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Goddammit Potatoshop CS4, why must you give me hassles when I'm trying to steal you?

[Apr 8,2010 3:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Trying to steal CS4 like a good student but I'm getting the damn "licensing for this product has expired" message. I can change the system clock back every time I wanna use it but fuck that. There are fixes, I'm just having a bitch of a time trying to grab one online. (I'm on school intertubes and can't get a torrent to work from here.) I'll figure it out, but why Adobe gotta mess with a playa's game like thank, nahmean? LOL
[Apr 8,2010 3:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
make a video game about it
[Apr 8,2010 3:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
i would but it'd be text only
[Apr 8,2010 3:51pm - ouchdrummer ""]
go ahead and steal THE WHOLE THING
[Apr 8,2010 3:51pm - arktouros ""]
does the school block .torrent files from downloading, or do they have the protocol blocked? if they just block torrent files you can download it as a text file through http://txtor.dwerg.net/
[Apr 8,2010 3:52pm - ouchdrummer ""]
techno-thief-nerd to the rescue
[Apr 8,2010 3:52pm - reimroc ""]
do you have a rapidshare premium account?
[Apr 8,2010 3:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arktouros said:does the school block .torrent files from downloading, or do they have the protocol blocked? if they just block torrent files you can download it as a text file through http://txtor.dwerg.net/

Pretty sure it's a port forwarding issue, uTorrent doesn't see any seeders.
[Apr 8,2010 3:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

reimroc said:do you have a rapidshare premium account?

Not at the moment, but I'll prolly rectify that shortly. Just tried one fix that involved manually replacing .dlls, which of course didn't work, and my overconfident ass didn't back up the originals so it's off to reinstall land for me. LOL
[Apr 8,2010 3:55pm - reimroc ""]
check your PMs
[Apr 8,2010 3:56pm - arktouros ""]
in utorrent try turning on forced encryption for incoming and outgoing.
[Apr 8,2010 3:57pm - arktouros ""]
or if you have the entire creative suite 4 and not just photoshop, i have a valid serial
[Apr 8,2010 4:02pm - arktouros ""]
also change the port to something totally random in the 30k+ range...the only way they would block that is with a packet shaper that can tell what torrent packets look like (we have one and they're fucking expensive)
[Apr 8,2010 4:26pm - goatcatalyst ""]
This was my game three weeks ago. Finally found a decent torrent on Pirate Bay, disabled my innernet and successfully installed it - or so I thought. I guess something in the host log or whatever / firewall thing wasn't there to be replaced, so the next time I fired up Photoshop, I got the same "license is invalid / expired" horseshit and I was all "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING CUNT, I STOLE YOU FAIR AND SQUARE!!!"

I now have 8 days left of my "trial" whereupon I will erase the program and attempt to steal it again. I will never pay for an Adobe product on principle, henceforth. May they taste my thiefsemen.
[Apr 8,2010 4:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Theifsemen = kvlt band name
[Apr 8,2010 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard a rumor that if you put this in your hosts directory, you are fine. activate.adobe.com

[Apr 8,2010 5:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

the_reverend said:I heard a rumor that if you put this in your hosts directory, you are fine. activate.adobe.com

I heard the very same falsehood. LOL
[Apr 9,2010 8:16am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

the_reverend said:I heard a rumor that if you put this in your hosts directory, you are fine. activate.adobe.com

My copy put that in my host file too. I've never had any problems.

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