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I love all you guys.... RTTP Appreciation Thread

[Apr 15,2004 1:41pm - davyp ""]
I sit here hating my job so much and all day i watch, read and type on this site and I have a great time doing it.. This sight I can honsetly say gets me through the daily grind..... Thank you every one.... and feel free to call me what you want and I dont care... :pukeface:
[Apr 15,2004 1:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
shut up asshole
[Apr 15,2004 1:43pm - davyp ""]
thanks Joe
[Apr 15,2004 1:46pm - morkul ""]
I do the same thing. In between picking orders for the mechanics and customers etc., I am on here talking to yall. It helps me get through the day as well. That and doing homework at the sametime.
[Apr 15,2004 1:51pm - davyp ""]
Right on Morkul......
[Apr 15,2004 1:52pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
its all about RTTP in web page design for me.
[Apr 15,2004 1:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hate this message board, i only come here as a form of self punishment because I hate myself too
[Apr 15,2004 1:53pm - davyp ""]
Your just a barrell of sunshine aren't you Joe.....
[Apr 15,2004 2:11pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I hate this message board, i only come here as a form of self punishment because I hate myself too

don't worry, we hate you too joe.


that cd has nothing to do with anything.
[Apr 15,2004 2:32pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I am pretty awesome.
posting useless links and horrid news.
go me!
[Apr 15,2004 2:35pm - davyp ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, I am pretty awesome.
posting useless links and horrid news.
go me!

3 cheers for the REV, horay, yeppie...... yes you are
[Apr 15,2004 3:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Apr 15,2004 3:26pm - retzam ""]
That was one cheer! you forgot the "hip hip" part.
[Apr 15,2004 4:14pm - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, I am pretty awesome.
posting useless links and horrid news.
go me!

all of this while conducting sermons. is there anything you can't do?
[Apr 17,2004 4:47am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 17,2004 4:47am - the_reverend ""]
wait, turn girls straight.
[Apr 17,2004 5:01am - Kalopsia ""]
but you CAN turn them gay, which in itself is an accomplishment.
[Apr 17,2004 5:04am - anonymous  ""]
not everyone on here rocks, esp a girl who is married but flirts and has cyber sex with guys from the board, i'd say she is full of shit
[Apr 17,2004 9:48am - tbone_r ""]
as the anonymous poster chimes in...
[Apr 17,2004 2:43pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Word up davyp
[Apr 17,2004 3:43pm - anonymous  ""]
hey anon: maybe she just doesn't dig the idea of a guy with no job that still lives with his parents and whines 'cos he's always sick. i'd say he needs to get a fucking life and move on.
[Apr 17,2004 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, I am pretty awesome.
posting useless links and horrid news.
go me!

I agree.
[Apr 17,2004 4:07pm - retzam ""]
[Apr 17,2004 4:23pm - succubus ""]
you laughing because he's quoting himself?
[Apr 17,2004 4:24pm - retzam ""]
Yes, but moreso because he is agreeing with himself.
[Apr 17,2004 4:46pm - anonymous  ""]
wow so you are defending her actions because of him? why doesn't she get out of the situation?
[Apr 17,2004 5:18pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah! cat fight!
wait I want in on this...
[Apr 17,2004 5:20pm - anonymous.. not the rev, I swear  ""]
what about all the ass-fucking and family-fucking?
you guys are all assholes and gay faggot internet tough guys.
[Apr 17,2004 5:21pm - anonymous.. not the rev still this is some one else replying  ""]
fuck you, that was once and doesn't matter cause I rock.
I'm going to claw your faggot ass no calling me after my mom died you asshole!
[Apr 17,2004 5:21pm - anonymous.. not the rev, I swear  ""]
maybe if you weren't so fat.
loose some weight lard ass
[Apr 17,2004 5:22pm - anonymous.. not the rev still this is some one else replying  ""]
that's it, you are sleeping on the couch tonight.
[Apr 17,2004 5:23pm - anonymous.. not the rev, I swear  ""]
fine I'll go sleep at my two moms' house.
[Apr 17,2004 5:23pm - anonymous and trust me, it is not retzam pretending to be th  ""]
GET OFF MY FUCKING BACK YOU FUCKING CUNT!!!!! I am so sick of all of you always fucking around with peoples lives!!!!! I'm not a fucking toy, I have a goddamn fucking soul you fucker!! Fuck you you little piece of dog shit.
[Apr 17,2004 5:23pm - anonymous.. not the rev still this is some one else replying  ""]
you fucking son of a dyke.
I'm going home now to pour water on your shit, fuck head.
[Apr 17,2004 5:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I need to take a shower.
I rule more after I shower.
[Apr 17,2004 5:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I love you guys.
[Apr 17,2004 5:29pm - Kalopsia ""]
this is great
[Apr 17,2004 5:33pm - succubus ""]
hurry up and take yer shower bitch!
[Apr 18,2004 8:35am - retzam ""]
Rev, we are all anxiously awaiting the continuation of this madness.
[Apr 18,2004 11:09am - assuck ""]
get back to the incest...

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