World of Warcraft expansion?
No, you sillybilly.
[Apr 13,2010 1:33pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
He was also in Carnivore, and they just so happen to shit on anything you'll ever do.
[Apr 13,2010 1:36pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

C.dEaD said:[img]


[Apr 13,2010 1:48pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I'm listening to this right now. Favorite albums from this band in order:

Dead Again
Life Is Killing Me
World Coming Down
[Apr 13,2010 1:49pm - Lich_King ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:He was also in Carnivore, and they just so happen to shit on anything you'll ever do.

Dude, you're defending the Type O Negative guy.
[Apr 13,2010 1:53pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Enjoying a grilled veggie sub in the comforts of an empty office is actually what I'm doing.
[Apr 13,2010 1:54pm - ark  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:He was also in Carnivore, and they just so happen to shit on anything you'll ever do.
[Apr 13,2010 4:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Tough to have legitimate opinions on crrossover music when you're dissing the guy who wrote half of "Cause For Alarm" (not to mention both Carnivore albums which, as mentioned, are beyond reproach).
[Apr 13,2010 4:54pm - Flip Hat McJick  ""]

Lich_King said:
MikeofdecrepitudE said:He was also in Carnivore, and they just so happen to shit on anything you'll ever do.

Dude, you're defending the Type O Negative guy.

Dude, you play fake happy pizza party bandwagon jumping thrash metal
[Apr 13,2010 4:57pm - mutis  ""]
You can invent all the genres of music you want but it won't make you any less of a homophobic closet-case douchebag who goes to church on Sundays.

Granted most of the music I listen to is written by douchbags, but Steele is just too much.
[Apr 13,2010 5:06pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
"Super cliche thrash logo, bro."
[Apr 13,2010 5:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
Try Seraphim Shock, then. Wannabe Steele vocals, meets industrial, meets goth metal, but with a hot broad.
[Apr 13,2010 5:29pm - Lich_King ""]

Flip%20Hat%20%20McJick said:
Lich_King said:
MikeofdecrepitudE said:He was also in Carnivore, and they just so happen to shit on anything you'll ever do.

Dude, you're defending the Type O Negative guy.

Dude, you play fake happy pizza party bandwagon jumping thrash metal

Even if that's all we did, that trumps the Type O Negative guy. Reasons: he's the guy from Type O Negative.
[Apr 13,2010 6:46pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Dude, fuck yourself. Peter Steele has had the longevity to keep 2 bands alive for the past 20 years. What the fuck have you done?
[Apr 13,2010 6:59pm - Lich_King ""]
All right, I'm going to slowly back out of here. I thought I'd come in and have some fun, I had NO idea there were Peter Steele fans still out there. I thought they all grew up and became soccer moms.
[Apr 14,2010 9:52am - mutis  ""]
LOL@ people being fans of other people.
[Apr 14,2010 9:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Lich_King said:All right, I'm going to slowly back out of here. I thought I'd come in and have some fun, I had NO idea there were Peter Steele fans still out there. I thought they all grew up and became soccer moms.

RTTP: The final bastion of good taste.
[Apr 14,2010 10:38am - ark  ""]
Type-O has always polarized metal fans to an extreme. They must be doing something right.
[Apr 14,2010 10:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
He sucked after the Fallout 7"
[Apr 14,2010 11:15am - MetalThursday ""]
3 years ago at Duff's in Brooklyn I seriously thought Steele was a drunken vagrant sitting on a dirty couch with two middle-aged prostitutes until someone told me who it was. Dude looked like shit. I couldn't believe it was the guy every female friend I had in the 90's was wet for. Scott tried to give him a Zircon CD and he left it on the bar without saying a word... hahaha...
[Apr 14,2010 11:50am - pam ""]
My ipod LOVES this album. I put on shuffle and 5/10 songs are from this album.
[Apr 14,2010 4:02pm - blessed offal  ""]

Lich_King said:All right, I'm going to slowly back out of here. I thought I'd come in and have some fun, I had NO idea there were Peter Steele fans still out there. I thought they all grew up and became soccer moms.

dude arnt you in lich king?
[Apr 14,2010 4:03pm - Lich_King ""]
Sorry, I can't hear you, I backed out of here as stated. ...but yes.
[Apr 14,2010 6:02pm - BlackoutRick ""]

neverpurified%20nli said:
BlackoutRick said:
blessed%20offal said:only every single Type O release ever is real.

Truth. Life is Killing Me was the last of their records that I got into. I instantly got in into the new one.

So what you're saying, is that Dead Again is the last record you got into

No I instantly got into Dead Again. I didn't get into LIKM until recently.
I like the way this thread has gone. You can be a fan of Pete's bands without getting hungup on how he lives his life. That is all.
[Apr 14,2010 6:05pm - BlackoutRick ""]
BTW, off topic but does anyone remember that big dude who used to go to shows and basically walk slowly into pits and dudes would just bounce off him? He dressed like Undertaker as well. We used to call him Pete Steele.
[Apr 15,2010 12:03am - Lich_King ""]
Rumors are flying over the last two hours that Peter Steele has died. Now that's weird timing.
[Apr 15,2010 1:18am - Jim.....  ""]
RIP Pete.
[Apr 15,2010 7:05am - ouch  ""]
[Apr 15,2010 7:43am - Peter McSpeedle NLI from beyond the grave  ""]
This thread is killing me.
[Apr 15,2010 8:17am - pam ""]
[Apr 15,2010 8:20am - arilliusbm ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Relevent album is relevant. Well-played, Mr. Steele.

yea.. Uh, steve, you have some explaining to do.

ITT: DYA knows the future
[Apr 15,2010 10:37am - Yeti ""]
hahaha oh man that is weird.
[Apr 15,2010 10:47am - DreadKill ""]

sinistas said:I love this album. I don't wanna be me, Anesthesia and Nettie own.
[Apr 15,2010 10:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Two steps forward / three steps back
Without warning / heart attack
[Apr 15,2010 10:58am - DreadKill ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Two steps forward / three steps back
Without warning / heart attack

i've been thinking of that part all day.
[Apr 15,2010 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
He's trying to cover his tracks by quoting that.
[Apr 15,2010 11:00am - Sacreligion ""]
Aril STILL knows what you did last night.
[Apr 15,2010 11:02am - arilliusbm ""]
Last summer, too.
[Apr 15,2010 11:06am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, I guess you've got a point there. LOL
[Apr 15,2010 11:07am - RichHorror ""]
I hope your DM can vouch for your whereabouts of the last 24 hours, Steven.
[Apr 15,2010 11:09am - Sacreligion ""]
Steven is his own god, I mean DM.

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