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we (BoE) need shows for june, july & aug

[Apr 15,2004 9:51am - subjugate ""]
if anyone is setting up some shows we're looking :nuke:

e mail dismalbio@yahoo.com

our web site is http://www.baneofexistence.com it has sounds and shit in case you have been hiding in a closet for the last few years and don't know who we are :shocked:

i'd also like to possibly get an all ages show cause my nephew wants to see me play :krusty:
[Apr 15,2004 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
I heard you were touring spain.
[Apr 15,2004 10:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I'll get you an all ages show if you can get your niece there
[Apr 15,2004 10:07am - subjugate ""]
the_reverend said:I heard you were touring spain.

news to me :skull:
[Apr 15,2004 10:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you should tour spain, just don't take the trains
[Apr 15,2004 10:10am - subjugate ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I'll get you an all ages show if you can get your niece there

i would have to kill you if you got within 2 feet of her
[Apr 15,2004 10:11am - subjugate ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:you should tour spain, just don't take the trains

um no

for one we cannot afford too
[Apr 15,2004 10:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am already dead

and I guess you don't want any all ages shows har har
[Apr 15,2004 10:20am - the_reverend ""]
"...Don't cry for me, because I'm already gone..." -barney gumble
[Apr 15,2004 10:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
make a barney gumble icon
[Apr 15,2004 10:32am - subjugate ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I am already dead

and I guess you don't want any all ages shows har har

i guess no then

[Apr 15,2004 10:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
shut up Jim
[Apr 15,2004 10:37am - subjugate ""]
anyway we still need shows for those months and hopfully an all ages one too somwhere in there
[Apr 15,2004 10:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I need to open my own club soon.
[Apr 15,2004 11:33am - soilworker ""]
would you guys be interested in playing in maine at all??
[Apr 15,2004 11:45am - subjugate ""]
yea if it is a weekend we can

we'd like to hit

me, vt ny and n.h.
[Apr 20,2004 8:28am - subjugate ""]
still looking
we cannot do any between june 2nd - 6th
otherwise we are free till aug
[Apr 20,2004 8:42am - Siberia ""]
subjugate said:yea if it is a weekend we can

we'd like to hit

me, vt ny and n.h.

Jim, I might have an opening on Saturday May 15th up in Burlington, VT, Raising Kubrick had to bail, actually everyone on the bill bailed on me so it's just us locals now! I'm possibly getting At The Mercy of Inspiration from Toronto, they're pretty popular up here. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get things squared away.
[Apr 20,2004 8:51am - subjugate ""]
i sent an e mail to the guys i will let you know when i get their ans.

[Apr 20,2004 9:18am - Siberia ""]
Sounds great!
[Apr 20,2004 9:29am - subjugate ""]

i know my singer will ask this
what club/hall is this gonna be held @
[Apr 20,2004 9:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Apr 20,2004 9:33am - subjugate ""]
i like it joey
[Apr 20,2004 9:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
check out the one for may 4th then
[Apr 20,2004 9:56am - Siberia ""]
Jim, the venue is 242 Main, all ages, capacity of 125. Pretty neat place, we've played there a ton, actually we played there with Skinless on April 3rd.

Joe, nice flyer man! We're really looking forward to this show, we won't be late like last time, I think we're actually planning on getting to town early to meet up with Carina to take some photos for us?!?!
[Apr 20,2004 10:04am - subjugate ""]
okies cool
i will let him know

joe you one messed up fella
[Apr 21,2004 1:54pm - subjugate ""]
[May 6,2004 1:05pm - baneofexistence ""]
still looking
[May 6,2004 6:44pm - BOE 666  ""]
if anyone has any openings that we could squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez onto we would greatly appreciate it

[May 9,2004 3:35pm - subjugate ""]




and looking
[May 9,2004 10:16pm - Wraithious ""]
I will be e-mailing you soon as I have an idea that I think I can finally pull off. I met some metal heads down here near the cape and one of them has his own cranberry bog on many acres of land, with a house with a cellar with band equipment and room for a band to play, I'm thinking if I can convince them to have a keg party there and I can scrape up money and hire you guys to play there, it would fucking rule and + maby it could probably pass for all ages as long as I can keep the under 21's from drinking. I don't see why your nephew couldn't go seeing as how it's private property. I will run this by them this week and get back to you if you's want to do that sometime this summer.
[May 10,2004 9:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I might have a July show for you guys, I will email you soon.
[May 10,2004 9:49am - krystal  ""]
mike from life at zero is trying to set up some shows in manchester real soon, if yer game let him know, or me whatever....
[May 10,2004 9:56am - baneofexistence ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I might have a July show for you guys, I will email you soon.

cool beans man i knew i can count on you
[May 10,2004 9:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Everyone can count on me, I am a pillar of the community
[May 10,2004 10:00am - baneofexistence ""]
krystal said:mike from life at zero is trying to set up some shows in manchester real soon, if yer game let him know, or me whatever....

we're game like i posted we need shows
[May 10,2004 11:15am - Josh_hates_you ""]
rent out club marquee and put on your own show in worcester
[May 10,2004 11:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
worcester shows don't do well, so I hear
[May 10,2004 11:38am - Josh_hates_you ""]
because worcester is full of scenesters that only go to fake metal shows and hardcore shows

i think worcester just needs a steady venue or a steady steam of shows, seriously when there is one random show a month put on by god only knows who at some club no one heard of and there is a flyer or 2 and no advertisement i am not suprised that the shows suck
[May 10,2004 11:43am - baneofexistence ""]
Josh_hates_you said:rent out club marquee and put on your own show in worcester

i would love to do that actually do you have an e mail contact to the place

what do they get to rent it?

[May 10,2004 11:43am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am only a Boston promoter because it's the only place I can promote in with flyers and such.

If someone wants to do Worcester shows then I am sure you could get some of the bands from the Boston area to play there.
[May 10,2004 11:49am - Josh_hates_you ""]
last i knew i think it was 400 for a weeknight but i could be wrong. i dont have contact info on hand but i know some people who might since they booked there before. who booked the inhume/asscendency/bodies in the gears show there?? they should have the info

murder in the first is looking into renting out that place or an american legion soon. they usualy headline small local shows and would much rather have BOE headline (they like you guys) problem is they are lazy and their booking guy is getting married and has no time for it so i might be doing it. i need to talk to them more about it all my biggest issue is $$$$ to secure a venue.
[May 10,2004 11:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Marque told watchmaker it was 500 dollars
[May 11,2004 1:46pm - baneofexistence ""]
$200 $300 $400 $500 thats way outta my range limit to front for a show

i suppose if i were to say have all the band playing contribute and equel portion to it and then take the door $ and divide it by however much the door took by the bands that'd work.

i never understood why one person or band should take the loss on their own!!! hardly seems fair to me and this way everyone has somthing to lose so it make em promote a little harder to get carcass' into the place
[May 11,2004 2:44pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
ill go in on a show with someone or two or three. maybe not there 500 on a weeknight. but an american legion on a weekend for 200 or 300 sounds right.

see how the asscendency show on june 2nd does at marque. go from there

i just talked to "D" from akela and he says he can get me the WAG in worcester i need to investigate rates. so right now murder in the first and akela want to play with BOE.
[May 11,2004 9:28pm - subjugate ""]
sounds like a plan to me

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