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[Apr 15,2004 1:38am - Kalopsia ""]
[Apr 15,2004 1:43am - Terence ""]
yup, im pretty sure she works at Pizzeria Unos in Braintree. Joe, looks like we need to hit that place up soon.
[Apr 15,2004 4:24am - Kalopsia ""]
[Apr 15,2004 6:06am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
"I bet she gives great helmet. . ."
[Apr 15,2004 10:02am - Josh_hates_you ""]
if i feel tooth even once, she is gonna get 5 across the eyes
[Apr 15,2004 10:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
That top girl lives in Milford, MA. I met her before. Her name is Samantha Pepka.
[Apr 15,2004 12:30pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, great helmet and 5 across the eyes
[Apr 15,2004 12:35pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
ew is all i have to say.
[Apr 20,2004 6:45am - Kalopsia ""]

what's wrong with this girl?........... she's a he
[Apr 20,2004 8:45am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]




[Apr 20,2004 10:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh man, that looks like fun.
[Apr 20,2004 5:38pm - assuck ""]
[Apr 20,2004 6:01pm - morkul ""]
They lopped of her tits, gross. No tit lopping.
[Apr 20,2004 8:56pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
tit lopping is a funny phrase....
[Apr 21,2004 2:19am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Time for a poll...
[Apr 21,2004 6:12am - the_reverend ""]
I had a mini-lop bunny
[Mar 18,2007 7:14pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 18,2007 7:20pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
oh look its kraplopsia again i thought that she had her st00pid fill but guess what its clear that this big tooth buttsnail need another beat down in her face ok so go away now st00pid fat trout by go swim with your fish friends now haha look whos laffing now not you crybaby belchface haha bye LOL!!
[Mar 18,2007 7:41pm - the_reverend ""]
when old threads get bumped like this, I go like this :( cause it reminds me of all the people who don't post here anymore.
[Mar 18,2007 7:50pm - yummy ""]
I actually remember this one. I had no clever reply to the girls' face and tried to forget.
[Mar 18,2007 8:06pm - demondave ""]

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