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all MA gun owners must keep the gun locked at all times now

[Mar 10,2010 12:08pm - arilliusbm ""]

I love how this state wipes their ass with the bill of rights
[Mar 10,2010 12:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 10,2010 12:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
keep in mind they granted authorities to enter your home when the governor declares a pandemic/emergency.

If that's not a sign of corruption (government is meant to serve the people, not bully the people) then I don't know what else to say other than DOWN WITH BACON HILL. We still have our right to form a well regulated militia for the security of a free state.
[Mar 10,2010 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 10,2010 12:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Technically, this isn't cemented yet, but it certainly looks like MA wants it to be.
[Mar 10,2010 12:26pm - ark  ""]
This is already law. Unless you have a LTC, a class A license permits you to store and transport guns but they must be in a locked container. The court decision simply upheld this.

I love this state, but MA has the worst gun laws, without a doubt, and that's why I don't have one yet.
[Mar 10,2010 12:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's a law that's being called unconstitutional, ¿no?
[Mar 10,2010 12:52pm - ark  ""]
anti-gun assholes claim the 2nd Amendment says nothing about state's rights in how gun control is mandated.
[Mar 10,2010 12:54pm - ark  ""]
and as much of a proponent of state's rights i am, this is something i wish the supreme court would pull the ban hammer on.
[Mar 10,2010 12:55pm - SkinSandwich ""]

the_reverend said:[img]

Haha, saw this episode on Monday night.
[Mar 10,2010 12:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
supreme court? who's that?
[Mar 10,2010 12:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ark said:and as much of a proponent of state's rights i am, this is something i wish the supreme court would pull the ban hammer on.

[Mar 10,2010 12:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 10,2010 12:56pm - Fist  ""]
boohoo. Who gives a fuck? Fireworks are illegal and so werent tattoo shops a while back. At least you have a gun but oh no it's in a locked box so the kids can;t get it and shoot you in the throat with it.
[Mar 10,2010 12:57pm - ark  ""]
haha...all i know is politics always ruins my outlook for the day. time for a lunch ritual
[Mar 10,2010 12:58pm - ark  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
ark said:and as much of a proponent of state's rights i am, this is something i wish the supreme court would pull the ban hammer on.


[Mar 10,2010 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I wish that the government would just go take aril's guns and no one else's.
can I vote for that.
[Mar 10,2010 1:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Fist said:boohoo. Who gives a fuck? Fireworks are illegal and so werent tattoo shops a while back. At least you have a gun but oh no it's in a locked box so the kids can;t get it and shoot you in the throat with it.

ITT: anonymous douche has hilarious views; film at 11
[Mar 10,2010 1:01pm - the_reverend ""]
they should shoot people with terrible tattoos. I'm gunning for MFR
[Mar 10,2010 1:02pm - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:I wish that the government would just go take aril's guns and no one else's.
can I vote for that.

Like ark, I don't own any yet. I plan on getting a few though; maybe I'll show up at your condo.
[Mar 10,2010 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
and then I'll hurl calvin peeing on a ford logo stickers at you
[Mar 10,2010 1:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 10,2010 1:12pm - ouchdrummer ""]

the_reverend said:and then I'll hurl calvin peeing on a ford logo stickers at you

where did you get a quantity of those sufficient for hurling? I object.
[Mar 10,2010 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
walmart? off the backs of texan's cars? I'm sure I'll find them.
[Mar 10,2010 1:18pm - ouchdrummer ""]

the_reverend said:walmart? off the backs of texan's cars? I'm sure I'll find them.

I only asked because i know a guy...
[Mar 10,2010 1:20pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

the_reverend said:and then I'll hurl calvin peeing on a ford logo stickers at you

[Mar 10,2010 1:26pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Bunk state is bunk. MA will never have fair gun laws. Too many people are scared of them due to a lifetime of being fed anti-gun rhetoric and watching Bambi too many times (reference anonymous douche above) Sorry dudes.
[Mar 10,2010 1:33pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

ark said:but MA has the worst gun laws, without a doubt, and that's why I don't have one yet.

Agreed and ditto.
[Mar 10,2010 1:38pm - arktouros ""]

largefreakatzero said:Too many people are scared of them
100% truth
[Mar 10,2010 1:45pm - xmikex ""]
un-enforceable law. no cares.
[Mar 10,2010 3:48pm - Fist  ""]
Hoser is still a cock sucker regardless of whatever anti-mass stuff he's going to post when he reads this.
[Mar 10,2010 3:48pm - Fist  ""]
Hoser is still a cock sucker regardless of whatever anti-mass stuff he's going to post when he reads this.
[Mar 10,2010 3:52pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Hoser hasn't even posted, faggot.
[Mar 11,2010 9:13am - Hungtableed  ""]
move to NH, that's what I did and I couldn't be prouder to not live in MA anymore...fucking place is for the birds.
[Mar 11,2010 9:25am - the_reverend ""]
ugh! yet another fucking masshole IN MY STATE!
[Mar 11,2010 9:31am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:ugh! yet another fucking masshole IN MY STATE!

[Mar 11,2010 9:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 11,2010 8:23pm - obandraz  ""]
[Mar 11,2010 9:08pm - quintessence_nli  ""]
summerize what this article means. I'm too lazy to read all this legal jibber jabber about a bleeding heart liberal pussified state. I just want to laugh at you ..
[Mar 12,2010 12:17am - HTR ""]

ark said:This is already law. Unless you have a LTC, a class A license permits you to store and transport guns but they must be in a locked container. The court decision simply upheld this.

A Class-A you can transport a loaded handgun on your person, or under your immediate control, w/o being in a locked container. I just skimmed, but it looks like they didn't change anything that was not already "law" here in the Peoples Republic of Cambridge... err... Massachusetts.

However, if the Constitution dose not apply here, do we need to pay income tax?

In other news Wyoming's Governor just signed a sovereignty resolution:

[Mar 12,2010 3:57am - deadlikemurf ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:
ark said:but MA has the worst gun laws, without a doubt, and that's why I don't have one yet.

Agreed and ditto.

thirded.. as soon as i have the opportunity i'm fucking out of this state for good... VT or Maine. Can i sleep in your guest trailer, Hoser?

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