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Attn: Kinslayer

[Apr 5,2010 11:25am - DJ Death  ""]
Hey Andrew, Matt here. Just wondering if my wallet ever turned up in your car from this weekend. Call me or email me, or just post something here. Thanks bro!
[Apr 5,2010 11:37am - arilliusbm ""]
that sucks matt. good luck
[Apr 5,2010 11:42am - HECATE ""]
replacing license and insurance cards are such a pain in the ass
[Apr 5,2010 12:30pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Matt i checked the car this morning to no avail. Sorry man! I'll keep my eyes open though.
[Apr 6,2010 10:18am - DJ Death  ""]
thanks brother! Time for a chain.
[Apr 6,2010 11:06am - ouchdrummer ""]
as in the lord of the morning? (WOT series?)
[Apr 6,2010 11:09am - arilliusbm ""]
Andrew used to known as lews therin, yes.
[Apr 6,2010 11:14am - ouchdrummer ""]
YYYYYEEEESSSS i luv those books
[Apr 6,2010 12:08pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'm lews therin telamon...

or rand al thor

[Apr 6,2010 12:17pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
"born on the slopes of dragon mount. Prophcied to break the stone of tear"

some old Shayol Ghul lyrics for ya...
[Apr 6,2010 12:42pm - ouchdrummer ""]
he did "break" the stone of tear. That is if you mean "conquer" by break. He fucking took that thing over. Crawlin up the side of a stone fortress FTW
[Oct 29,2013 11:58pm - Necromancer Dancer  ""]
I wish my baby had saved the money from this wallet he stole. We need bail money.
[Oct 31,2013 8:59am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Bail money? haha
[Oct 31,2013 9:10am - Bandrew Astard  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Bail money? haha

Dwyer, I just talked to the bail bondsman and he says I can pay 10% in flexfits, get down here right away, man.
[Oct 31,2013 9:47am - Newport Pedo Watch  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Bail money? haha

What are you laughing at flexfagget, you're next.
[Oct 31,2013 5:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fahkin Audrey-Khed (8 hours ago via mobile)
"Heading over to the courthouse to press charges against a scumbag, check stealin, ID takin, junk shootin, wheelin dealin, x roommate, son of a gun!"

[Oct 31,2013 5:10pm - news flash  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Fahkin Audrey-Khed (8 hours ago via mobile)
"Heading over to the courthouse to press charges against a scumbag, check stealin, ID takin, junk shootin, wheelin dealin, x roommate, son of a gun!"


Sounds like Audrey is talking about her self
[Oct 31,2013 5:21pm - Necromancer Dancer  ""]
I just needed money to bail out my baby Andrew Bastard. Being half naked in Sonic Pulse videos doesn't pay very well.
[Oct 31,2013 5:25pm - Necromancer Dancer  ""]
[Oct 31,2013 5:27pm - Necromancer Dancer  ""]
[Oct 31,2013 5:28pm - enormous boner  ""]
That chick is hot and totally fuckable. Shut your face.
[Oct 31,2013 5:38pm - TRUTH  ""]
[Oct 31,2013 6:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 31,2013 7:34pm - NOPE  ""]

enormous%20boner said:That chick is hot and totally fuckable. Shut your face.

That chick is a skank and a half who lies, steals, cheats, and fucks her way through life.

They deserve each other.
[Oct 31,2013 7:54pm - Aud Smell  ""]

news%20flash said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:Fahkin Audrey-Khed (8 hours ago via mobile)
"Heading over to the courthouse to press charges against a scumbag, check stealin, ID takin, junk shootin, wheelin dealin, x roommate, son of a gun!"


Sounds like Audrey is talking about her self

[Nov 1,2013 8:54am - the really real truth  ""]
Sounds like the needs a serious fucking
[Nov 1,2013 10:01am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Duncan couldn't get laid if he had a $100 bill strapped to his dick. That said, I'm gonna bang Audrey!
[Nov 1,2013 10:01am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Oh, and I'm gonna pay her with the $18 Duncan is gonna give me.
[Nov 1,2013 10:33am - shutup willey fagget  ""]

NH%20Brufaggotry said:Duncan couldn't get laid if he had a $100 bill strapped to his dick. That said, I'm gonna bang Audrey!

shutup willey fagget
[Nov 1,2013 10:34am - shutup fagget  ""]

NH%20Brufaggotry said:Oh, and I'm gonna pay her with the $18 Duncan is gonna give me.

shutup fagget
[Nov 1,2013 11:20am - Jeep Borrower  ""]

Aud%20Smell said:
news%20flash said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:Fahkin Audrey-Khed (8 hours ago via mobile)
"Heading over to the courthouse to press charges against a scumbag, check stealin, ID takin, junk shootin, wheelin dealin, x roommate, son of a gun!"


Sounds like Audrey is talking about her self


ITT: Gross drama queen bitch lives up to psycho reputation. No one surprised. Now what's up with that basement?
[Nov 1,2013 12:23pm - Basement Satan  ""]
Come into the darkness, Andrew.
[Nov 1,2013 12:26pm - RTTP'S Darth Vader  ""]

Basement%20Satan said:Come into the darkness, Andrew.

[Nov 1,2013 12:38pm - Basement Satan  ""]
Get the gun, shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot
[Nov 1,2013 1:25pm - DYA is COOL STORY ABOUT NEAT JOB  ""]
Totally taking a call while the Level III analyst behind me yells across the office about how one of our other analysts should go to a Providence massage parlor.
[Nov 1,2013 1:28pm - DYA is TOTALLY LOGGED IN, BRO  ""]
^ true and also cool story, NLIbro

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