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concert in a backyard

the Dirty Backyard (Dover, NH) - [birth_rites][giant_bat][lost_in_pictures][massaccesi][randomshots]
[Apr 21,2004 8:43am - the_reverend ""]
Ok, the next show I'm going to at this place is going to have:
1) Solipsist
2) the_network
3) as long as we're all living, we're all dying
4) someone the_network is bringing
5) taste of silver (I think)

Anyhow, this show was held out in the backyard. it was cool cause there was a fire. It was also cool cause I got to talk to jeff b. (ex-hsm & the:enclitic) who I've not seen for a while.

massaccesi: this is john fanning's "band". "who is john fanning?" you might be askign yourself. he's a guy that did a radio show atWUNH for a long time, starting when he was like 14. It was called Ataxia and was a power-noise, noise, and dhr-flavor digital hardcore show. A lot of the times, fanning had him self mixing things up. I'd listened to his CD a bunch when it came out. Live the music was very interesting noise. I liked it a lot, but I'm curious about just home much of it was live.. and the iPod seemed like a little bit of cheating. some retarded hippie kept coming up and saying things like "dude, it's a little loud" and "I think you blew something". It ended with fanning cutting his heart open.

lost in pictures: I guess this was their last show? I'm not sure, but it was fun to shoot against the fire. whether the pictures came out well or not, I dont know... but it was at least fun.

birth rites: pretty noisey and they played a new song. I'm not sure how jonathan's keyboard survive the tackling each time. they must be made of nerf.

giant bat: they kept rocking the PA's off. then they made fun of themselves for sounding like lightning botl. I thought it was hilarious cause they do sond a lot like lb.
[Apr 21,2004 8:59am - Toby  ""]
That was weird show. Eh. And yes, it was the last Lost in Pictures show. I dont want to play drums anymore and Nicole has to focus on school but the rest of us are still going as a three piece called Hott Ruxx. It's drum machine instead of live drums.

[Apr 21,2004 9:23am - Adam  ""]
is this so called summer tour actually going to happen because it seems like you have more "need helps!" then you do shows
[Apr 21,2004 9:34am - the_reverend ""]
a .tk, nice.
and idn is on that 14th show?
no shit...
[Apr 21,2004 2:09pm - Toby  ""]
Yeah, the Summer tour is happening, fucktard. It starts on June 26th and it's April 21st. Of course there are need helps, considering TOURS DONT BOOK THEMSELVES YOU STUPID CUNT.

That being said, come see us on tour!
[Apr 21,2004 2:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
man, being on tour would be fun, yet suck at the same time... hopefully I'll find out exactly within the next few years. :spineyes:
[Apr 21,2004 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
tom, read above, I talk to jeff b... he's back in the area.. he's looking to be a singer agian...
[Apr 21,2004 3:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
cool, but we already have vocals...

for a possible hsm reunion show, that could be good news though
[Apr 21,2004 3:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't know... rob g with a new drum set...
jeff b. back in town...
who knows
[Apr 21,2004 3:58pm - Toby  ""]
I'm sure tour will be one huge insanely fun disaster.
[Apr 22,2004 7:55pm - birthrites ""]
yeah, in dire neeeeeed. so that show will be sick. the_network said they want to be umbrella...so 6 bands it looks like. it will destory.
[Apr 22,2004 8:01pm - the_reverend ""]
holy shit!
what a fucking awesome show.
I'm there.
[Apr 22,2004 9:06pm - iamwiggins ""]
fucking fuck shit make that like the 15th or something. fuck ass...im so close but im out of town that day
[Apr 22,2004 11:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
you guys ever think about what would happen if the house caught fire with everyone in the basement? could be another 'station' incident waiting to happen.
[Apr 23,2004 1:11am - succubus ""]
hmmm scary!

i know aaron would get out safe..he'd just step over people with his long legs
[Apr 23,2004 8:50am - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
yeah, TOS is definitely on for that show.

and MAN are we looking forward to it.
[Apr 23,2004 9:00am - the_reverend ""]
tom, there are 2 exits from that place, not 1.
also, this topic has come up at a bunch of the shows there.
[Apr 23,2004 9:27am - RustedAngel ""]
2 exits (i didn't know that)...
[Apr 23,2004 9:32am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, there is one in the back where they load the gear and then the small stair case going upstairs.
I would take my chances with the backdoor myself...
but you should know that.
[Apr 23,2004 10:21am - Toby  ""]
Considering 99% of the people there are usually shitfaced, a lot of people would go up in the flames.
[Apr 23,2004 10:21am - RustedAngel ""]
Toby said:Considering 99% of the people there are usually shitfaced, a lot of people would go up in the flames.

hahahahah so true.
[Apr 23,2004 10:25am - the_reverend ""]
and I would trample them.

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