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Im out of my mind

[Apr 16,2004 2:02pm - darkone535 ""]
I had a root canal and 2 teeth pulled today and i was in a little pain took a Vicadin and 2 hours later took anottherone and i cant stop staring at my computer screen.... wow ..... this is Davyp by the way
[Apr 16,2004 2:06pm - the_reverend ""]
you need to drool out some blood clots.
[Apr 16,2004 2:08pm - darkone535 ""]
no thanks that hurst to much, rev saw you at the CC show last night, you looked nice in you maroon sweatshirt.... and great pics by the way
[Apr 16,2004 2:13pm - the_reverend ""]
it was a 'fucked company' hoodie.
[Apr 16,2004 2:14pm - succubus ""]
that i had washed..
[Apr 16,2004 2:56pm - Siberia ""]
Davy, I hear you man. I had my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago (which was a relief cause they were infected and causing a ton of pain) but once they were out I popped 2 Vics, then just laid on my couch amazed at how much "stuff" was on my ceiling! I was still pretty numb and I was drooling blood all down into my beard and eventually through it down to my neck. That's when I realized what I was doing. I sat up and my gf was like holy shit, you're drooling ton of blood. Pretty Rad. My band at the time had a show the next night, I was good to go by then.
[Apr 16,2004 4:34pm - darkone535 ""]
Siberia said:Davy, I hear you man. I had my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago (which was a relief cause they were infected and causing a ton of pain) but once they were out I popped 2 Vics, then just laid on my couch amazed at how much "stuff" was on my ceiling! I was still pretty numb and I was drooling blood all down into my beard and eventually through it down to my neck. That's when I realized what I was doing. I sat up and my gf was like holy shit, you're drooling ton of blood. Pretty Rad. My band at the time had a show the next night, I was good to go by then.

Thats funny... my GF parents come up to work on our house when the girlfriend are at work and today they came up, i was sitting at the computer and they came in and i was flying and had no idea that my face and mouth were covered in blood, drooling down my chin all loopy on the pills..... god i felt like a invalid when i realized that i had drooly saliva blood all over me.... and they didn't say a word about it..... My fucking face is killing me
[Apr 16,2004 6:06pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
darkone535 said:I had a root canal and 2 teeth pulled today and i was in a little pain took a Vicadin and 2 hours later took anottherone and i cant stop staring at my computer screen.... wow ..... this is Davyp by the way

thats nothing... i had 5 teeth yanked at once (4 of which being impacted wisdom teeth) and i never took a painkiller... i just sold them ;)
[Apr 17,2004 3:10am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i just hope you don't get dry socket. that fucking sucks ass. i had
mine pulled last march and when i had to get the sockets packed
with gauze and shit it hurt so bad i screamed with the dentists
hands in my mouth. good times.

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