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FREE jet blue flights in june

[Apr 12,2010 11:54am - ouchdrummer ""]
So, apparently it's Jet Blue's Bday, so they're giving out vouchers for free flights in the month of June. They're doing in downtown Boston, they were just accross the st. from my work in city hall plaza, and i went over and spoke with them, it's legit. They said to follow them on twitter to find their next location in Boston they will be giving them out at. If you're in boston, this is real, these are worth money, even if you're not going to fly, just put em on ebay.

I can't access twitter on my work PC, so if anyone can get their twitter and let me know where they are so i can go get more, i'd appreciate it... peace ya'll.
[Apr 12,2010 11:59am - the_reverend ""]
free vouchers with a $250 human flight committee tax.
[Apr 12,2010 12:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
nope, totally free. We've read all the terms, these ones are free.
[Apr 12,2010 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
ClairWyant RT @BostonTweet: Today @JetBlue is in Boston giving away free tickets. They were just at City Hall Plaza and they're now moving to the next spot. #JB10BOS
[Apr 12,2010 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
swimmykimy @adgirl100 me too!!!! Dying to know the next spot #JB10BOS half a minute ago from TweetDeck
[Apr 12,2010 12:31pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I want free plane tickets... Western MA sucks haha
[Apr 12,2010 12:52pm - the_reverend ""]
JetBlue We’re all out of tickets for this spot and moving to our LAST spot of the day! Are you ready? #JB10BOS
[Apr 12,2010 12:54pm - the_reverend ""]
Cimg3803crop_normal thedivaonadime Awesome guerrilla marketing! RT @JetBlue: Office Surprise! Find us at Copley Sq w/ a photo of 10 standard office supplies #JB10BOS
[Apr 12,2010 12:56pm - the_reverend ""]
# Office Surprise! Find us at Copley Sq with a photo of 10 standard office supplies #JB10BOS 27 minutes ago via UberTwitter
[Apr 12,2010 1:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
bullshit, copley is too far for me to make during work. Well, i got one, let's hope they come back to this area.
[Apr 12,2010 4:25pm - HECATE ""]
Niceee! I need a free ride to WA over the summer, ill have to check it out.
[Apr 12,2010 5:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
got another one. boo ya.
[Apr 12,2010 8:05pm - xanonymousx ""]

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