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attn: retzam - digi-cam

[Apr 15,2004 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
a pretty good deal.
[Apr 15,2004 5:41pm - retzam ""]
Oooooo, that does appear to be a good deal. I don't know though, I was really hoping to keep it really really really cheap, $100 bucks or lower. But now that this one has come along, I might change that. Who knows. I will add it to my bookmarks with the rest of them.
[Apr 15,2004 5:45pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... a little more for a better camera.
[Apr 15,2004 6:28pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, I know, that is the only reason I am considering it. There is a much bigger increase in quality than there is in price. But still, I am only getting a camera so I can have something to take pictures with. That was the stupidest sentence I have ever wrote. But you see what I mean? I am not a photographer, I just want to take some goddamn pictures!!! I will consider it along with the other one you suggested and the two Carina suggested. They all seem good enough to consider.
[Apr 15,2004 6:55pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
the_reverend said:ok... a little more for a better camera.

you can get one of those disposible Kodak cameras.
[Apr 15,2004 7:14pm - retzam ""]
I am sick of those. Those are the cameras I usually use. I want something that will last and that I can take a picture and put it on my computer.
[May 10,2004 4:57pm - the_reverend ""]

3.2MP camera for $135
[May 10,2004 5:10pm - succubus ""]
josh....you were looking for one too
[May 10,2004 6:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
Yes ma'am. What do you call the feature that illuminates where your shooting? Rev and Tom have it. I'd like that on it. Not looking to pick anything up til July or September. I still have many things to learn and pratice.
[May 10,2004 9:01pm - retzam ""]
Thanks for another option rev, but I have decided to hold off on a digital camera for a little.

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