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what do you think when you find out one of your bands is on MTV?

[Apr 21,2004 9:24am - succubus ""]
like on uranium, fuse, MTV2 i'm seeing more and more...and now with ozzfest comnig up, i think it will only increase...

how do you feel about this?

i for one have to say, i think it can be a good thing, exposing great music to the masses...and "underground" bands becoming more successful. but at the same time, then all the "numetal" kids are waering shirts to bands YOU like and it's like..."poser" hahaha

i dunno...anyhow..just wanted your thoguht on this.

[Apr 21,2004 9:26am - triumphantgleam666  ""]
I used to give a shit, but Metal is growing at an exponential rate. So in the long run, is it even worth the emotions anymore?
[Apr 21,2004 9:37am - subjugate ""]
sell outs

sarcasm turned way up
[Apr 21,2004 9:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The only problem is having to listen to people like the singer of suffocation
'this next fucking song is off our new fucking cd, it's fucking brutal, i wouldnt fucking put my fucking name on it if it wasnt fucking brutal. we just fucking shot a fucking video for this fucking song that will be on fucking mtv. I want to see this whole fucking place go fucking nuts, from back to fucking front. we're fucking suffocation'
[Apr 21,2004 9:52am - subjugate ""]
fucking A joe what the fuck are you fucking trying to fucking say joe you fuck idiot fuck
[Apr 21,2004 9:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Thats how the moron from suffocation talked between songs.
It was wicked gay, I hope he dies.
[Apr 21,2004 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
frank is from ny.. that's why he talks like that.
he's got the worst accent even, but he loves the_network so he's aces in my book.
[Apr 21,2004 10:57am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i am going to anal rape that chick from the uranium show
julia c's poop cutter will be mine
[Apr 21,2004 10:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
make sure to video tape the rape scene, and then dub deicide over it, so they can have a music video.
[Apr 21,2004 11:02am - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
It is a natural cycle in 5+ years metal will be "dead" again to the mainstream, the boy band craze will happen again, then the kids will realize that is shit. They will then move on to what ever hard rock is on the radio to feel rebellious or to woo there feelings cause their adolesent girlfriend/boyfriend dumped them, and once they mature they will all realize the "underground" music scene and metal will once again be cool, and i will be drunk...still.
[Apr 21,2004 11:04am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wonder if I will still be around in 5 years...Carina, look into your magic ball and tell me my future.
[Apr 21,2004 11:06am - moran ""]
As long as the music doesn't change, I could care less.
[Apr 21,2004 11:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I agree with Moran, in fact, I hope good music gets on MTV and those stations so that there can be more fans.

Who cares when or how someone got into a good band, as long as they got into it and like it.

[Apr 21,2004 12:26pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
At first I was kind of annoyed that bands I like are starting to get so big and get tv coverage and stuff.

then I realized I as just jealous.
[Apr 21,2004 12:42pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i dunno how big it is if i cant get MTV2 from my cable company... bastards...
[Apr 21,2004 12:54pm - the_reverend ""]
doooood if it's on MTV is sucks ass.
[Apr 21,2004 12:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
basically, if Aaron has taken photos of the band then they are posers.
[Apr 21,2004 1:02pm - the_reverend ""]
exactly... it's gotta be cvlt.
fuck this scene site
[Apr 21,2004 1:03pm - succubus ""]
aaron was on CANADIAN MTV
[Apr 21,2004 1:05pm - JellyFish ""]
I got in an argument with Julia from Uranium last year at metalfest. OH MAN IS SHE A CUNT. Anyway, I guess it depends on the band. If the music is as good as before, spectacualr, credit to them. Dimmu, cradle, slayer, in flames, type O have all changed the way they sound in the last few years which is mega queer and Im bothered by stuff like that, whereas bands like Nile seem to only get better, even though Nile now has a video that was on mtv
[Apr 21,2004 1:07pm - succubus ""]
what was your argument about?

i met her a few times
[Apr 21,2004 1:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I like God Hates Us All by Slayer. It's not as good as some of the older discs for sure, but better then the one before it.
[Apr 21,2004 2:03pm - morkul ""]
Ok MTV sucks and we all know this, but if bands like Nile and Morbid Angel can get their videos played on MTV To let the simple masses know about stronger, heavier, faster music out there I think it's beneficial to the whole seen. I mean Deeds Of Flesh as a video being played on Xtreme or whatever that channel is. So it's good in that aspect. Will death metal become mainstream, probaly not ever, but it will get more extreme than ever.
[Apr 21,2004 2:08pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i will be dead in 3 years
[Apr 21,2004 2:20pm - JellyFish ""]
succubus said:what was your argument about?

i met her a few times

I didnt have cable at the time, so I didnt know she had a show. My friend told me she had a show so I figured Id go see what it was all about. She was SOOOO offended that I hadnt heard of her show, she started saying all this 'youre not a real metalhead, you dont know whats REALLY going on in the underground, youre fucking clueless' yada yada yada. Im just like 'shut the fuck up Im SOOOO sorry ive never seen your show.' Turns out the show sucks anyway.
[Apr 21,2004 2:51pm - succubus ""]
oh man jellyfish that sucks...

she was really sweet to me the first time i met her...second time too, then the 3rd time, she didn't remember meeting me (no big deal) but she also had an entourage...blah
i feel bad for her though..she's got a drug habit she can't seem to kick
[Apr 21,2004 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]
probably cause she's a worthless cunt like more people on TV.
jellyfish's experience shows it.
I've never seen her f'n show and (even though I was on it) I don't ever want to see it. She seems like an ultra hip person who only has time to talk to people who are in bands so she can fuck them and stay in vogue.

TheGreatSpaldino said:she will be dead in 3 years
[Apr 21,2004 3:06pm - Abbath ""]
JellyFish said:succubus said:what was your argument about?

i met her a few times

I didnt have cable at the time, so I didnt know she had a show. My friend told me she had a show so I figured Id go see what it was all about. She was SOOOO offended that I hadnt heard of her show, she started saying all this 'youre not a real metalhead, you dont know whats REALLY going on in the underground, youre fucking clueless' yada yada yada. Im just like 'shut the fuck up Im SOOOO sorry ive never seen your show.' Turns out the show sucks anyway.

was this the girl at metal fest last year in those hot plaid pants, and said she loved cock on stage while giving a free guitar to some old guy?
[Apr 21,2004 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
probably, I also heard some story about her shitting off something or shitting in a bag for some band like slipknot.
[Apr 21,2004 3:12pm - succubus ""]
Yes abbath that's her
and yes aaron, i told you that story because i saw the episode.
[Apr 21,2004 3:16pm - JellyFish ""]
she just had a real bitch of an attitude for someone who seems so fake.
[Apr 21,2004 3:19pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
I really don't care if a good band gets on MTV. I haven't seen a good band on MTV in years, other than Turbonegro and I was happy for them. Morbid Angel, Carcass, Death, Dark Angel, etc were all on MTV a long time ago, no big deal. Metalcore on MTV doesn't bother me at all, it could be the next nu-metal for all I care.

Oh and that Julia chick is the definition of poser. My ex girlfriend (another metal poser) is friends with her. Julia is 21, looks 35, snorts coke off Devil Driver's cocks, doesn't know shit about metal, ugly, annoying, etc. Fuck her. Waste of space.
[Apr 21,2004 3:27pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard you were a poser and in a insecure act, suckerpunched someone from behind...
[Apr 21,2004 3:31pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Yeah, I heard I got arrested, got beat up in jail by spanish guys, and now I'm getting sued!
[Apr 21,2004 3:31pm - JellyFish ""]
Ninkaszi187 said: Oh and that Julia chick is the definition of poser. My ex girlfriend (another metal poser) is friends with her. Julia is 21, looks 35, snorts coke off Devil Driver's cocks, doesn't know shit about metal, ugly, annoying, etc. Fuck her. Waste of space.

Oh goodness, you made my day.
[Apr 21,2004 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... I need to start another site...
so I can spread rumors about people.

and I really want to spread the rumor to iraqis that US sodliers are soaking their bullets in pigs blood so any jihadi that gets killed with the blood of these fithy animals won't get into martyrdom and won't get 27 virgins, just one boyfriend named boris with a horse dick who's always horny.
[Apr 21,2004 4:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
HAHAHA, good old Boris
[Apr 21,2004 4:50pm - BornSoVile ""]
It doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I agree with Spalding though. I watch Head Bangers Ball religously now : P
[Apr 21,2004 6:28pm - Kalopsia ""]
i met julia at the NJMHF and she was very nice, even took a picture with me. as for metal bands gaining exposure on tv, as i said before, i love it, and they more than deserve it. i mean if you turned on the tv what would u rather want to see, a Destiny's Child video or a Nile video? i vote Nile. for those of you that want these bands to stay underground and never get any bigger, just remember if everyone felt that same way that u do, bands like Malignancy will never play a show for more than 30 people, while bands like Good Charlotte will never play a show for less than 2,000.
[Apr 21,2004 6:41pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Malignancy are only allowed to play for 20 minutes at any New England show. It's an unwritten rule.
[Apr 21,2004 6:43pm - Kalopsia ""]
well then let them play for 20 minutes in front of 500 people next time
[Apr 21,2004 9:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If Malignancy wants a longer set then they shouldn't play on shows with 5000 bands.
[Apr 21,2004 10:16pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Or they should play shows that don't get shut down during their set.
[Apr 21,2004 10:57pm - succubus ""]

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