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Mar 19 (Fri) - ANAL CUNT, SEXCREMENT, FUKK, RAPE - Mos Eisley Studio (Everett, MA)


Mos Eisley (Everett, MA) - [anal_cunt][fukk][randomshots][rape][sexcrement][up_your_bucket]
[show listing]  _______________________________
[Feb 9,2010 3:31pm - Robing ""]
9pm 21+ BYOB.
[Feb 9,2010 3:37pm - Yeti ""]
Josh is going to jail? i thought it was Seth?
[Feb 9,2010 3:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm sure seth will be next
[Feb 9,2010 3:50pm - Robing ""]
Josh is going.
[Feb 9,2010 3:53pm - blue ""]
This will be the CD release for our new EP 'XXX Bargain Bin'
[Feb 9,2010 3:58pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
[Feb 9,2010 4:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Triple posting from jail ftw.
[Feb 9,2010 4:48pm - demondave ""]
what is the charge?
[Feb 9,2010 4:52pm - the_reverend ""]
caring too much. Loving too hard.
[Feb 9,2010 4:53pm - Sacreligion ""]
Josh goes to jail but Seth gets away with punching women in the face? Go banana!
[Feb 9,2010 4:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Punching women in the face has been decriminalized.
[Feb 9,2010 4:59pm - Sacreligion ""]
Most times the cops will just confiscate the women and send you on your way.
[Feb 9,2010 5:00pm - KPanzer  ""]
Attn-Josh! I lost Jeff's number.Seth has mine.I'm still down for jamming
[Feb 9,2010 5:19pm - slarmageddon  ""]

Sacreligion said:Most times the cops will just confiscate the women and send you on your way.

[Feb 9,2010 6:58pm - demondave ""]
I'm speculating that it is something very non anal cunt. Misfiled taxes.
[Feb 9,2010 6:59pm - Lamp ""]
I take it you guys missed where Josh said "I got pulled over on the way home from the Eyehategod show and let's just leave it at that".
[Feb 10,2010 6:48pm - robing  ""]
top for jail.
[Feb 10,2010 7:25pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I hope Mos Eisley is still standing after this show. I'm hosting an art show there the following night!!!
[Feb 10,2010 8:00pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Josh and cars are a BAD combination
[Feb 11,2010 12:38am - boblovesmusic ""]

Alx_Casket said:I hope Mos Eisley is still standing after this show. I'm hosting an art show there the following night!!!

good luck... you're going to need it... haha
[Feb 14,2010 11:56pm - robing ""]
[Feb 14,2010 11:58pm - immortal13 ""]
The building will proabbaly burn down after this.
[Feb 15,2010 3:02am - blue ""]
Flyer eh?
[Feb 15,2010 6:22pm - ugghh  ""]
yaaaaa gettting destroyed
[Feb 15,2010 6:23pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
What a lineup of "offensive" band names...


hahah i love it
[Feb 15,2010 9:13pm - umyeah  ""]
josh is going to enjoy the looooooong nights of sweet anal foreplay!
good luck buddy...I bet you'll be a PRO cocksucker when you get out!
[Feb 16,2010 1:42am - robing ""]
FLYER ASAP. I'll post it here.
[Feb 16,2010 1:51am - robing ""]
It's made e-mail me my comp wont post it I can send the print file too to anyone that wants to help! ammoniarecords@gmail.com
[Feb 16,2010 5:05pm - robing ""]
[Feb 17,2010 6:55am - thewarden  ""]
[Feb 18,2010 12:11pm - Alx at work  ""]

[Feb 19,2010 2:54am - rapers  ""]
[Feb 20,2010 1:38pm - robing ""]
[Feb 20,2010 2:02pm - dreadkill ""]

rapers said:bangers
and mash
[Feb 23,2010 6:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]
bump for offending mom when she asks what show you're seeing tonight.
[Feb 24,2010 7:30pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
FAKKK KHED....PanzerBastard are playing that Boston Rules OK Fest that night in Cambridge...
[Feb 26,2010 12:33pm - robing ""]
come after you'll still catch A.C.
[Mar 3,2010 10:55am - blue ""]
16 days
[Mar 4,2010 12:21pm - robing ""]
Holler at your boy this is at wellington stop on the orange line.
[Mar 4,2010 12:25pm - Gjosh  ""]
again ?? were wondering why do dont call !
[Mar 4,2010 12:28pm - Josh Ranfukk  ""]

KPanzer said:Attn-Josh! I lost Jeff's number.Seth has mine.I'm still down for jamming
COOL ! We might Jam sat again
[Mar 6,2010 5:07pm - Josh Cunt The HellDriver  ""]
Keith, you obviously cant do the 19th show but we'll get in touch. Learn Magic Touch, Tonight You Belong To Me, and All American Man
[Mar 7,2010 3:54am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Mar 7,2010 7:35am - robing ""]
Yeah bump big show
[Mar 10,2010 9:09pm - blue ""]
9 days
[Mar 12,2010 1:34pm - robing ""]
1 week now son
[Mar 12,2010 3:08pm - sever ""]
21+ is homo
[Mar 12,2010 3:21pm - robing ""]
all ages now
[Mar 12,2010 3:26pm - sever ""]
in that case I may be there
[Mar 12,2010 4:30pm - Alx_Casket ""]
betta naht bring yo kiiiiids!
[Mar 12,2010 5:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 13,2010 4:34pm - bitches  ""]
6 days ... Bitches
[Mar 13,2010 7:44pm - robing ""]
Coming up soon. This Friday let's party.
[Mar 16,2010 12:18am - robing ""]
This Friday see you alll there
[Mar 16,2010 2:01am - Josh Cunt  ""]
This will be the best of all the shows we've been playing around here lately. And FUKK is playing too!! Watch us delve even deeper into fucking up the Kiss catalog.

[Mar 16,2010 5:11pm - Jeff Fukk  ""]
Hey Josh still wanna jam Wednesday? Don't know if you got your phone back.
[Mar 17,2010 12:32am - Josh Cunt  ""]
No phone yet but I am totally into jamming tomorrow.
[Mar 17,2010 1:04am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm psyched for this due to the possibility that I will be bringing a date to this who has never been to a metal show before.

Alx's #1 life rule: troll harder
[Mar 17,2010 7:25am - Jeff Fukk  ""]
Cool, I'll be down there by 8 o'clock. I'll keep an eye out for you to let you in.
[Mar 17,2010 8:38am - the_reverend ""]
a date? what is that?
[Mar 17,2010 11:51am - Josh Cunt  ""]
Jeff, i will be there.
[Mar 17,2010 12:04pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 17,2010 12:17pm - Jeff Fukk  ""]
See you tonight Josh.
[Mar 17,2010 12:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll try to take some videos here too.
[Mar 17,2010 3:45pm - bitches  ""]
anal rapefukk cuntscrement
[Mar 17,2010 4:20pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Yeah Robin, I noticed that you had to recreate the event, I thought I was going through another deja vu episode.

I'll bring my camera and take pics of rev all night from the dark corner in the back of the room.
[Mar 18,2010 9:29am - timma ""]
Bump for future travashamockeries occurring in Everett
[Mar 18,2010 11:34am - robing ""]
2 dolla beeahs all night
[Mar 18,2010 12:04pm - PHILIP ANSELMO  ""]
Check it out man, two things y'all gottuh know about thuh kid heauh-
As of raht nahw, ah'm sobuh as uh judge
and numbuh too-If Ah wusn't , y'all ain't chawughin me foah SHIIIIIIIT!
Ah put my boy ohwun a numbuh one album............on thuh mothuhfuckin' DAY.....THUH DAY! it wuz ruhleased. Y'all know whut Seth said tuh me in way oauhf thanks?

..damn straight son, ahn' ah'm STIIIIIIILLLLLLL waitin'.
Ummoanyuh? pfffft, y'all just uh errand boy.goddammmmmmmmmmmn
[Mar 18,2010 3:14pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
FUKK practice last nite was amazing. Tomorrow is going to kick so much ass. The guy at Mos Eisley told me the Picnic of Love gig there was the biggest they'd has so far. Tomorrow will destroy that one.
[Mar 18,2010 3:56pm - Solipsist ""]
i wanna check this out so bad but i dont think my truck will make it that far :BANGHEAD:

hey josh, you guys play "sweet pain"?
[Mar 18,2010 5:59pm - Robing ""]
Biggest show this place will ever see. Wellington stop on orange line!
[Mar 18,2010 6:03pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Robing said:Biggest show this place will ever see until the art/horror punk show the following night

[Mar 18,2010 8:50pm - robing ""]
Go to this son.
[Mar 18,2010 10:30pm - Josh Cunt  ""]

Solipsist said:hey josh, you guys play "sweet pain"?

No, but thats a killer tune. Good idea. We should learn it.

[Mar 19,2010 12:18am - bitches  ""]
were gonna rape something
[Mar 19,2010 4:14am - Randy_Marsh ""]
might go to this..

..Hail AIDS!
[Mar 19,2010 8:25am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I should be in attendance for this.
[Mar 19,2010 3:00pm - Robing ""]
Yeah show up facebook deleted the event.!
[Mar 19,2010 3:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Wait, facebook deleted it? I'm out.
[Mar 19,2010 3:16pm - timma ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Wait, facebook deleted it? I'm out.

Likewise. Only facebook is real.
[Mar 19,2010 5:43pm - the_reverend ""]
hours away,
[Mar 19,2010 5:54pm - DOC MARTIN  ""]
[Mar 19,2010 5:56pm - Alx_Casket ""]
That image is gonna be a major obstacle when I update this thread on my phone drunk at 2am. So many conflicting emotions.
[Mar 19,2010 5:58pm - the_reverend ""]
you don't use the text version from your phone?
[Mar 19,2010 6:19pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

the_reverend said:you don't use the text version from your phone?

[Mar 19,2010 6:28pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Alx_Casket said:That image is gonna be a major obstacle when I update this thread on my phone drunk at 2am. So many conflicting emotions.

the irony is that you're going to be drunk on Manischewitz
[Mar 19,2010 6:56pm - the_reverend ""]
azn aaron just found out about it too. 1/3rd of my traffic is now through text.
[Mar 19,2010 7:55pm - the_reverend ""]
im waiting outside right now.
[Mar 19,2010 7:57pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 19,2010 8:05pm - the_reverend ""]
the pond is dried up. i need tinted windows so i can sleep.
[Mar 19,2010 8:47pm - the_reverend ""]
i ran through the latino gambit and made it in the show just fine.
[Mar 19,2010 8:50pm - the_reverend ""]
i am inside watching someone's guitar. not a very good idea imho. i want to walk around.
[Mar 19,2010 9:15pm - the_reverend ""]
havent seen alx and his "date." everything in this whole town is made of box cars.
[Mar 19,2010 9:56pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I just got back from my "date." She just laughed when I told her the names of the bands playing, but it went very well. She might be the one.

I just took a massive dump and I will be walking over right now with my camera bag and belgian tripel beer. I will be exploring this text version of the site soon, so many conflicting emotions right now...
[Mar 19,2010 10:03pm - the_reverend ""]
ac goes on at 2am?!? g'bye tomorrow.
[Mar 19,2010 10:05pm - the_reverend ""]
the #1 issue is that you are trying to date a girl. trust me so not worth it.
[Mar 19,2010 11:08pm - the_reverend ""]
up your bucket just finished. they were a cool mix of killslug/upsidedown cross noise and some early discord rock.
[Mar 19,2010 11:11pm - Alxnli  ""]
rev just blew my mind. so many conflicting emotions right now. yay text.rttp.com
[Mar 19,2010 11:36pm - the_reverend ""]
i think text.rttp.us works. if not, i will make it work when i get home.
[Mar 19,2010 11:48pm - the_reverend ""]
rape: as soon as they started, the first song they played was the one i liked from the main page. the singer (i think his name is sammie) has a very gruff voice which i dont think came out with the recordings. they sounded much better live. there was also a pit that lead to a huge party foul. but someone cleaned it up. i heard a foghorn go off as the bottle fell.
[Mar 20,2010 2:35am - Alx_Casket ""]
There were enough people taking pictures tonight so I figured fuckit. Here's one I took off my roof just a little while ago. Such nice weather.
[Mar 20,2010 3:41am - the_reverend ""]
just left. late show is late.
[Mar 20,2010 4:58am - the_reverend ""]
there is an image in the rape picture that foghorn is still trying to drink the beer that is no longer in his hands.
[Mar 20,2010 5:14am - the_reverend ""]
fukk is like the band that josh wanted to be in his whole life. I'm a power so I didn't know the songs, but he was in heaven.

sexcrement was excellent and then there were sex acts on stage.

anal cunt went on at 2:30am and there weren't too many people there. then they started and it ruled. late show but still good.
[Mar 20,2010 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
still so sleepy.
[Mar 20,2010 10:58am - foghorn ""]
I don't know how I'm awake. Has anyone seen my beer? I'm really glad that Anal Cunt ended up playing last night. That almost didn't happen.
[Mar 20,2010 3:58pm - tami ""]

foghorn said:I don't know how I'm awake. Has anyone seen my beer? I'm really glad that Anal Cunt ended up playing last night. That almost didn't happen.

Dude Tom's still asleep. Last night was brutal.

[Mar 20,2010 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
i slept 6 to 10:30 and then got forced into yard work. im going to admit the most pussy thing ever. i left this show and turned the wrong way like I always do. went back around the back or mos eisley and hit a huge dip in the road that made my car look peurtorican. here's the pussy part, I hurt my back doing that and it's sore today. someone please send viccodins.
[Mar 20,2010 4:20pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
wants to see pix ov sex acts!
[Mar 20,2010 9:41pm - Jeff Fukk  ""]
Great show last night, thanks to all who came. Had a blast!
[Mar 20,2010 10:33pm - craigory ""]
I threw up before I passed out. then I woke up and threw up again. Slept for two and a half hours tops. Then I cooked gross saute shit for five hours. Now, I'm drinking again and two bowls in. It's been a great weekend! FUKK completely ruled. Foghorn - your beer got smashed on the flo, 'membah?
[Mar 20,2010 10:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm working of the videos now.
[Mar 20,2010 10:56pm - the_reverend ""]
it was weird seeing jeff not singing with slllllllllloooooooooooowwww music behind him.
[Mar 20,2010 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
@stressffactor post pictures when you get them up
[Mar 21,2010 12:07am - foghorn ""]
Yea, those pictures are slightly incriminating. Oops! I blame the growler. RIP PBR 40.
[Mar 21,2010 12:30am - the_reverend ""]
it got raped
[Mar 21,2010 12:32am - the_reverend ""]
one minute it's there
and then it's not... but you haven't noticed yet.
and then... you notice.
"oh no..."
[Mar 21,2010 3:21am - blue ""]
At first I was like, but them I'm a foghorn.
[Mar 21,2010 4:14am - goatcatalyst ""]
Amusing pictures. Post pics of sex acts if they're hetero.
[Mar 21,2010 4:20am - blessed offal  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Amusing pictures. Post pics of sex acts if they're of Karen.
[Mar 21,2010 4:22am - Rapers  ""]
Jesus mentioning sex to metalheads is like throwing steak in shark infested waters.

just google vagina lots of sex acts with that one
[Mar 21,2010 4:25am - goatcatalyst ""]
Karen would have gotten down with the Alice Cooper Band in '75. Just sayin. Maybe Bon Jovi in '89. David Coverdale... at his convenience,
[Mar 21,2010 4:32am - blessed offal  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Post pics of sex acts if they're homo.

[Mar 21,2010 9:11am - craigory ""]
Foghorn losing his 40 pics are actually making me laugh my ass off. The floor was probably such a mess by the time everybody left.
[Mar 21,2010 11:11am - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 21,2010 11:12am - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 21,2010 11:12am - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 21,2010 11:17am - the_reverend ""]

blue said:At first I was like, but them I'm a foghorn.
[Mar 21,2010 8:15pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
All my predictions about this show were correct. It ruled.

Rev. you can read me like a book.
Did you tape the whole set? If so, can you post the song after Fuck Yeah? The other cock rock song.
[Mar 21,2010 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I filmed a bunch. Will link here when it'sup.
[Mar 21,2010 9:13pm - the_reverend ""]

"I just got divorced and it's awesome"
[Mar 21,2010 9:14pm - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 21,2010 9:14pm - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 21,2010 9:15pm - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 21,2010 9:15pm - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 21,2010 10:42pm - Solipsist ""]
FUKKing awesome
[Mar 22,2010 2:13pm - Rapers  ""]
Fukk Ya Fukk Ya
[Mar 22,2010 2:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
The madness that ensued the following night...
[Mar 23,2010 7:33am - foghorn ""]
I just heard that kid in Up Your Bucket busted his septum and went to the emergency room right after the show. So badass that he still sang the whole set bleeding.

Can't wait to bring more large beers to Mos Eisley. Anybody got a 40 koozie? I've gotta prepare for the worst!
[Mar 23,2010 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
you need a 40 armor.
[Mar 23,2010 10:23am - craigory ""]
At least it wasn't the growler.

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