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How awesome is Season 5inco?

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[Mar 30,2010 12:54am - Martins ""]
Awesome Show, Great Job!
[Mar 30,2010 1:00am - book the letters  ""]
[Mar 30,2010 1:26am - Randy_Marsh ""]
pretty good so far.

"this is crows"
[Mar 30,2010 9:24am - ark  ""]
It's good. Some of it is genius, like the old school industrial music video of Casey's brother rebuilding Casey. Some of their regular shtick is getting old though. H'AMB
[Mar 30,2010 11:19am - Martins ""]
I agree that some of it isn't great but, yeah, there's some amazing material. Steve Brule spinoff airs May 5.
[Mar 30,2010 2:45pm - brodown ""]
Cannot wait for Steve Brule.
[Mar 30,2010 3:27pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
the way steve brule says penis is hilarious "pen-nis"

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