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[Mar 19,2010 7:51pm - beelze ""]
YOU GUYS WIN IM GONE BYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Mar 19,2010 7:53pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 7:58pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]
Why is everyone making fun of this dude? Like Seriously What THE FUCK? Are you guys in love with him?
[Mar 19,2010 7:59pm - xgodzillax ""]

Sif|Dithyramb said:Why is everyone making fun of this dude? Like Seriously What THE FUCK? Are you guys in love with him?

get the fuck outta here you dumb nazi cunt.
[Mar 19,2010 8:00pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:02pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:02pm - xgodzillax ""]
and youre a stupid nazi cunt. WHITE TRASH PIECE OF SHIT. march 29th, you and your faggot nazi boyfriend come to the midway cafe and introduce yourself to me.
[Mar 19,2010 8:02pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:03pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:05pm - xgodzillax ""]

Sif|Dithyramb said:HEIL HITLER!

seriously, come to the show.
[Mar 19,2010 8:05pm - quintessence_nli  ""]
oh silly hardcore kids and nazi's. If only you could see how similar you truely are.
[Mar 19,2010 8:06pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:06pm - bulba fett  ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:09pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]
Hi I'll save myself the trouble coming to your faggot cafe, let me
introduce myself to you right here and the bottom of my boot.

My name is chris the "nazi" boyfriend
I live in Chelsea MA,
Spencer avenue.

Now you come and introduce yourself, I'll stand out on the sidewalk waiting for you. Where I'll fuckin boot stomp your zionist face then i'll cut your fuckin throat.
[Mar 19,2010 8:09pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:11pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

Sif|Dithyramb said:Hi I'll save myself the trouble coming to your faggot cafe, let me
introduce myself to you right here and the bottom of my boot.

My name is chris the "nazi" boyfriend
I live in Chelsea MA,
Spencer avenue.

Now you come and introduce yourself, I'll stand out on the sidewalk waiting for you. Where I'll fuckin boot stomp your zionist face then i'll cut your fuckin throat.

This is you.

[Mar 19,2010 8:13pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
This is her boyfriend.

[Mar 19,2010 8:16pm - Archaeon ""]
You'll be back. THEY ALWAYS COME BACK.
[Mar 19,2010 8:18pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]
Well I know him and he doesn't associate with faggotry. Assholes.
[Mar 19,2010 8:18pm - xgodzillax ""]

Sif|Dithyramb said:Hi I'll save myself the trouble coming to your faggot cafe, let me
introduce myself to you right here and the bottom of my boot.

My name is chris the "nazi" boyfriend
I live in Chelsea MA,
Spencer avenue.

Now you come and introduce yourself, I'll stand out on the sidewalk waiting for you. Where I'll fuckin boot stomp your zionist face then i'll cut your fuckin throat.

im sorry chris, youre gonna have to be a little more specific, spencer ave is pretty long. but, i will pass on your offer to come to chelsea, as im a fan of NOT having AIDS. but the offer still stands, you and your lovely sow of a girlfriend can come to the show and introduce yourselves to me.

id invite you to chinatown, but im afraid that would be a little too 'ethnic' for you. but in all seriousness, do as your leader and kill yourself.

[Mar 19,2010 8:18pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Mar 19,2010 8:22pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Mar 19,2010 8:27pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]

xgodzillax said:
Sif|Dithyramb said:Hi I'll save myself the trouble coming to your faggot cafe, let me
introduce myself to you right here and the bottom of my boot.

My name is chris the "nazi" boyfriend
I live in Chelsea MA,
Spencer avenue.

Now you come and introduce yourself, I'll stand out on the sidewalk waiting for you. Where I'll fuckin boot stomp your zionist face then i'll cut your fuckin throat.

im sorry chris, youre gonna have to be a little more specific, spencer ave is pretty long. but, i will pass on your offer to come to chelsea, as im a fan of NOT having AIDS. but the offer still stands, you and your lovely sow of a girlfriend can come to the show and introduce yourselves to me.

id invite you to chinatown, but im afraid that would be a little too 'ethnic' for you. but in all seriousness, do as your leader and kill yourself.


That's what I thought, just another degenerate talking shit, and you know not to step foot in my area because you'll get shot on site. And Chelsea is very ethnic, so it's nothing I can't handle so stfu. Ontop of that, I gave away my location, I got more balls than you if I gave away my location. And also, You're Just another hardcore fag with shit talent acting tough. And don't go talking shit about my girlfriend being a sow? Because your drummer is a fat fuck. I'm not coming to your show because your band sucks, instead of jumping to a conclusion that I am some skinhead, get to know me better or shut your fucking mouth. I mean, you'd come off as a nazi cause you guys heads are shaved, I'm through wasting my time with you.

[Mar 19,2010 8:32pm - Pork Funeral  ""]

Looking mighty niggardly.
[Mar 19,2010 8:39pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:46pm - xgodzillax ""]
i live in chinatown, downtown boston. around the corner from the gate. beach street. come to my neigborhood with all your white power friends, ill round up some of my boys and we'll have a little boot party.

as for me being fat as fuck. yes, i am. do something. as for talking shit on the internet, its what i do. am i afraid to back it up? not in the least bit. yes, i listen to hardcore and i attend hardcore shows. now id be more than happy to fight you, ecstatic even, but unlike you, i dont live hidden. im pretty hard to miss actually. and also, its a pretty well known fact of where i live, i havent done so in awhile, but im not adverse to inviting people to the chinatown gate for a bout of fisticuffs. the funny thing is the fact that you would NEVER show your face to fight. and thats ok, youre just another nazi scared to reveal what he really is. if you were REALLY about a pure race, id urge you to pass out propaganda in dudley square, uphams corner, heath street (jackson square specifically), ashmont, mattapan, shit even DOWNTOWN CROSSING. but you wouldnt, because you're scared of what would happen to you. so until your balls drop, cease all communication with me. your idle threats are just that, idle. have a nice, SHORT life with your orcha of a girlfriend. who im sure, before you, had MORE black dick in her than the celtics locker room.

[Mar 19,2010 8:48pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:49pm - Cinnamon Spice  ""]
I'd watch your language there Godzilla you're gonna get your ass handed to real quick
[Mar 19,2010 8:49pm - Pork Funeral  ""]
Look out below! It's a fatty with nigger blood!


[Mar 19,2010 8:50pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:51pm - anonymously anonymous  ""]
Hi, it's the "nazi" again, I never knew about this site until my g/f showed me it. I can see that it's flooded with nothing but trolls and degenerates. I dont come here, I dont want to come here because I have better things to do with my time. If I really didn't have a life, I'd post pictures and "ROFL" at it like you guys are doing. Because that is the only weapon you idiots have, is trolling, posting pictures, act hardcore behind the keyboard, and just talking your shit. I'm not gonna bother to even come back and check for replies because most of you, so post all the pics you want of me because you dudes are just shit talkers, inputting pointless rants showing how anti-nazi you guys are but in reality some of you hate jews and races anyway. Since this is becoming an obsession, you guys are obviously gay for me, go ahead post all the pics you want because you aren't getting on anyone's nerves, not even mine. It takes a lot for me to get pissed off, because you know what? I already graduated High School, I am very well educated and open minded, I do not plan to go on these dumb ass forums and degrade myself to you morons. And Godzilla, I'm not meeting with you, you're just another degenerate behind the keyboard thats gonna get AIDS anyway. If you dont want to waste your time coming to my street, what the fuck makes you think I'm gonna put in the time in meeting with you in Chinatown?

This is my final post, Good day, and I hope you all get cancer, I wish you the worst.
[Mar 19,2010 8:53pm - Pork Funeral  ""]

anonymously%20anonymous said:Hi, it's the "nazi" again, I never knew about this site until my g/f showed me it. I can see that it's flooded with nothing but trolls and degenerates. I dont come here, I dont want to come here because I have better things to do with my time. If I really didn't have a life, I'd post pictures and "ROFL" at it like you guys are doing. Because that is the only weapon you idiots have, is trolling, posting pictures, act hardcore behind the keyboard, and just talking your shit. I'm not gonna bother to even come back and check for replies because most of you, so post all the pics you want of me because you dudes are just shit talkers, inputting pointless rants showing how anti-nazi you guys are but in reality some of you hate jews and races anyway. Since this is becoming an obsession, you guys are obviously gay for me, go ahead post all the pics you want because you aren't getting on anyone's nerves, not even mine. It takes a lot for me to get pissed off, because you know what? I already graduated High School, I am very well educated and open minded, I do not plan to go on these dumb ass forums and degrade myself to you morons. And Godzilla, I'm not meeting with you, you're just another degenerate behind the keyboard thats gonna get AIDS anyway. If you dont want to waste your time coming to my street, what the fuck makes you think I'm gonna put in the time in meeting with you in Chinatown?

This is my final post, Good day, and I hope you all get cancer, I wish you the worst.

Liar. Everyone knows niggers and people who live in Chelsea never graduate from high school and you check off both boxes.
[Mar 19,2010 8:54pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

anonymously%20anonymous said:Hi, it's the "nazi" again, I never knew about this site until my g/f showed me it. I can see that it's flooded with nothing but trolls and degenerates. I dont come here, I dont want to come here because I have better things to do with my time. If I really didn't have a life, I'd post pictures and "ROFL" at it like you guys are doing. Because that is the only weapon you idiots have, is trolling, posting pictures, act hardcore behind the keyboard, and just talking your shit. I'm not gonna bother to even come back and check for replies because most of you, so post all the pics you want of me because you dudes are just shit talkers, inputting pointless rants showing how anti-nazi you guys are but in reality some of you hate jews and races anyway. Since this is becoming an obsession, you guys are obviously gay for me, go ahead post all the pics you want because you aren't getting on anyone's nerves, not even mine. It takes a lot for me to get pissed off, because you know what? I already graduated High School, I am very well educated and open minded, I do not plan to go on these dumb ass forums and degrade myself to you morons. And Godzilla, I'm not meeting with you, you're just another degenerate behind the keyboard thats gonna get AIDS anyway. If you dont want to waste your time coming to my street, what the fuck makes you think I'm gonna put in the time in meeting with you in Chinatown?

This is my final post, Good day, and I hope you all get cancer, I wish you the worst.

[Mar 19,2010 8:56pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:57pm - Pork Funeral  ""]
Hey guys, I graduated High School!!!!!!! But I don't know the difference between Vandals and Vikings...lolwhut?
[Mar 19,2010 8:58pm - anonymously anonymous  ""]

xgodzillax said:i live in chinatown, downtown boston. around the corner from the gate. beach street. come to my neigborhood with all your white power friends, ill round up some of my boys and we'll have a little boot party.

as for me being fat as fuck. yes, i am. do something. as for talking shit on the internet, its what i do. am i afraid to back it up? not in the least bit. yes, i listen to hardcore and i attend hardcore shows. now id be more than happy to fight you, ecstatic even, but unlike you, i dont live hidden. im pretty hard to miss actually. and also, its a pretty well known fact of where i live, i havent done so in awhile, but im not adverse to inviting people to the chinatown gate for a bout of fisticuffs. the funny thing is the fact that you would NEVER show your face to fight. and thats ok, youre just another nazi scared to reveal what he really is. if you were REALLY about a pure race, id urge you to pass out propaganda in dudley square, uphams corner, heath street (jackson square specifically), ashmont, mattapan, shit even DOWNTOWN CROSSING. but you wouldnt, because you're scared of what would happen to you. so until your balls drop, cease all communication with me. your idle threats are just that, idle. have a nice, SHORT life with your orcha of a girlfriend. who im sure, before you, had MORE black dick in her than the celtics locker room.


For the record, I'm not a nazi skinhead, It's not 1923 anymore and racism is pretty much dead. I may have the images. If you happen to see my myspace, have the common courtesy to read my "about me". I am going to cease communication with you, because I dont want anything to do with you, this whole thing started because you can't keep your mouth shut. But thats just your failure, not mine.
[Mar 19,2010 8:59pm - Pork Funeral  ""]
Well, well, well, look who's back after his "last post"

[Mar 19,2010 9:02pm - Pork Funeral  ""]
I want to type this before this night is over, and this day is gone. Valentine's Day is the landmark where my first girlfriend from Billerica MA, broke up with me, thats right. She dumped me, on Valentine's Day and it was big kick in the balls because it took her a year and her giving me head to realize that we weren't right for each other. Valentine's Day is also another landmark when I was in a Long Distant relationship, she came back to me on this day but left me again two days after for someone I know. In reality, I never had a Valentine's Day with anyone in my life to spend it with. Because Valentine's to me was just another day for me to get chocolate and... novelty items from family. I don't get Valentine's gift for guy friends, because that is just....gay... LOL

This weekend, I had a Valentine, a real Valentine, not an emo case that puts themselves before anything else and treat their boyfriends/girlfriends like crap. I mean a REAL Valentine's where true love is found, not overly biased wrist slitting bullshit. It's real to me, because the person that I spent it with is real, and she knows that I am real and it made this day real. For those who are just pessimistic and negative about everything, you will come to know that when you find a real working relationship, this day will be yours also. I had a real Valentine's, and so did she, why did we have one? Because we fucking deserve it. Now I'm sorry that this day sucks for most of you.... but some of us are happy on this day because it makes us realize and appreciate the one you are with, because this day is yours... Now I'm gonna end this with a simple request..

Guys, tell her you love her
Girls, tell him you love him.
[Mar 19,2010 9:08pm - douchebag_patrol ""]


[Mar 19,2010 9:09pm - ArilliusBM ""]
[Mar 19,2010 9:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Thread ndz moar Zimmer.
[Mar 19,2010 9:10pm - Pork Funeral  ""]
The NS scene turned out to be a complete farce with bands trying to show off how "politically incorrect" they were with ranting about genocide, and then turning around and griping about the degeneracy of drugs and animal torture and child abuse to the point where they sounded like obese middle-aged suburban women trying to keep their local playgrounds safe.
[Mar 19,2010 9:14pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Thread ndz moar Zimmer.

[Mar 19,2010 9:43pm - anonymously anonymous  ""]
[Mar 19,2010 9:46pm - ROMPER_STOMPER_88  ""]
[Mar 20,2010 2:35am - sxealex ""]
isnt it supposed to be a grim end not an epic end?
[Mar 20,2010 2:59am - Nazi troll hunter  ""]
ITT: Nazi Zordon comes to the aid of his girlfriend coming to the aid of Beelze. I'll be waiting for Anonymously Anonymous to have a witty 5 paragraph response. And Nazi Zordon to start a sentence with an "and". Because that's how you start sentences.

[Mar 20,2010 3:02am - Nazi troll hunter  ""]
[Mar 20,2010 5:50am - Sacreligion ""]

xgodzillax said:Come to Jamaica Plain or you're a pussy.
[Mar 20,2010 8:55am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
wait what did I miss.

fights on rttp are lame, both parties must be homo for eachother
[Mar 20,2010 9:03am - bulba fett  ""]
[Mar 20,2010 9:03am - bulba fett  ""]
[Mar 20,2010 9:10am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
also, black metal woman might be hot but her boyfriend def is a nigger who thinks he's a nazi by trolling his myspace.

I'm huge into norse culture and viking history so it always pisses me off to see some fag thinking he's part of the s.s. when the Norwegians hated the nazi party.

for the record I loved NSBM and I love when countries are nationalists too because it usually promotes epicness.

but anyone who shaves their head and thinks they are a nazi is a tool, guy would have been gassed by the SS for being too fat and having a nigger nose.
[Mar 20,2010 11:05am - RichHorror ""]
I am the attacker. Kill the white cracker. He is the enemy.
[Mar 20,2010 12:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 20,2010 12:20pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
where is NIGGER in all this
[Mar 20,2010 12:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 20,2010 2:05pm - immortal13 ""]

anonymously%20anonymous said:Hi, it's the "nazi" again, I never knew about this site until my g/f showed me it. I can see that it's flooded with nothing but trolls and degenerates. I dont come here, I dont want to come here because I have better things to do with my time. If I really didn't have a life, I'd post pictures and "ROFL" at it like you guys are doing. Because that is the only weapon you idiots have, is trolling, posting pictures, act hardcore behind the keyboard, and just talking your shit. I'm not gonna bother to even come back and check for replies because most of you, so post all the pics you want of me because you dudes are just shit talkers, inputting pointless rants showing how anti-nazi you guys are but in reality some of you hate jews and races anyway. Since this is becoming an obsession, you guys are obviously gay for me, go ahead post all the pics you want because you aren't getting on anyone's nerves, not even mine. It takes a lot for me to get pissed off, because you know what? I already graduated High School, I am very well educated and open minded, I do not plan to go on these dumb ass forums and degrade myself to you morons. And Godzilla, I'm not meeting with you, you're just another degenerate behind the keyboard thats gonna get AIDS anyway. If you dont want to waste your time coming to my street, what the fuck makes you think I'm gonna put in the time in meeting with you in Chinatown?

This is my final post, Good day, and I hope you all get cancer, I wish you the worst.

I may be able to take you up on that cancer offer. I'll let you know in a few weeks.

anonymously%20anonymous said:
xgodzillax said:i live in chinatown, downtown boston. around the corner from the gate. beach street. come to my neigborhood with all your white power friends, ill round up some of my boys and we'll have a little boot party.

as for me being fat as fuck. yes, i am. do something. as for talking shit on the internet, its what i do. am i afraid to back it up? not in the least bit. yes, i listen to hardcore and i attend hardcore shows. now id be more than happy to fight you, ecstatic even, but unlike you, i dont live hidden. im pretty hard to miss actually. and also, its a pretty well known fact of where i live, i havent done so in awhile, but im not adverse to inviting people to the chinatown gate for a bout of fisticuffs. the funny thing is the fact that you would NEVER show your face to fight. and thats ok, youre just another nazi scared to reveal what he really is. if you were REALLY about a pure race, id urge you to pass out propaganda in dudley square, uphams corner, heath street (jackson square specifically), ashmont, mattapan, shit even DOWNTOWN CROSSING. but you wouldnt, because you're scared of what would happen to you. so until your balls drop, cease all communication with me. your idle threats are just that, idle. have a nice, SHORT life with your orcha of a girlfriend. who im sure, before you, had MORE black dick in her than the celtics locker room.


For the record, I'm not a nazi skinhead, It's not 1923 anymore and racism is pretty much dead. I may have the images. If you happen to see my myspace, have the common courtesy to read my "about me". I am going to cease communication with you, because I dont want anything to do with you, this whole thing started because you can't keep your mouth shut. But thats just your failure, not mine.

Can someone please remind me when racism died? Because I'm pretty sure I see it every day.

You sir, get a full fledged fail for just plain being a retard.
[Mar 20,2010 2:06pm - Archaeon ""]
this thread sucks.
[Mar 20,2010 5:42pm - Totalwar  ""]
You're all retarded
[Mar 20,2010 6:05pm - horror_tang ""]

RichHorror said:I am the attacker. Kill the white cracker. He is the enemy.

Take 5 Whitey
[Mar 20,2010 6:09pm - Sif|Dithyramb ""]
Wow, you faggots are still going? Why don't you just drop it already...it's getting fucking old already.
[Mar 20,2010 7:26pm - FROM ONE CUNT TO ANOTHER  ""]


Cool grammar, slime bucket. You should be ashamed of how you portray yourself, and your race.
[Mar 20,2010 7:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]


[Mar 21,2010 1:30am - Pork Funeral  ""]

Sif|Dithyramb said:Wow, you faggots are still going? Why don't you just drop it already...it's getting fucking old already.

The irony of someone going by Dithyramb calling others "faggots" is delicious.

The Greeks invented homos.
[Mar 21,2010 2:26am - xmikex ""]

Sif|Dithyramb said:HEIL HITLER!

I dunno. This homo makes a pretty good point.
[Mar 21,2010 6:18am - slarticus  ""]

xmikex said:
Sif|Dithyramb said:HEIL HITLER!

I dunno. This homo makes a pretty good point.

absolutely. what else are you going to do when a wild hitler appears?
kill it with fire? accept it to art school?
[Mar 21,2010 7:02am - clitler  ""]
[Mar 22,2010 12:07am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 22,2010 12:18am - Vagoo Vikernes  ""]

anonymously%20anonymous said:It's not 1923 anymore and racism is pretty much dead.

Racism (a word made up in the 1930s) may be dead but nationalism is rising again. You have turned your back on mother nature, and so now you will serve her. As will the world, as new racial and religious wars get us closer to the goal of 99% gassed.
[Mar 22,2010 1:16am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

Nazi%20troll%20hunter said:ITT: Nazi Zordon comes to the aid of his girlfriend coming to the aid of Beelze. I'll be waiting for Anonymously Anonymous to have a witty 5 paragraph response. And Nazi Zordon to start a sentence with an "and". Because that's how you start sentences.


[Mar 22,2010 5:25am - slarboring resentment  ""]
power rangers will play an important part in my new "NS pizza thrash" side project
[Mar 22,2010 5:46am - deadlikemurf ""]
[Mar 22,2010 7:16am - Yeti ""]
ITT: confused emotions.
[Mar 22,2010 10:35am - ouchdrummer ""]
what i don't get is asking someone to come to spencer ave in chelsea, and to look for "chris"...

lol wut?
That's the lamest challenge ever. I mean, i don't really condone meeting people from the web to fight, it's probably a bad idea. But if you're gonna PRETEND to be up for it, why not give a FULL NAME, a STREET NUMBER, maybe a DAY to meet on, or even a TIME to meet? Or how about just a phone number so that dude can make arrangements to "settle" things? At least Godzilla's in a band, and if anyone wanted to, they could find him easily enough.
[Mar 22,2010 10:38am - ouchdrummer ""]
oh and, good. Beelze sucks as a conversationist, good riddance.
[Mar 22,2010 10:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Beelze is the true face of black metal. Bring him back!!1
[Mar 22,2010 3:17pm - blessed offal  ""]

arilliusbm said:Beelze is the true face of black metal. Bring him back!!1

I think it was necessary, because although he'll be missed, he needs more time to create and expand the horizons of black metal as we know it.
[Mar 22,2010 3:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Is there any proof that the spammer was beelze?
[Mar 22,2010 3:21pm - brian_dc ""]
I came home to an IM from him saying that I need to get Rev to unban cinnamon bones at one point this weekend

I had no idea what he was talking about and went about my business.
[Mar 22,2010 3:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
He should have used a Russian proxy. Fucking newb!
[Mar 22,2010 5:03pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

brian_dc said:I came home to an IM from him saying that I need to get Rev to unban cinnamon bones at one point this weekend

I had no idea what he was talking about and went about my business.

ha! ha! you IM with him.
[Mar 22,2010 5:20pm - ancient master  ""]
one time marcus was gettin in a canoe in belcertown, and bryAn yelled at him "YOU CALL YOURSELF TRUE NORWEIGIAN BLACK METAL???????"
[Mar 22,2010 5:33pm - Beelze NLI  ""]
fucking faggot ass piece of shits I'm going to really slice all of you
[Mar 22,2010 5:59pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Dude just fuckin scram. You are fail.
[Mar 22,2010 6:12pm - Lamp ""]
I can't believe people are actually replying to this thread.

Go fucking kill yourselves.
[Mar 22,2010 6:14pm - blessed offal  ""]
i tried, but your wife, she begged me to stay.
[Mar 22,2010 6:14pm - BlackoutRick ""]
You just did.
[Mar 22,2010 6:17pm - arilliusbm ""]

Lamp said:I can't believe it's not butter.

Go fucking kill yourselves.

[Mar 22,2010 6:19pm - Lamp ""]

BlackoutRick said:You just did.

Unfortunately sometimes you have to be hypocritical in order to make a valid point.
[Mar 22,2010 6:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
Y so srs?
[Mar 22,2010 7:01pm - brian_dc ""]

AndrewBastard said:
brian_dc said:I came home to an IM from him saying that I need to get Rev to unban cinnamon bones at one point this weekend

I had no idea what he was talking about and went about my business.

ha! ha! you IM with him.

I pay for having my shit in my RTTP profile.

Like his predilection for coming on here, he seems to just contact me to tell me that he hates me.
[Mar 22,2010 8:12pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

Lamp said:I can't believe people are actually replying to this thread.

Go fucking kill yourselves.

[Mar 22,2010 8:19pm - Lamp ""]
Right. I don't know why I bother having an opinion on anything anymore, honestly.
[Mar 23,2010 7:27am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Mar 23,2010 8:05am - ouchdrummer ""]
people on the web have a tendency to not take anything too seriously. Which to some people, at certain times, annoys the shit out of them. It makes sense, most of the subject matter is straight dribble, but what you haters gotta realize is this: Relax, it's only the internet. Just imagine how much pussy you get compared to everyone else on this site. (of course i am speaking in general, and don't know for sure how much pussy each of you actually GETS, but even if you're not really getting it, just remember that you CAN get it.)

[Mar 23,2010 8:10am - arilliusbm ""]
All of the other forums that I post on I'm always serious. Rttp? Not so much. This forum is a free for all forum of idiots, nerds, junkies, and last but not least, musicians
[Mar 23,2010 8:15am - ouchdrummer ""]

arilliusbm said:All of the other forums that I post on I'm always serious. Rttp? Not so much. This forum is a free for all forum of idiots, nerds, junkies, and last but not least, musicians


And when people come on here and expect more, and don't get it, they get irritated with the lack of maturity on here. I say this:

Swim in the pool of inequity that IS RTTP, and let your Disease addled soul take a weed-nap. Good-day.
[Mar 23,2010 8:22am - arilliusbm ""]
So in other words, Lamp needs to flick his switch off because he's consuming too much electricity?
[Mar 23,2010 8:25am - Yeti ""]
in other words
[Mar 23,2010 8:27am - ouchdrummer ""]
no, i was just rambling. I got to take a bong hit of hash this morning. (someone left a nibblet of it at me casa.)
[Mar 23,2010 11:41am - xmikex ""]
by the way

Fat Nazi Zordon is this thread's miracle on ice.
[Mar 23,2010 1:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

xmikex said:by the way

Fat Nazi Zordon is this thread's miracle on ice.

Def need moar defeated RTTP troll Power Ranger shoops. Blackmetallady as the Pink Ranger.

"...'s horse", is the end of THAT sentence.
[Mar 23,2010 3:36pm - Lamp ""]

ouchdrummer said:people on the web have a tendency to not take anything too seriously. Which to some people, at certain times, annoys the shit out of them. It makes sense, most of the subject matter is straight dribble, but what you haters gotta realize is this: Relax, it's only the internet. Just imagine how much pussy you get compared to everyone else on this site. (of course i am speaking in general, and don't know for sure how much pussy each of you actually GETS, but even if you're not really getting it, just remember that you CAN get it.)


People say things on the Internet they would never say in person all the time. If anything you learn a hell of a lot more about a person by talking to them on a message board than you do in real life. People who tell another person to stop talking for voicing an opinion are letting their true colors show.
[Mar 23,2010 3:42pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Lamp said:
ouchdrummer said:people on the web have a tendency to not take anything too seriously. Which to some people, at certain times, annoys the shit out of them. It makes sense, most of the subject matter is straight dribble, but what you haters gotta realize is this: Relax, it's only the internet. Just imagine how much pussy you get compared to everyone else on this site. (of course i am speaking in general, and don't know for sure how much pussy each of you actually GETS, but even if you're not really getting it, just remember that you CAN get it.)


People say things on the Internet they would never say in person all the time. If anything you learn a hell of a lot more about a person by talking to them on a message board than you do in real life. People who tell another person to stop talking for voicing an opinion are letting their true colors show.

Ok so, i'm REALLY bored at work, and decided to try and read through this thread to understand the point you were making... I can't see anyone telling you not to voice your opinion. all i see is people being somewhat defensive when you tell them to
"kill themselves"


Lamp said:I can't believe people are actually replying to this thread.

Go fucking kill yourselves.

Just curious if i'm missing something.
[Mar 23,2010 3:52pm - Lamp ""]
I just can't believe this thread got a single reply, never mind 80 of them before I said anything. What would make someone open a thread started by this person? This dude's shit got old so fucking fast and I immediately started ignoring it. I figured most people here would have done the same thing as sure, we had our laugh. But beelze's posts were long past the point of being humorous and basically the joke was dead by the time this thread started. I guess most people don't agree. For provoking some outrage in me, I took it upon myself to shovel it around. I hope you got as offended as I did.
[Mar 23,2010 3:56pm - Lamp ""]
Oh, and in case it wasn't obvious either, my life has really been lacking substance lately if the fact that I've had time to analyze a message board says anything.

[Mar 23,2010 4:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lamp, it's quite the opposite. You learn more about people in real life having real conversations with them.
I say stupid shit on this board all the time because people like you have a stick up your fucking ass. Take a deep breath, live a little... Or gtfo and move down south again.
[Mar 23,2010 4:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I thought this was comedy gold, personally. Thread fully back'd.
[Mar 23,2010 4:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]
and I thought my comment about thinking about "getting more pussy than him" would get some laughs. Instead someone quotes it with seriousness. What's this board CUMING to. (haha)
[Mar 23,2010 4:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread needs moar lolcats
[Mar 23,2010 4:41pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i thought my "pussy" talk deserved lolcats.
[Mar 23,2010 4:45pm - Lamp ""]

ouchdrummer said:and I thought my comment about thinking about "getting more pussy than him" would get some laughs. Instead someone quotes it with seriousness. What's this board CUMING to. (haha)

Well, I wasn't referencing that part of the post at all... just the first sentence or two.

I guess people can be anything they want on the Internet though, but I guess I don't understand why so many people have a problem with being themselves. Whatever, not my problem...
[Mar 23,2010 4:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
no, i totally agree. I've said since i started on here that i was always confused when people said things online and then expected me to NOT take them seriously. (like someone calling me a waste of life... than proceeding to ask me if he could use my drumset.) I agree 100% with you on that, i just think you shouldn't let people being morons get to you.
[Mar 23,2010 4:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
It is my humble opinion that 87.4% of posters on this site are morons, - Including myself.

I may post a lot these days and chime in with a serious response here and there, but no one wants to be serious on this site. Take Martins for example. Kid was always serious. You troll him, give him a hard time an voilą! you have a more entertaining poster with personality. Sadly, he couldn't take the heat and barely posts serious threads anymore.
My take of rttp is there's no need to be serious on this site; it's a fucking joke. I don't come here for serious conversations, as the audience that posts here usually doesn't have anything intelligent to post. Frankly, that's what makes this board.
[Mar 23,2010 5:04pm - burnsy ""]
Fuck this. I'm just gonna go watch earnest goes to camp.
[Mar 23,2010 5:04pm - arilliusbm ""]

burnsy said:Fuck this. I'm just gonna go watch earnest goes to camp.

[Mar 23,2010 5:10pm - Lamp ""]
Yeah I agree with all this... I usually know better by now than to post serious shit on this board but this thread has proven to be a relapse. Mostly I just show up for the lol pictures.
[Mar 23,2010 5:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
The best serious board:

you won't catch me being "arilliusbm" there.
[Mar 23,2010 5:45pm - Lamp ""]
That board falls into the category of "would enjoy lurking regularly but would never create an account on" for me. Too much civility for someone of my crude demeanor.
[Mar 23,2010 6:32pm - pam ""]
...the fuck did I miss?
[Mar 23,2010 6:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 23,2010 6:41pm - pam ""]
[Mar 23,2010 6:43pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Mar 23,2010 6:49pm - pam ""]
I like that better.
[Mar 23,2010 6:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Supercunt Ritual

[Mar 23,2010 7:02pm - pam ""]
I just actually read this thread. You can all meet me at the flagpole after school.
[Mar 23,2010 8:42pm - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:It is my humble opinion that 87.4% of posters on this site are morons, - Including myself.

I may post a lot these days and chime in with a serious response here and there, but no one wants to be serious on this site. Take Martins for example. Kid was always serious. You troll him, give him a hard time an voilą! you have a more entertaining poster with personality. Sadly, he couldn't take the heat and barely posts serious threads anymore.
My take of rttp is there's no need to be serious on this site; it's a fucking joke. I don't come here for serious conversations, as the audience that posts here usually doesn't have anything intelligent to post. Frankly, that's what makes this board.


[Mar 23,2010 9:30pm - Lamp ""]
[Mar 24,2010 5:43am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Aug 21,2010 10:48pm - the wizard of western MA  ""]
aye boy what happened to this boy you have failed me for the last time

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