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Christina vs. Kelly Osbourne

[Dec 30,2002 4:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
World Entertainment News Network

Feisty singer CHRISTINA AGUILERA decided to deal with KELLY OSBOURNE's constant taunts about her directly - by getting violent with the rock teen.

DIRRTY star Aguilera, 22, has long been a victim of 18-year-old Kelly's criticism and she most notably referred to the raunchy singer as "one of the most disgusting human beings on the world" in a recent interview.

But the two hadn't met until OZZY OSBOURNE's outspoken daughter walked into a Hollywood party shortly after the comments surfaced.

According to fellow revelers, Christina immediately dashed for Kelly and jerked her into a headlock.

A source tells American tabloid the STAR that a furious Christina hissed, "If you've got something to say, say it now!"

Normally brash Kelly was so scared that she couldn't talk and when Christina finally let go, she warned, "If you ever wanna tell me something, tell me in person!"

hahah, about time.

[Dec 30,2002 4:21pm - succubus ""]
i think my man said it best when he called Christina Uglyera "A disease"
[Dec 30,2002 5:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
so you'd pass this up? :shocked:

[Dec 30,2002 5:26pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, yes I would. she looks like a disease.
she makes me want to vomit when I look at her.
I have something much better than that.

on a side note, I would love to see the disease make that moron osbourne cry. Can we put kelly osbourne's music on a list of terrorists? I heard one of her cover songs once and I never wanted to be terroristed by her ever again.
[Dec 30,2002 7:15pm - xbandnamex ""]
I can totally see why you'd want to go for Kelly Osbourne instead of Christina. I mean come on, Kelly has like... such cool hair!!! And her body is more realistic and thats what is attractive... beautiful chubby bodies.

Errrrrrrrrr wait. Anyone in their right mind would push Kelly off a cliff and go dick down that hoe Christina, nappy weave or not!
[Dec 30,2002 7:32pm - Rj KSDC  ""]
while kelly is the kinda girl you would take home to your mom christina is more of the girl you would donkey punch
[Dec 30,2002 8:02pm - xScottx ""]
give me Christina any day she might be fake and not be the best looking chick in the world but her or Kelly (i cant sing and im fat and ugly) Osborne is no contest
[Dec 30,2002 8:19pm - Rj KSDC  ""]
yea i would pick auguilera over kelly , kelly freaks me out she looks like a gremelin, and shes probably horrid in the sack
[Dec 30,2002 8:22pm - attnwhore ""]
yes but both would probably give you an STD, so either way, you lose, well unless you wear a rubber i guess.
[Dec 30,2002 8:26pm - doug in fits  ""]
I would be all like "double it up you bitch".
and then I would make Christina munch Kelly's Jelly rolls.
after I glazed that ham.
wait, isn't Kelly 16?
[Dec 30,2002 8:53pm - Rj KSDC  ""]
yea who needs rubber all about the bare back
[Dec 30,2002 11:26pm - xmikex ""]
"i never wear a fuckin rubber and i never will
i won't let the bitch use a diaphragm or a birth control pill
cuz im not a coward, i've got balls
if the bitch gets pregnant i'll just shove her down a flight of stairs
i put my dick in bare......

i'm not afraid of an STD
i'm not afraid of HIV
I don't care if I get AIDS I've got nothing to live for anyways
Cuz i'm not a pussy, I'm not a faggot
if i get AIDS i just don't fucking care
i put my dick in bare."
- The Ranchous Brothers.
[Dec 31,2002 12:21am - cody ""]
wow mike youve just become my new hero.

if the kid isnt dead after the stairs...use a coathanger\m/
[Dec 31,2002 6:46am - Rj KSDC  ""]
yea a fish hook proved effective once before, i think it was because it had the barbs on it
[Dec 31,2002 8:49am - xbandnamex ""]
Those last two were horribly uncreative.
[Dec 31,2002 2:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
talk about sucking the PP.

[Jun 16,2003 9:23pm - okay  ""]
kelly is so much better then Christina. Christina is the worst person ever and Kelly atleast doesn't parade around acting like a slut. Christina should burn in hell
[Jun 16,2003 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]
They both suck. and this should end the debate.
[Jun 16,2003 11:00pm - joostin ""]
EW! the third one down is utterly frightening! EWEWEW!!!
like a mixture of jackie brown and the meg hag from the movie Legend
[Jun 16,2003 11:13pm - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""]
Baguilera is a pump-pig. she bangs niggiz and anything else with "flava", but avoids white's. disease ridden sperm depository. you see now why she's got that spare tire........its from being filled with the Ebonic Plague. cumwhore. its funny too, i noticed she has niglet legs. next time you get a chance to see her legs, youll also notice she has buck nigga stems. fuckin slag. must be from chasin after all those dark dinky's.

on the other hand, Kelly Osbourne is a foul-mouthed shitbag spoiled brat, whom i would never bring home to my mother. i just assume punch her in the face. Kelly Osbourne......she's a guy. tree stump legs and all.

spray the world with bullets.
[Jun 17,2003 2:49am - Bub  ""]
Holy Shit!!! Your glory days are ovah honey... Time ta induct ya into the slam pig hall of fame and the used up crew... That son is what you call "blown apart".:middlefinger:
[Jun 17,2003 3:24pm - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""]
yup, she's forever a member of the U.U.C.. howlskank. ill send her a GAP sweatshirt asap.

"Jews are like locusts, time to spray"
[Jun 18,2003 3:58am - ianburial ""]
Yeah..like those pictures haven't been altered.
[Jun 18,2003 10:45am - Christina  ""]
"I am beautiful, no matter what they say"
[Jun 18,2003 11:25am - easyed_69 ""]
Man....if those pics are real, than she sure as hell got some jelly rolls.
[May 20,2004 12:24am - VAGINAL JESUS CATHEDRAL  ""]
Once you go black you dont go back to not having aids!!!!
[May 20,2004 12:31am - powerkok ""]
hey 2002 called they want their god damned idiot back.
[May 20,2004 1:03am - Dreaded_Silence ""]
holy shit...are those pics real? she really let herself go!
[May 20,2004 9:03am - succubus ""]
yes those pics were real and she did let herself go she was eating fast food and junk all the time a friend was supposed to fly out to california to take pics and they told him not to they put her on a diet and he went like 8 months later she looks good now
[May 20,2004 11:54am - morkul ""]
I can't see how anyone would find Christina attractive. That is just ridiculous. All bones and skin....eeeewwwwwww. Those pictures, holy shit.. she is on her way to be fat, just like Judd Nelson explained to us all so gracefully in "The Breakfast Club".........
[May 20,2004 1:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
kelly osbourne is pretty nasty as well.

[May 20,2004 4:31pm - neoclassical ""]
Kelly Osbourne = 1/2 Jew
Courtney Love = 1/2 Jew


[May 20,2004 7:42pm - Abbath ""]
kelly osbourne is the one of the worst females ever
i wished christina shot her then i'd respect her more
[May 21,2004 1:07am - hoser ""]
I'd pork both of their fat asses......hell I would have buttsex with them if they would just...give me...some...smack....

I need smack soooo bad....oooohhh give me smack...
[May 21,2004 3:10pm - retzam ""]

Isn't it weird how next to Kelly Osbourne, Avril Lavigne looks like a fucking knockout?
[May 21,2004 3:21pm - Abbath ""]
HAHAHAHAHAH ya i wasn't going to say anything, but now that some else agress...
[May 21,2004 3:26pm - retzam ""]
[May 21,2004 8:15pm - powerkok ""]
i wouldnt fist kelly with retzams booted foot.
[May 21,2004 8:18pm - silky ""]
I'd stick odd shit up her ass like candles and ozzfest t-shirts if I had enough pabst in me.
[May 21,2004 8:37pm - powerkok ""]
nuthin a pbr cant justify.
[May 21,2004 9:12pm - retzam ""]
powerkok said:i wouldnt fist kelly with retzams booted foot.

That's only because I'd run the fuck away before you could.

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