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[Mar 25,2010 12:17pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Has anyone seen this?

[Mar 25,2010 12:19pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I don't wanna see them desecrate something that i hold so dear.
[Mar 25,2010 12:20pm - blessed offal  ""]
tekken was good for its time, but nowadays its a clunky, boring mess of a fighting game. i cant believe they made a movie about it HAHA
[Mar 25,2010 12:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I was in Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM), or at least a thumbnail size pic of me was for getting to the semi-finals for the country in the Tekken4 tournament. (namco tournament, they had DDR too). If i had beaten two more chinese kids they woulda flown me to Las Vegas to compete in the finals for an arcade Tekken4 Machine, and $10,000.

That being said, this movie will suck.
[Mar 25,2010 12:28pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

blessed%20offal said:tekken was good for its time, but nowadays its a clunky, boring mess of a fighting game. i cant believe they made a movie about it HAHA

They made a movie about Street Fighter too, you know. Not much can be worse than that god awful movie.
[Mar 25,2010 12:30pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Only King is real.

Tiger head FTW.
[Mar 25,2010 12:42pm - reimroc ""]

That Tekken > live action tekken.
[Mar 25,2010 12:47pm - arilliusbm ""]

ouchdrummer said:I was in Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM), or at least a thumbnail size pic of me was for getting to the semi-finals for the country in the Tekken4 tournament. (namco tournament, they had DDR too). If i had beaten two more chinese kids they woulda flown me to Las Vegas to compete in the finals for an arcade Tekken4 Machine, and $10,000.

That being said, this movie will suck.

That story would make a way better movie
[Mar 25,2010 12:51pm - blessed offal  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:
blessed%20offal said:tekken was good for its time, but nowadays its a clunky, boring mess of a fighting game. i cant believe they made a movie about it HAHA

They made a movie about Street Fighter too, you know. Not much can be worse than that god awful movie.

yea but at least that had van damme and raul julia (however you spell it) in it, so it was so bad it was HILARIOUS. blanka looked absolutely RETARDED. this tekken movie is just, blech.
[Mar 25,2010 12:51pm - blessed offal  ""]
also, they made a movie off of street fighter, then they made a game based off of the movie based off of street fighter. wow.
[Mar 25,2010 12:52pm - blessed offal  ""]

arilliusbm said:
ouchdrummer said:I was in Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM), or at least a thumbnail size pic of me was for getting to the semi-finals for the country in the Tekken4 tournament. (namco tournament, they had DDR too). If i had beaten two more chinese kids they woulda flown me to Las Vegas to compete in the finals for an arcade Tekken4 Machine, and $10,000.

That being said, this movie will suck.

That story would make a way better ritual

[Mar 25,2010 12:56pm - timma ""]

ouchdrummer said:I was in Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM), or at least a thumbnail size pic of me was for getting to the semi-finals for the country in the Tekken4 tournament. (namco tournament, they had DDR too). If i had beaten two more chinese kids they woulda flown me to Las Vegas to compete in the finals for an arcade Tekken4 Machine, and $10,000.

That being said, this movie will suck.

You gotta watch out for us AZNs. We'll fuck your ass up with Bruce Lee..er..I mean Law.
[Mar 25,2010 2:08pm - ouchdrummer ""]
timma - i'll play you in Tekken 4 or 5 any day of the week w/any character, w/a 50point handicap..... and i'll put $50 on it.
[Mar 25,2010 2:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Someone kidnapped Liam Neeson's daughter again? They'd better be ready for a world of hurt, dude doesn't fuck around.
[Mar 25,2010 3:11pm - timma ""]

ouchdrummer said:timma - i'll play you in Tekken 4 or 5 any day of the week w/any character, w/a 50point handicap..... and i'll put $50 on it.

Only Tekken 2 is real, jimbo.
[Mar 25,2010 3:16pm - reimroc ""]
Tekken 3 kthx. fuck the moon gravity jumps of the first two games.
[Mar 25,2010 3:27pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Tekken 4 was amazing when they innovated the movement system. Then when they reworked it 5 was the shit. I haven't played 6 yet, but I salivate at the idea of it. Oh yeah, and this movie looks god-fucking-awful. But I will se it in the theater at least twice.
[Mar 25,2010 3:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i have 6 for PS3, it rules... and yes, after the redefined the gameplay in 4 the game got WAY better.
[Mar 25,2010 4:27pm - Spaldino  ""]

blessed%20offal said:tekken was good for its time, but nowadays its a clunky, boring mess of a fighting game. i cant believe they made a movie about it HAHA

you obviously havent played Tekken 5 through 6. 6 is AWESOME. it's fluid, deep, solid, and exciting. high level tournament play is intense.
[Mar 25,2010 4:29pm - Spaldino  ""]

ouchdrummer said:I was in Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM), or at least a thumbnail size pic of me was for getting to the semi-finals for the country in the Tekken4 tournament. (namco tournament, they had DDR too). If i had beaten two more chinese kids they woulda flown me to Las Vegas to compete in the finals for an arcade Tekken4 Machine, and $10,000.

That being said, this movie will suck.

lets play tekken 6 some time. i'm still learning the differences from 5. I'm sure i would be a good challenge.
[Mar 25,2010 4:38pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I got Tekken 6 for Christmas. Love it.
[Mar 25,2010 6:03pm - morbidly obese guy  ""]
Ling Xiaoyu.
[Mar 25,2010 6:45pm - sever ""]
A Tekken movie? Motherfucker. Hollywood ruined my Doom and my Max Payne... but you'll never take my Tekken aliiiiiveeeeee
[Mar 25,2010 7:33pm - scumfuck ""]
this movie will indeed suck, i will however get stoned one sunday and watch it on cable...
[Mar 25,2010 7:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
Looks like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat 1 movie=king of the movie fighters lawlz

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