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Deathamphetamine on youtubes

[Mar 30,2010 11:03pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]


Doing what we do best, playing fast and loud to like one guy. Everyone wants to play with these drunks! LETS DO IT!
[Mar 30,2010 11:28pm - slarchetype  ""]
on MY youtubes?
[Mar 30,2010 11:29pm - RichHorror ""]
Failure is the new success.
[Mar 30,2010 11:43pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
cool stuff, guys
[Mar 31,2010 12:40am - s.axl.beckett  ""]
Failure is the best revenge
[Mar 31,2010 5:49pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]
Watch it it on your phone khed
[Apr 1,2010 12:28pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]
Jay, you should post all those other random videos that you have been taking at practice.
[Apr 1,2010 12:31pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]

More of this, retarded internet filler.
[Apr 1,2010 5:37pm - christraper ""]
how do you post a youtube video on a thread?
[Apr 1,2010 5:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
Mother fucker! Welcome back Sir Coughsalot
[Apr 1,2010 5:44pm - christraper ""]
[Apr 1,2010 5:45pm - RichHorror ""]
Christopher Tiberius Raper
[Apr 1,2010 5:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
To answer your question, ocpy the YouTube link, and click the little "video" link rev put abve the message body. Then paste the link.

He should make the video link fucking bight orange but the chap is too busy watching will smith movies
[Apr 1,2010 7:31pm - christraper ""]

[Apr 1,2010 7:43pm - blessed offal  ""]
[Apr 1,2010 7:56pm - christraper ""]
[Apr 1,2010 8:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
hahah! Prince Humperdink FTW!
[Apr 1,2010 10:17pm - thrasher ""]
[Apr 1,2010 10:53pm - KPANZER  ""]
I brew that shit fresh.
[Apr 1,2010 10:55pm - blessed offal  ""]
wait what?
[Apr 1,2010 11:13pm - KPANZER  ""]

christraper said:

I love the part where the drug addict and the drug addict call me a drug addict. LOL:ralphie:
[Apr 1,2010 11:18pm - Paul CNV  ""]
You ready ta do some Honky Tonkin son
[Apr 1,2010 11:18pm - blessed offal  ""]
ah, you kids and your music
[Apr 1,2010 11:21pm - KPANZER  ""]

Paul%20CNV said:You ready ta do some Honky Tonkin son
Honey bay-bee
[Apr 1,2010 11:24pm - Paul CNV  ""]
The south has soul baby cakes
[Apr 1,2010 11:29pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Apr 1,2010 11:42pm - slarchetype  ""]

christraper said:

I love the part where the drug addict and the drug addict call me a drug addict. LOL:ralphie:

takes one(two?) to know one
[Apr 2,2010 5:33am - christraper ""]
touche kpanzer.
[Apr 2,2010 2:14pm - blessed offal  ""]

christraper said:touche kpanzer.

you posted this at 5:33AM, ha i guess you proved ka-panza correct
[Apr 2,2010 4:44pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
yea thats why i posted it

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