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Papua New Guinea bans booze in tribal lands

[Feb 24,2010 10:06am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

I guess they banned booze in some part because they are blaming it on tribal warfare.

I also heard on NPR Russia is planning on taxing the shit out of booze to curb alcoholism
[Feb 24,2010 10:20am - arilliusbm ""]
I'll be quite honest: I could care less about the tribes of Papua New Guinea and the alcohol wars. There's more important stuff going on in the world.
.. and to think, I've fapped to a nude Papua New Guinea broad in National Geographic once.
[Feb 24,2010 12:37pm - Lamp ""]
This is really going to help out the killer straight edge scene in Papua New Guinea a lot. POSITIVE OUTLOOK!

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