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New Katahdin tracks up

[Mar 23,2010 9:43pm - hauptpflucker ""]
We posted three tracks off our upcoming album. Check them out!

[Mar 23,2010 9:46pm - josh_hates_you ""]
im not listening till you link it you lazy bastard.
[Mar 23,2010 9:47pm - hauptpflucker ""]
[Mar 23,2010 9:55pm - the_reverend ""]
should have been marked news.
[Mar 23,2010 9:55pm - hauptpflucker ""]
can it be done retroactively?
[Mar 23,2010 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
already done. so it shows up on rss feeds. it wont show up on the main page until i get home and mark it as news for the band.
[Mar 23,2010 11:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]
loving the tracks man, looking forward to picking it up on cd next time you play mos eisley.
[Mar 24,2010 12:23am - josh_hates_you ""]
you linked. i listened. good stuff.
[Mar 24,2010 2:52pm - bigred ""]
the double post, my bad
[Mar 24,2010 4:12pm - ark  ""]
listened last night, Noreaster is a killer track, can't wait for the album
[Mar 26,2010 5:13pm - BigRed ""]
Full album is available for preview on youtube.com

[Apr 12,2010 12:38pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Update: Cds should be ready in May, CD release show in the works for Late June in Northampton
[Jun 21,2010 11:27am - hauptpflucker ""]
Update: Cds in next week (not may whoops) CD release show July 9th in Suffield, followed by Mass shows on opposite ends of the state (Everett and Northampton). If all goes as planned we should have T-Shirts for the shows too. We've uploaded another song (www.facebook.com/katahdinmetal / katahdin.bandcamp.com) We've got more summer and fall shows in the works and new songs to be debuted shortly...
[Jun 21,2010 11:29am - Slag NLI  ""]
Kathadin will also be featured on the Compendium Maleficarum, which is in fact, still alive and well.
[Jun 21,2010 10:08pm - bigred ""]
i was wondering if that was till in the works. awesome

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